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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix
Not that ghost shite again. :rolleyes:

Can't be any worse than that xbl shite and it has the added attraction of looking upon him as the disembodied soul of a deceased person.

StewartyMac just beat me on Tiger Woods. :(

Not my idea of a dream threesome but hey ho, each to their own.

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apparently -independence day- the only advantages aliens have over us is a kick ass force field and fancy planes. :rolleyes:

and to beat them we give them a virus and hire will smith. :angry:

its a piss poor film in terms of creativity frankly, but I bet the MTV generation love it.

Simplifying films like that in your head will spoil it though.

Much like saying that all that the Shawshank Redemption consists of Andy Dufresne getting jailed and then

breaking back out.

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Yeah people should have to pass an aptitude test to get to use the self scan tills. Not as annoying as the old people who clearly haven't used them before and have no intention of learning the easy way. It's not as if they spring up on you at the last minute, go away and talk to the wee woman behind the manual till and let me buy my food before I starve to death in the process.

Supermarkets should really look at ways of reducing stressful customer situations, it can't be good for their sales.

I Think there should be express lanes for alcohol.

A/ its heavy

B/ i need it in a hurry..

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I Think there should be express lanes for alcohol.

A/ its heavy

B/ i need it in a hurry..

Like the fag counter, excellent idea.

In continuation of my other PTTGOMN yesterday, the sports centre expects me to pay for the booking of a Fives pitch in full - despite not being able to use the pitch nor the service, or be unable to book events in there again. Apparently if I had given them 48 hours notice (which would have required time travel to before actually booking it) then I wouldn't have to pay.

I have no intention of paying.

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Who is the Gray Ghost? I've completely forgotten.

Anyway, I was at a party last night and we were all writing messages on the concrete with chalk for the girl who's leaving.

Her driveway is pretty much vertical with a gap between the slabs where hundreds of wee stones are placed.

Anyway, I was bent over writing a message when my foot slipped in the stones and I ended up on my belly sliding down this steep fucking driveway. Got a tiny wee scrape on my wrist, but it's one of those ones where it stings like f**k constantly.

Quite annoying.

Oh, I also smashed by balls against an open gate when I reached the bottom of the hill.

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Simplifying films like that in your head will spoil it though.

Much like saying that all that the Shawshank Redemption consists of Andy Dufresne getting jailed and then

breaking back out.

What IS a Shawshank Redemption?


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She will get bored, this is the voice of experience speaking! After the initial stalking of your posts, she will get bored and will forget all about it, in the way women do. That said, if she reads your post history in detail,well,the gray ghost is sure she won't!

Ah, good old P&B post stalking. Why on earth would anyone ever tire of that? :unsure::rolleyes:

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What IS a Shawshank Redemption?


Dunno, wtf is a Shawshank Redemption? :unsure:

Anyhow, on to things that annoy me - c***s on XBox Live, who simply quit the second you score a goal against them when playing FIFA or PES. It's poofy <_<

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Tomorrow, I'll sit the toughest exam I've faced yet and I'm absolutely bricking it. Far too much to take in and I'm not convinced I'm going to remember it all. For the first time in my life, I'm actually on the verge of panic before an exam.

Thankfully, I got a good mark in the coursework. The module mark is a 50-50 split between the two.

EDIT: Why does my second paragraph appear like I've hit the return twice when I view the thread? I've only hit return once. It appears normal when I view my post at the bottom of the screen in this edit too.

Edited by Michael W
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Thought i was on a good run what with having an excellent sesh last night, waking up this morning with no hangover whatsoever, despite having dealt with a litre of vodka, and several joints.

The run of good fortune is now at an end. My other half is in for her monthly "MOTT test", i've got work tomorrow, and i'm skint again.


On the plus side though, Airdrie, Newcastle and Boro all got relegated today.


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The Microsoft Word trial has expired and I have 2 assesments to hand in for Wednesday and Word costs about £30 that I don't have.

Bank holiday tomorrow so need to cram everything in at the libary on Tuesday <_<

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The Microsoft Word trial has expired and I have 2 assesments to hand in for Wednesday and Word costs about £30 that I don't have.

Bank holiday tomorrow so need to cram everything in at the libary on Tuesday <_<

Psst; torrents.

*cough, cough*

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