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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I admire your honesty. Takes a brave man to admit that they would smack a woman.

If someone hits me, I hit them back regardless of who they are. This particular specimen's behaviour in the 5 minutes I saw her was so annoying I'd have made sure it was a bloody hard punch as well.

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It was the Loft. I might be stupid but i'm not stupid enough to say that in the Ice Factory. :P

Hmm.. I don't think the Loft is any better :P

No way! The guy was trying to be a smartarse by asking her a pathetic question - and she answered it pretty well I think.

If I'd been there I'd have held her coat while she battered the weedy ned. :D

Oh come on.. the girl over-reacted. Most girls would just tell the guy to f**k off and walk away.

Edited by Honest Saints Fan
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I admire your honesty. Takes a brave man to admit that they would smack a woman.

No it doesn't. If the situation is correct then, f**k aye, go for it. I'm not a violent person in the slightest, but if a girl stubs out a fag on my face, they're getting a punch.

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It's a tricky one mate. I think it's safe to say we've all been there where we just freeze in that situation, even more so if you really like this girl DHD. It's easier said than done, but if you see her a lot at work and there is an opportunity then go for it. You don't have to even 'chat her up', if you've never spoken to her before just say something like "I've seen you around but I've never actually caught your name...?" and it should flow from there. Even if it's smalltalk just now then it's still a good start. Just be lighthearted and pretend it's not a big effort, and of course just be genuine and nice. Don't try too hard or hit her with any lines just yet.

Best of luck, you'll be grand :)

That would make me look incredibly stupid, I work in a supermarket and we all have name badges :P

Just go for it die hard doonhamer.....

We don't bite :P

One did once, i had a huge mark on my arm for about 3 months afterwards! :lol:

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I'm sure any reasonable women who posts on here would openly admit that if they punched anyone, let along a man, in the face 6 times, they'd expect a gid ain in return.

Fucking love to see you try, "Mayweather".

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Hoi! I resent being called weedy. :angry:

I think it's a reasonable assumptionf considering you got beaten up by a girl.

Oh come on.. the girl over-reacted. Most girls would just tell the guy to f**k off and walk away.

Yes, she clearly did over-react. However, if you want to go around being a p***k to people sometimes it backfires. ;)

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I was out in Perth last night and I asked a girl if she had balls (silly i know) so she preceeded to punch me full in the face about six times. I stood there and basicly let her carry on with a half smile half what the f**k is she doing look on my face. End of the night comes, she sees me drags me to the side and has a go at me. I apologise and explain it's my friends birthday and he asked me to ask her. She is having none of it and preceeds to punch me some more. Whilst I am being hit her friend puts a fag out on my face. So I wake up with a bruised face and a blister from the fag.

So in conclusion my pttgoyn is mental girls in Perth.


That's fantastic. You should be put off asking women if they have balls based on this act of violence. Go out tonight and ask another girl.

Having dry skin during the summer really grinds my gears!


Yes boys, I moisturise. Fucking deal with it.

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Hoi! I resent being called weedy. :angry:

Weedy response: See above

Hard response: Would you like me to punch you in the face 6 times and then have my mate stub a fag out in your face?

I'm still enjoying the fact you counted the punches. Or have you just counted the lucky bag jewellery marks on your face?

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