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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Where is the hogmanay party meant to be hosted? I'm sure someone said it was still in Princes street and surrounding areas?

Princess Street is supposed to be open and the buses etc back on there by Christmas and the New Year, but i would not take that as read. So yes. I will keep an eye on the press coverage and let you know.

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Shit, sorry to hear that, Pol. :(

A Denny man?

(I'm from the posh bit over the bridge. ;) )


Insomnia's a bitch. :(

I nearly drifted off, but the missus is snoring like a camel, and farting like a banshee after the last of the homemade soup :angry:

Any hints?

A pillow over the head usually does the trick.

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Don;'t knock it, have you ever seen that episode of Peep Show?

Nope, I haven't. I imagine jury duty to be quite boring unless you got a high profile case or a murder case or something. Don't know how it would work out for childcare, either.

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Got a letter this morning saying I've been selected to go on the list of potential jurors for the next 2 years... magic! :rolleyes:

I got a letter a while back as well. It was asking me to fill it in and return it. I totally forgot about it and have heard nothing about it. :)

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I got a letter a while back as well. It was asking me to fill it in and return it. I totally forgot about it and have heard nothing about it. :)

It says on my letter you can be fined up to £200 if you don't... I'm not going to take the risk.

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I was hoping all the Pagan stuff would be confined to one, easily avoidable thread, but I'm now told everyone was taking the piss, so Ginny Weasley spat his dummy and got it shut. Now it's going to be all over the fucking place again.

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I was hoping all the Pagan stuff would be confined to one, easily avoidable thread, but I'm now told everyone was taking the piss, so Ginny Weasley spat his dummy and got it shut. Now it's going to be all over the fucking place again.

He wouldn't have stuck to that anyway.

I blame Gaz.

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I was hoping all the Pagan stuff would be confined to one, easily avoidable thread, but I'm now told everyone was taking the piss, so Ginny Weasley spat his dummy and got it shut. Now it's going to be all over the fucking place again.

Fear not, Larsson has started a new one, so perhaps that can be the 'official' paganism thread. Hopefully he'll keep up his part of our deal.

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He wouldn't have stuck to that anyway.

I blame Gaz.

It's aye him, aye. <_<

Fear not, Larsson has started a new one, so perhaps that can be the 'official' paganism thread. Hopefully he'll keep up his part of our deal.

I pray to Jehosaphat that he does.

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Here's my whiny sob story of the day.

There's this burd in my Thursday seminar class who I fancy the f**k out of, and she seems to like me and all. Was going to ask her on a wee cheeky date today, but she wasn't there. Not the end of the world just do it next week you say, but as one of the members of staff had to leave on short notice, rumour has it that some people have been made to move groups, and I'll bet she was one of them. Fucking hope not!

Poor me.

Do ya stay in the same flat or block of halls with a girl called Amy? It's to much of a coincidence for it not to be you!

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Now after last nights excellent result by Hearts in Glasgow land you would expect Capy to be all sweetness and light...but..Im sorry it is transport related,again.
Anyway, we'll have a Happy Capy with no PTTGOYN tomorrow, won't we........!?! :rolleyes::lol:

Predictably, I was wrong! :lol:

I was hoping all the Pagan stuff would be confined to one, easily avoidable thread, but I'm now told everyone was taking the piss, so Ginny Weasley spat his dummy and got it shut. Now it's going to be all over the fucking place again.

It was offered, the offer was ignored, you only have yoursleves to blame. And the 'dummy wasn't spat', if you read the closed thread properly, which you obviously haven't done. Nick_BCFC started the thread, I gave it a chance for serious enquiries, it didn't happen, so it was pointless to go on with it, hence Nick_BCFC closed it! Can't blame me for other's childishness! :P

He wouldn't have stuck to that anyway.

I blame Gaz.

Actually, I would have. And I blame Gaz as well. Why not?! :rolleyes:

Fear not, Larsson has started a new one, so perhaps that can be the 'official' paganism thread. Hopefully he'll keep up his part of our deal.

Like most of Larsson's posts, that's shite as well so, no - I don't think so! :P

It's aye him, aye. <_<

I pray to Jehosaphat that he does.

See above! NB Jehosaphat is not in the Pagan Panthaeon BTW! ;)

Well, you can't say I didn't try chaps.

You did - live and learn, young 'un!

You tried chaps?

Are you sure you aren't kilt?

Oh how droll. Give that man a prize! :rolleyes:

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It was offered, the offer was ignored, you only have yoursleves to blame. And the 'dummy wasn't spat', if you read the closed thread properly, which you obviously haven't done. Nick_BCFC started the thread, I gave it a chance for serious enquiries, it didn't happen, so it was pointless to go on with it, hence Nick_BCFC closed it! Can't blame me for other's childishness! :P

See above! NB Jehosaphat is not in the Pagan Panthaeon BTW! ;)

Right, I take issue with the "only yourselves to blame" comment, as quite clearly, it was sod all to do with me - as you've noted yourself, I didn't even read the thread, therefore, I couldn't have actually posted anything in there, and thus couldn't have been to blame for anything.

Also, I never at any point said that Jehosaphat had anything whatsoever to do with paganism, did I?

Shove that in your peacepipe and dance naked round it.

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