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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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That's two night's running I haven't had a BT Yahoo Broadband internet connection on my laptop at home. <_<

I've shut down the laptop and re-booted it. I've re-started the BT Hub. I've unplugged everything, plugged it all back in and still no internet connection. I even clicked on the 'Diagnostic Self-Help' icon and it tells me there's nothing wrong! AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!! :angry::angry:<_<:(

I assume it's wireless internet you have? You might've pressed the button on your laptop which stops receiving the wireless signal. I did this once, and it took me about half an hour to figure out what was wrong. I felt like a moron.

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I assume it's wireless internet you have? You might've pressed the button on your laptop which stops receiving the wireless signal. I did this once, and it took me about half an hour to figure out what was wrong. I felt like a moron.

More like you had to ask your big brother what you'd done wrong :P

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Not that it's any help, but we've had the usual influx of Summer Season Security Search Staff starts. Fuck me but it's painful having to explain the difference between a visitor and someone under UKBA escort, one of which requires a Visitor's Pass and the other that doesn't!

One newby lost the plot as I was halfway through trying to explain the ins and outs to her of why the interpreter had a Visitor's Pass but the Interviewee was under my arrest so therefore didn't need one and yelled at me 'I'm still doing training you know'. Well, yes. I'm just giving you some on the job experience now but it's really not penetrating the lipstick, mascara and foundation cream mask that's covering up what purports to be the flicker of intelligence that was sufficient to get you this job, which is only one step up from an ASDA checkout clerk, in the first place FFS you empty headed bint! :angry:<_<

And rest......

Don't feel bad MEADOWXI - these things have to be done. It's for their own good. Tell you what though, if she's really that bad, offer that workshy tosser Skoubo the job! :ph34r::lol:;);)

Your newby and the one here sound like twins - I am beginning to think that if I go to the library and get out a book of blonde jokes it will be pictures of her attempting to work. Yes without casting general aspertions she is a blonde :lol:

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It was indeed. Pretty dull affair all in all. None of the editors from the newspapers could be bothered turning up, so the course leader from Cardonald College handed out most of the awards.

You been before?

That's a shame, used to be a fairly big event. I've not been no, my girlfriend was on the Cardonald course a few years ago, Martin is a sound guy, really good laugh so quite disappointed for him that none of the editors could be arsed showing up.

Did Scott Gray, Rob Moore or Bryan Copland win anything?

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I assume it's wireless internet you have? You might've pressed the button on your laptop which stops receiving the wireless signal. I did this once, and it took me about half an hour to figure out what was wrong. I felt like a moron.

Yes it is and thanks, I'll give that a try - depending on whether I can find which is the wireless signal button thingy or not! :(

Yes without casting general aspertions she is a blonde :lol:

:ph34r: Does she look like she's just walked out of an Avon catalogue as well? ;)


:lol::lol: It wasn't even as exciting as that. It was to do with the recycling strategies in place, the 'do not dump waste foodstuffs in paper recycling bins' and fire evacuation safety procedures.

I might have run there, I staggered back in a torpor of ennui! :(

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That's a shame, used to be a fairly big event. I've not been no, my girlfriend was on the Cardonald course a few years ago, Martin is a sound guy, really good laugh so quite disappointed for him that none of the editors could be arsed showing up.

Did Scott Gray, Rob Moore or Bryan Copland win anything?

Scott Gray was nominated I think. Don't notice the other two names.

Caley/Cardonald pretty much swept the board.

I've met Martin before because I went for cardonald's course because I was getting a bit desperate in trying to find a course, but caley took me on so I didn't take it. He seemed pretty sound, and his speeches were pretty funny, despite doing 5/6 of them.

It was pretty packed but just a bit dull. I'm just bitter cause I lost.

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Guest The Phoenix
Supposed to be playing football down at KHS in 3 minutes, but i've no way of getting there.

Surely not a problem if you only live 2 minutes away? :unsure:

Well I suppose it is now, sorry I didn't come up with this idea 4 minutes ago. :(

Edited by The Phoenix
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That fucking "Fox's bis-quits" advert. :angry:

How can you not like Lenny? What a pandaramic legend he is. I agree with the ealier poster, I despise the Muller advert "Got my berries got my cherries" advert. The fact that it is being played on the radio every 15 minutes does my box in too. Oh and another thing, radio adverts - the same adverts over, and over and OVER AGAIN all day every day. GRRRRR :angry:

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