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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Quality *chirp* Dependent *chirp* *chirp* Signal *chirp* Classifi - *chirp* - cation. *chirp*.

It wouldn't have been too bad, relevant and reasonably informative, but for that fucking chirping mother fucker of a chirping camera. I was flinching each time he changed slide. It was 47 slides long! He even took photo's of the "Thank you, questions?" slide. Four of them! Thankfully, its finished now. I don't have to murder him.

Oh, and do these people think its funny to put the majority of the speech processing presentations in the only room with no proper fucking sound system? Clowns.

At the risk of sounding geeky though, I have been given a few new ideas for development, software I can use, new things to read and consider etc. etc. so its not like it was pointless. However, its fucking tedious and its a pain in the arse being sober through them. *chirp*

Just like your use of multiple internet 'personalities'. Haven't seen you in ASDA for a while, you still working there?

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Ha! :P:D

Believe it or not, but I was watching the Sign Zone very early this morning (3 O'clock - insomnia attack) and it was Rick Stein in the Asian sub-continent looking at all these marvellous Indian, Thai and Indonesian dishes, the vast majority of which were either vegetarian or fish/shellfish based. Lots of red onions, garlic, ginger, curry leaves, prawns, peppers, cardomum, cinnamum, lime juice and suchlike! :)

I was left with a bacon roll this morning..... :(

this is a cracking programme.

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Wasps. Little fucking fuckers.

My mate Stuart told about his mate Ted and his wife Annie last night. I really thought it was going to be a joke at first but it's actually true.

Annie was sitting on the toilet having a pee when she felt a tickling sensation then suddenly realised it was a wasp just at it stung her on the fanny. She shouted on Ted and told him, through her tears what had happened. Ted's mate Danny was round having a few sherbets with Ted (quite a few, actually, which probably explains the following bizarre conversation between the two old boys) so Ted said to him:

"Annie's been stung on the fanny. You're a plumber, do something"

"Do something? Like what?"

"I don't know, can't you suck the poison out or something"

"Suck the poison out. You're kidding me on. Anyway, you know my knees are bad, if I knelt down in front of her I wouldnae be able tae get up again"

"Well I could get her to sit up on the kitchen table then; you'd only have tae bend over then"

"Get tae ya daftie. What would ma wife say if she came round and caught me with ma heid between Annie's legs? Get soem of that Calomine lotion stuff, that should dae the trick"

So Ted stumbled round to the local chemists and in a very loud voice explained exactly what he wanted and precisely why he needed it - "If I slap a dollop of that on her fanny it'll mebbes ease the pain a bit, aye?"

He was apparently oblivious to the rest of the customers in the chemists trying not to wet themselves laughing! :lol:

Have you stopped going by Vectron!?

Stopo encouraging you muppet! <_<

I'm back on my phone again, so its as fiddly as hell to do.

Bugger - too late, by Vectron. :(

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My mate Stuart told about his mate Ted and his wife Annie last night. I really thought it was going to be a joke at first but it's actually true.

Annie was sitting on the toilet having a pee when she felt a tickling sensation then suddenly realised it was a wasp just at it stung her on the fanny. She shouted on Ted and told him, through her tears what had happened. Ted's mate Danny was round having a few sherbets with Ted (quite a few, actually, which probably explains the following bizarre conversation between the two old boys) so Ted said to him:

"Annie's been stung on the fanny. You're a plumber, do something"

"Do something? Like what?"

"I don't know, can't you suck the poison out or something"

"Suck the poison out. You're kidding me on. Anyway, you know my knees are bad, if I knelt down in front of her I wouldnae be able tae get up again"

"Well I could get her to sit up on the kitchen table then; you'd only have tae bend over then"

"Get tae ya daftie. What would ma wife say if she came round and caught me with ma heid between Annie's legs? Get soem of that Calomine lotion stuff, that should dae the trick"

So Ted stumbled round to the local chemists and in a very loud voice explained exactly what he wanted and precisely why he needed it - "If I slap a dollop of that on her fanny it'll mebbes ease the pain a bit, aye?"

He was apparently oblivious to the rest of the customers in the chemists trying not to wet themselves laughing! :lol:


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I still can't post a picture in a response on a thread. :(

An imaginary gold star for the first person to give me instructions that are then successful in me completing this task. B)

Right click on said picture (if you're taking it from another site). Click 'copy image URL'.

Next. When you reply, there should be an icon with insert image or something on the page. Right click, 'paste'.

Alternatively, take image and put [ IMG ] blah blah [ /IMG ] without spaces in the brackets.

Just make sure it has the tags outside it. Quote this post to see how.


Edited by GiGi
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