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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I just went for a pee (my first of the day) and I felt this horrible pain, and a lot of stinging. Naturally, I look to see what the problem is.. 2 big fucking cuts on my bellend.



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My son aged 5 was at some adventure playground nonsense at one of the parks and it was quite busy with other kids. One of the older boys was being quite mean to him for whatever reason. I didn't intervene but I kept an eye on him. It turns out the older boys dad was encouraging him to bully my kid! What a fucking p***k.

Words were exchanged. Fucking pondlife scummer. <_< They fucked off long before we did..

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My son aged 5 was at some adventure playground nonsense at one of the parks and it was quite busy with other kids. One of the older boys was being quite mean to him for whatever reason. I didn't intervene but I kept an eye on him. It turns out the older boys dad was encouraging him to bully my kid! What a fucking p***k.

Words were exchanged. Fucking pondlife scummer. <_< They fucked off long before we did..


My son was the victim of a bully at school but he soon learned to answer back

Edited by keithgy
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Guest The Phoenix
I just went for a pee (my first of the day) and I felt this horrible pain, and a lot of stinging. Naturally, I look to see what the problem is.. 2 big fucking cuts on my bellend.


Best not to w*nk whilst shaving.

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My son was the victim of a bully at school but he soon learned to answer back

Yeah the guy was a total weasel. I'm not sure what had gone on before right enough, but the faither was being an absolute c**t. Saying things about my son so that I could hear it. When I stood up and went over to him he soon shut the f**k up. Don't think he realised I was as big! :lol: Left a sour taste in the mouth though. Imagine encouraging a kid to be a wee fanny like that though. fuxxake.

I'll encourage my son to fight back immediately and not let these things fester. That's what my old boy taught me to do. :lol: Keep hitting them until someone seperates you.

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I've been pulled up a few times this weekend for being a moany b*****d. I don't care though. I mean, to be honest, I'm starting to think a lot of my friends are idiots, and my moans are usually related to them.

I think I'm turning into Larry David. That would be great apart from the fact I lack the wit and millions that he has.

What a p***k.

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I'll encourage my son to fight back immediately and not let these things fester. That's what my old boy taught me to do. :lol: Keep hitting them until someone seperates you.

Aye, thats what my dad did when I was picked on as a kid. While my other (female) relatives were all flouncing about advising me about telling teachers and suchlike, my dad simply gave me some tips about fighting, and being sneaky with it so that I didn't get caught doing so. I learned. :D

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Aye, thats what my dad did when I was picked on as a kid. While my other (female) relatives were all flouncing about advising me about telling teachers and suchlike, my dad simply gave me some tips about fighting, and being sneaky with it so that I didn't get caught doing so. I learned. :D


You'll maybe get picked on once, but when folk realise they are going to actually be in a fight every time they bother you they soon f**k off elsewhere for their power trips.

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You'll maybe get picked on once, but when folk realise they are going to actually be in a fight every time they bother you they soon f**k off elsewhere for their power trips.

A couple valuable tips from my dad:

1. Fight dirty. Don't worry about any crap like proper punches and honour. Hair pulling, going for the baws, ear twisting, all perfectly legit things.

2. Be sneaky. Get your retaliation in first, and then make sure you're the calm one when the authorities arrive.

# 2 has served me well in the past, and I still live by it too! There have been a few times in my life when I've been involved in a disagreement in a pub, but I have never been thrown out for fighting. The trick is that when the squaring up happens, someone will go and get the bouncers, so in the time before the bouncers come in, you've got to get a wee slap in, shove them backwards, and then quickly sit back down again. This means that when the bouncers appear, they've got you sitting calmly sipping your drink on one hand, and on the other hand, a furious, raging drunkard being held back by his mates.

My dad is a great teacher! :D

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A couple valuable tips from my dad:

1. Fight dirty. Don't worry about any crap like proper punches and honour. Hair pulling, going for the baws, ear twisting, all perfectly legit things.

2. Be sneaky. Get your retaliation in first, and then make sure you're the calm one when the authorities arrive.

# 2 has served me well in the past, and I still live by it too! There have been a few times in my life when I've been involved in a disagreement in a pub, but I have never been thrown out for fighting. The trick is that when the squaring up happens, someone will go and get the bouncers, so in the time before the bouncers come in, you've got to get a wee slap in, shove them backwards, and then quickly sit back down again. This means that when the bouncers appear, they've got you sitting calmly sipping your drink on one hand, and on the other hand, a furious, raging drunkard being held back by his mates.

My dad is a great teacher! :D

It's a bummer when theyve got the patience to wait outside on you though. :P

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Yeah the guy was a total weasel. I'm not sure what had gone on before right enough, but the faither was being an absolute c**t. Saying things about my son so that I could hear it. When I stood up and went over to him he soon shut the f**k up. Don't think he realised I was as big! :lol: Left a sour taste in the mouth though. Imagine encouraging a kid to be a wee fanny like that though. fuxxake.

I'll encourage my son to fight back immediately and not let these things fester. That's what my old boy taught me to do. :lol: Keep hitting them until someone seperates you.

What the f**k is that? :huh:

Some people are just c***s. The only way to deal with them is to front up to them. You did right.

My boy was getting bullied last year by this kid who has a polyester buckfast ned for a mother. I reckon the boy just wanted some attention since his mother can't be fucked with him (no dad, obviously). Anyway, he was waiting for my lad outside after school most days. My wean is quite sensitive and shy, although he's pretty big for his age, so I taught him to step in and smack the other kid using his fist, all properly as if he was boxing, moving hips, guard up and everything.

He did this for a couple of weeks and although he was coming home and saying it wasn't changing anything I told him to keep it up and it would work out.

One day in comes the boy looking all pleased with himself, so I ask for an explaination. He says the other kid waited for him as usual to try and throw him into this large hedge, but he fought back and the upshot was he slammed this kid not only into the hedge but over it and into the garden. Then this boy ran home greeting and my boy chased him up the road to his house. :lol:

Turns out the mother came to the door and flicked the vicks at my boy as he chased the wee p***k home. Fantastic, and there was f**k all the school could do about it as it was off the grounds.

As a postscript to the story - so many people went to the school complaining about this kid that he now gets kept in 10 minutes after school so he can't bother anybody. I like to think my way of dealing with it was better. :D

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What the f**k is that? :huh:

Some people are just c***s. The only way to deal with them is to front up to them. You did right.

My boy was getting bullied last year by this kid who has a polyester buckfast ned for a mother. I reckon the boy just wanted some attention since his mother can't be fucked with him (no dad, obviously). Anyway, he was waiting for my lad outside after school most days. My wean is quite sensitive and shy, although he's pretty big for his age, so I taught him to step in and smack the other kid using his fist, all properly as if he was boxing, moving hips, guard up and everything.

He did this for a couple of weeks and although he was coming home and saying it wasn't changing anything I told him to keep it up and it would work out.

One day in comes the boy looking all pleased with himself, so I ask for an explaination. He says the other kid waited for him as usual to try and throw him into this large hedge, but he fought back and the upshot was he slammed this kid not only into the hedge but over it and into the garden. Then this boy ran home greeting and my boy chased him up the road to his house. :lol:

Turns out the mother came to the door and flicked the vicks at my boy as he chased the wee p***k home. Fantastic, and there was f**k all the school could do about it as it was off the grounds.

As a postscript to the story - so many people went to the school complaining about this kid that he now gets kept in 10 minutes after school so he can't bother anybody. I like to think my way of dealing with it was better. :D

Yeah kids can be such little shits. My boy is not shy at all, but he tends to be a bit like me in that he is fucking oblivious about what folk think of him and doesn't really give a shit anyway. But it was me that was getting pissed off with the antics of this pair of fannies. My son was largely not bothering his arse. I just felt that the faithers comments were bordering on the worht giving him a smack for territory. Like I said. He was quite lippy until he saw me moving across and confronting him.

This was in Dean Castle at Killie this afternoon. There was a classic car show on and grandfaither had his motor at it. Typical neddy Killie shitheads. The faither looked malnourished and fucking seedless and the boy was just glaiket looking and with a total ned haircut, ear pierced and all that shite.

I really hate bullying and I think the only way to deal with it is to blast into the cut as hard as possible and leave them in no doubt that if they want to pick on you it's going to cost them some teeth.

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I quite like those car shows, we went to one in Eglinton park a couple of years ago.

The problem with the whole bullying situation now is that if it happens in school they want to go down that whole route of sitting the victim and the bully down and talking about it, and explaining to the child why it's wrong, and OH! Can't we all be friends?!!!

Now, that's society for you, and that's all well and good, but when you know the family the kid comes from you realise this isn't going to work out, frankly. Considering a few summers ago the mother of this kid was rolling about fighting with another woman in the lane next to our block of houses in front of her two kids, wearing a white shell suit and white trainers while completely paraletic , I doubt very much if making friends is on the fucking agenda.

At the time when it happened we were in next doors back garden having a convivial evening refreshment as ours and their kids stayed up late and played around, and much pointing and laughing was done, as well as the usual cringing. She actually walked into the garden and sat down in a chair afterwards too, before being politely told to f**k off. :lol:

I have to admit, she's a classy lassie. She's not sure if the wee muppets father is her ex....or his brothers. :rolleyes:

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1. Fight dirty. Don't worry about any crap like proper punches and honour. Hair pulling, going for the baws, ear twisting, all perfectly legit things.

Yep, totally agree.

Years ago, my uncle was showing me a few things ( :unsure: ) and without warning toebashed me right in the shin. To this day, it's one of the sorest things i've ever experienced.

Auld arsehole :angry:

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