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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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A couple things to defend Kilt here. Firstly, no-one complained when the same response was used after every savo post by a whole load of posters. Secondly, the lovelorn poster uses more or less the exact same sort of posts, and so by using a simple copy and paste post, kilt is simply doing the same thing, but making even less effort. Therefore, if you want those posts to stop, you would be better served asking BullyWee1878 to stop his repetitive abuse.

As repetitive and predictable BullyWee1878's posts at Kilt may be, Kilt's been ripped good and proper a few times by him and offered nothing in return. At least throw it back and try and level the score up.

It doesn't stop it though, does it? Did Burgundy stop attacking yourself after you'd posted '::snigger::' for the 837th time?

Edited by Michael W
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It doesn't stop it though, does it? Did Burgundy stop attacking yourself after you'd posted '::snigger::' for the 837th time?

And where is Burgundy now?

And it was quite amusing. He would go into a 8 paragraph rant, dismantling every facet of my personality and physique (both real and imagined), and all I had to do was post one word, to watch him then bash out another 8 angry paragraphs of the same stuff, phrased slightly differently. It cost me nothing, I stayed above the fray, and he was the one who ended up looking like a lunatic. He wanted a fight, he didn't get one.

Whats the point in throwing abuse back on here? It solves nothing. No, far better to remain above the fray and watch others howl into the darkness.

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The problem I have with this Kilt v BullyWee1878 thing is that when Kilt originally complained about it, we (the mods) discussed it and decided to warn BullyWee1878. Then he continued to post abuse at Kilt and was banned for a couple of days, being allowed to return on the proviso that he stopped. However, Kilt started then to wind BullyWee1878 up about it all and now we can't do anything about BullyWee1878's posts because Kilt is really bringing it on himself.

Sorry, Nick, I like you, but I wish to f**k you'd think before you post sometimes. :(

Edited by Reina
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It's Beatles Day on Radio 2 and it's starting to get really feckin' annoying. Time to switch stations!

I'm at work but feeling pretty crap due to lack of sleep. Other half was out all day yesterday at a golf thing and came rolling in blootered and singing. He is off work today and kept me up all night with his snoring. <_< He better be making me a nice dinner!

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Guest Blackrose

As repetitive and anticipated BullyWee1878's posts at Kilt may be, Kilt's been ripped acceptable and able a few times by him and offered annihilation in return. At atomic bandy it aback and try and akin the account up.

It doesn't stop it though, does it? Did Burgundy stop advancing yourself afterwards you'd acquaint '::snigger::' for the 837th time?



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As repetitive and anticipated BullyWee1878's posts at Kilt may be, Kilt's been ripped acceptable and able a few times by him and offered annihilation in return. At atomic bandy it aback and try and akin the account up.

It doesn't stop it though, does it? Did Burgundy stop advancing yourself afterwards you'd acquaint '::snigger::' for the 837th time?

Eh.....whit? :huh:

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As repetitive and anticipated BullyWee1878's posts at Kilt may be, Kilt's been ripped acceptable and able a few times by him and offered annihilation in return. At atomic bandy it aback and try and akin the account up.

It doesn't stop it though, does it? Did Burgundy stop advancing yourself afterwards you'd acquaint '::snigger::' for the 837th time?

1st post aye?

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The problem I have with this Kilt v BullyWee1878 thing is that when Kilt originally complained about it, we (the mods) discussed it and decided to warn BullyWee1878. Then he continued to post abuse at Kilt and was banned for a couple of days, being allowed to return on the proviso that he stopped. However, Kilt started then to wind BullyWee1878 up about it all and now we can't do anything about BullyWee1878's posts because Kilt is really bringing it on himself.

Sorry, Nick, I like you, but I wish to f**k you'd think before you post sometimes. :(

Yes, Miss! :(


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And where is Burgundy now?

And it was quite amusing. He would go into a 8 paragraph rant, dismantling every facet of my personality and physique (both real and imagined), and all I had to do was post one word, to watch him then bash out another 8 angry paragraphs of the same stuff, phrased slightly differently. It cost me nothing, I stayed above the fray, and he was the one who ended up looking like a lunatic. He wanted a fight, he didn't get one.

Whats the point in throwing abuse back on here? It solves nothing. No, far better to remain above the fray and watch others howl into the darkness.

xbl - The bigger man.

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I have a nasty abcess at the top of my leg, right where I sit on it (basically on my arse). I had to go to A&E on Friday night 'cos the pain was that bad. Spent the whole weekend sitting on the couch and dreading having to go to the toilet because walking/standing up was bloody painful.

Its still really sore today so I've had to take the day off work. Normally this wouldn't bother me but going off on the sick in your second week at a new job, on a bank holiday, doesn't exactly look good.

I've also got a horrible feeling that the antibiotics I've been taking have only slowed it down, not cured it.So that'll mean more pain, more hassle, surgery and even longer time off work. :(

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