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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I don't know what has gotten into my son today, I don't think he has ever been this miserable before. Only sleep he has had since getting up at 7.30am has been a 20 minute nap this morning.

Maybe he hates us. :(

Growth spurt? Cal seems to be having one at the mo... I feel like a dairy cow!!!

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I will go to Macedonia because we still have a chance, unfortunatly after that we will go out and I will just be going to Holland to see players that can play abit.

We'll probably scrape past Macedonia 1-0 at home and Holland will be something like evens to beat us, which they duly will. 'Free money' as they say.

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Growth spurt? Cal seems to be having one at the mo... I feel like a dairy cow!!!

Must be something in the air, Ruairidh has grown out of alot of his 6-9 month clothes the last few days.

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We'll probably scrape past Macedonia 1-0 at home and Holland will be something like evens to beat us, which they duly will. 'Free money' as they say.

Which I and I assume you will have some of.

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Ive come home early in disgust :( Ive got tix for the next two games aswell.

I have comps to the next two games, glad I didn't have to pay for them. I'm only going to one of the two......maybe

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People who display stickers and signs in their car windows. 'Little Princess On Board' etc etc etc. Seriously, just f**k off <_<

And those people that still have the red noses attached to the front of their cars.

Red Nose Day was in March!

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every week my bird will ask if queens are home or away. When at home she always feels the need to ask what time the match is at, to which i'll give her a strange look and tell her 3 o'clock. How come its not on at 1 o'clock this week she will always reply.......


Edited by MONKMAN
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Idiots who wish to release Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi aka the Lockerbie bomber, a terrorist and mass murderer on the grounds of "Sympathy for his terminal condition" its the biggest joke ive honestly ever heard and any respect i had for our goverment and court is completely gone.

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every week my bird will ask if queens are home or away. When at home she always feels the need to ask what time the match is at, to which i'll give her a strange look and tell her 3 o'clock. How come its not on at 1 o'clock this week she will always reply.......


Women just can't comprehend that.

My last bird just couldn't understand that the Rovers were 3 weeks in a row.

"And you're playing football before it, AGAIN?"

Yes, I always have, and I always will, you silly, over possesive bint.

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Idiots who wish to release Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi aka the Lockerbie bomber, a terrorist and mass murderer on the grounds of "Sympathy for his terminal condition" its the biggest joke ive honestly ever heard and any respect i had for our goverment and court is completely gone.

And you happen to know all the facts about his case, do you?

My petty nag, arseholes who don't have a fucking scooby doo what they are talking about.

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And you happen to know all the facts about his case, do you?

My petty nag, arseholes who don't have a fucking scooby doo what they are talking about.

Whats up? you seem in a bad mood. Share with us.

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