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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm sure you can make some friends on here before kick off!

Nae chance! :rolleyes:

Mate at my going away party on wed. I wore this to start with (as a joke):


on top of that I cried twice, puked on the fussball table and tried to buy some 'controlled substances' off my good friend denisa who owns the bar as I thought she was completely someone else.

i do embarrassment very well.

I applaud your sartorial elegance sir! Although it's given me a completely different perception of you compared to your on-line persona! :huh:

Kilt thanks his lucky stars he didn't get involved in this thread last night, fuelled by cider and black sambucca's! :ph34r:

Edit: Got my 'did' and 'didn't' mixed up FFS! :rolleyes:

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What's the lifespan of a cold sore?

I've had one on my lip that seems to be disappearing, then gets a second wind, and looks stronger than ever. Had it about two weeks now.

I don't know TBH - just don't kiss me at the football this afternoon, okay?! ;):D

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Guest Dunc?
What's the lifespan of a cold sore?

I've had one on my lip that seems to be disappearing, then gets a second wind, and looks stronger than ever. Had it about two weeks now.

Teehee, herpes.


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Mate at my going away party on wed. I wore this to start with (as a joke):


on top of that I cried twice, puked on the fussball table and tried to buy some 'controlled substances' off my good friend denisa who owns the bar as I thought she was completely someone else.

i do embarrassment very well.

Jammy cnut. Smoking in a pub. :o

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I'm fat, I'm speccy, and I'm a morton fan. Fuxake, had I also been ginger I might as well have been put down at birth.

Well, I'm fat, speccy and ginger ( and PROUD I might add!) - Never thought that supporting Airdrie over Morton has been my saving grace all these years ! :P

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I'm fat, I'm speccy, and I'm a morton fan.

I did speak to you at the fives didn't I? I don't remember speaking to anyone of that description, although to be fair, I don't remember much of that night. Sadly there's nothing we can do about the part in bold.

Well, I'm fat, speccy and ginger

Me too! Well, I don't really need specks, just for the PC, and I'm losing the fat, which is a bonus. The downside is I'm going a bit baldy, so in actual fact, when I say "me too!", I actually mean "Ah. I'm relatively similar to yourself, but not enough to really merit a paragraph on a football forum".

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Come on Raith, if you manage to win this my coupon will be up and I'll essentially have a free night tonight.

You've come back from 2-0 down, so come on, one more goal isn't too much to ask!

Yay :D

I'm sure B365 are on the verge of closing my account. My bet-profit ratio there is now up at something like 75%.

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Yay :D

I'm sure B365 are on the verge of closing my account. My bet-profit ratio there is now up at something like 75%.

If only my success rate was similar!

Still, a decent start to the season gambling wise. I'm not really going to count last weekend, because I could barely see straight when I went into the bookies, so that's an unfair advantage right away.

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Share the wealth Fudge. Make a topic called 'Fudges betting tips' or something!

The 75% is only with B365. Every bet, almost without fail, I place there seems to win. My overall gambling % profit is something like 17 or 18% which is still very decent.

So far this season the 3 predictions I've made have been correct (Stenny v Clyde, Annan v QP and St. J v Stenny) although quite a bit of my profit comes from large bets on 'certainties' which probably is pointless for most people.

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Guest Dunc?

There was a minutes silence for Paul McGrillen at the Rovers game today, and I'm not sure I agree with it.

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't want a massive argument, and there's no chance I'd ever disrupt a minutes silence, but the man killed himself. A minutes silence, for me, is something that should be reserved for people who've died due to circumstances outwith their control. Cancer, and the likes.

I'm just not quite comfortable with the idea of holding that sort of respectful tribute for someone's who's taken their own life.

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There was a minutes silence for Paul McGrillen at the Rovers game today, and I'm not sure I agree with it.

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't want a massive argument, and there's no chance I'd ever disrupt a minutes silence, but the man killed himself. A minutes silence, for me, is something that should be reserved for people who've died due to circumstances outwith their control. Cancer, and the likes.

I'm just not quite comfortable with the idea of holding that sort of respectful tribute for someone's who's taken their own life.

Did he have an link to Raith? If he did then I suppose I can see the point, people at the club may still hold him close and it's a nice way to pay respect, but if this was all over the country then I'm with you here.

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