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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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She used to post on here. She's a bit like your fatter, uglier, older sister.

I remember reading something on here a while back about joozy harpooning her. It didn't really make any sense to me, but the language used made me laugh.

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Any man with a cock would shag her. Any man without a cock would finger her. Any man without a cock or fingers would head her. Yes, she is that good looking.

Couldnt have put it much better myself.

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At work we all take a day each to go out to the reception if any customers want a face to face chat. A couple of people were waiting and this lady comes in and asks for a chat as I brought the others through to the office. I told her to take a seat and i'd be with her in 5 minutes. She was in a wheel chair. I feel awful but i'm that used to saying it to people.

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We were just having a conversation about her. I think she's lovely, Adam claimed she wasn't, while trying to keep a grin off his face, so he's obviously trying to keep me happy. He eventually straightened his face to say that, while she's obviously not ugly, she's not particularly special. He also used the phrase "If you were to put her up against someone like, for example, Mythical Creature, I know who'd win that beauty contest". :lol:

I laughed at that post and got strange looks from my colleuges!

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BTW send me a pic of toots, Monster never did get round to showing me it the other night.

The wife was there, you've just had a baby and you've only just stopped being a mental. I didn't want to risk it. Fnar.

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Sharapova is clearly an attractive woman, but she's hardly outstanding.

Look at the lady baps, for example. Where are they?!?!?!

I agree with this chap.

She is a nice looking girl, but she's really not that hot, she's just got 'something about her'.

I'm really not a fan of skinny girls with wee tits, but she'd get it all ways regardless. I just love her because of her tennis :ph34r:

And with this chap also.

For her to be 'amazing' she'd need to have larger breasts. :ph34r:

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