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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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My teenage years are over, noooooooo :(

Hey, it's not the end of the world buddy! ;)

Happy birthday! It gets better from here, honest... :angel

That's not quite true - in my experience, its's all downhil from here! :(

Edited by Kilt
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WTF?!?!?! :huh: I was expecting a Wurzels You Tube clip....what a let down.... :(

Edit: I think I've sorted that out now,....but have no idea what has happened really!

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Kilt, do you really -truly- believe all that mumbo jumbo about making offerings to spiritual planetary beings? If you do, then why? Because that is one thing that science has successfully discredited. There is no planetary god. There is no need for incantations and offerings.

If you don't and you just do it for fun, why? Why bother with all the mumbo jumbo at all?

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Hey, it's not the end of the world buddy! ;)

It's just the end of an era for me, that's all. All the events of growing up and all that. The high school days, getting into uni, the nights out, first girlfriends the lot. Good times B)

Edited by Michael W
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Kilt, do you really -truly- believe all that mumbo jumbo about making offerings to spiritual planetary beings? If you do, then why? Because that is one thing that science has successfully discredited. There is no planetary god. There is no need for incantations and offerings.

If you don't and you just do it for fun, why? Why bother with all the mumbo jumbo at all?

Right, it's late on and I'm sunburnt (gloat opportunity) and actually a bit tired. However, as it is important to me personally, I'l try to explain.....

Yes, I do believe that if I respect nature and this planet where we all have to exist, I can make some small difference.

Yes, I do believe that if I respect people and the other animals/insects/life forms who share this planet with me, I can enrich them in some way, whether it be by giving some support or information or whatever, then that's all to the good. I had the privilege of a common spider crawl up my leg this afternoon. I held him in my hands and marvelled at the complexity of his structure and existence. He has a right to life just as we have.

The invocations, incense, candles, music, peaceful chill-out stuff is proven to lower the possibility of heart attacks, stress and all the other pressurised shit we have to consider. All I can offer, as another human being, is a non-judgemental, healing process - total relaxation, incense, candles, peaceful aura's and kindred, spiritual tenderness.

If you want to come and chill out at mine, feel free and I'll do my best to relieve your cynicism.

Failing that, I offer a morning invocation for you.....

A Morning Prayer

Oh Great Goddess

Bless this day

Keep me safe and whole

Oh Great Goddess

Bless my path

Help me to act on thy wisdom

Oh Great Goddess

Bless my family

All life on this Earth

~ Abby Willowroot © 1999

Blessed Be, xbl!


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Oh ffs insects spread disease and have no 'right' to live. If it were up to Kilt we'd still be covered in woad and dying of dysentry by the time we hit 3 months of age. Mankind's progress has always been acheived by subjugating nature and its stupid bloody animals to our own devices.

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