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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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The Gray Ghost some people will not have the skill at English that you have for a number of reasons (learning diffficulties, lack of intelligence, English being a second language etc). Thinking ill of them and not liking them speaks more about you than it says about them.

You evidently struggle with reading. That was MILES away from The Gray Ghosts point. In fact, the standard of English had very little to do with it. The Gray Ghosts point (which was reasonably well put The Gray Ghost thought), was that a few months back he was deliberately posting very, very badly, in such a way that half the forum mimicked it. Oh, and whenever he was picked up on it, he claimed that it was his dsylexia. Fast forward a few months, and suddenly he can type perfectly well in full paragraphs with real sentences.

And THAT was what The Gray Ghost was asking. Nothing to do with mocking his English.

Edited by The Gray Ghost
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It's hardly award winning English though is it? It is typed how a person would speak. His paragraphs are not structured correctly either. I fear for the people in Fife if that is what you deem to be acceptable sentence structure and paragraphs.

OK, it's not exactly perfect, but it's certainly streets ahead of:

sun is shining

irn bru is nice

happy days

BTW, G_Man, this is NOT a personal insult, simply a reference to your apparent change in posting style.

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Guest The Phoenix
And THAT was The Gray Ghost was asking. Nothing to do with mocking his English.[/color]

I believe you've missed a word out. :rolleyes::lol:


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Guest The Phoenix

Dammit! Why does The Gray Ghost always fail miserably in the most ironic fashion possible.

That's more like it.

Peace on Earth and goodwill to all G_Men. :D

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Why cant i say Irn Bru is nice? or type that way?

It is an insult as that is whom i am and i asked you to stopped and you carried on.

You're clearly not taking what i'm saying on-board, and simply reading what you want to see.

Achwell, nighty night.

1000th page post, and i didn't even mean it.


Edited by Money Mayweather
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Oh for f**k sake.

I go away for a few hours and once again I come back to a mess of a thread.

Someone said Kilt should step away from the computer for the next few days, f**k that, I think Div should take the forum offline for a week or two.

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Oh for f**k sake.

I go away for a few hours and once again I come back to a mess of a thread.

Someone said Kilt should step away from the computer for the next few days, f**k that, I think Div should take the forum offline for a week or two.

:o A tad harsh - I think all the car-crash stuff has enlivened the site and deflected from the 'who's managing who' farrago going on in the press! ;)

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