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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I keep hearing about this 'pressure' put on them to be skinny. Where is the pressure coming from? It's certainly not from men in general. As far as I can see they look at a slim woman in their magazine and see this as a massive deal.

I read Four Four Two and the like and have never seen a picture of Cristiano Ronaldo and though 'I wish I was as muscular and well defined as him' (maybe because it's because I don't wear and earing and have a good haircut, which means I'm better than him anyway?)

dont think i've heard about 'pressure' being put on women to be skinny

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dont think i've heard about 'pressure' being put on women to be skinny


What rock have you been living under?

My point is that women should be a size 10 or 12 (give or take for height), just as men should be slim and relatively muscular. Just because hardly anyone is these days doesn't mean it's right.

(For the record, no I'm not slim and muscular)

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What are these emergency socks that you speak of?

I would like some. Do they have special, magical powers?

A bit like a lifejacket, they have a whistle and light for attracting attention. They also have a built in AM/FM radio and the ability to upgrade and install extra features such as a GPS receiver and a fridge.

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Details. Now.

It was just some massive burd who works at a Morrisons we were in that he said he'd happily shag. I cannot stress how massive she was.

And before he gets his own retaliation in......... On a walk from the campsite to pub two girls wearing pyjamas approaches us and asked for a lighter. They were of a very, very dubious age, but I happily provided them with one. As they walked away one mumbled to the other 'They're really hot' and then I wouldn't shut up all week about how much I wanted to pannel her.

I too am a bad man, but just in a different way.

Edited by Fudge
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