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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I can, a wee typo, but it's not incoherent.

OK, not incoherent as I understood what you were saying, but it wasn't a typo. It was lack of understanding of basic grammar. To call someone thick at the same time as putting that in a sentence is amusing to me.

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OK, not incoherent as I understood what you were saying, but it wasn't a typo. It was lack of understanding of basic grammar. To call someone thick at the same time as putting that in a sentence is amusing to me.

Well if it's important (edit for typo, missed the o) to you, you can check other posts I made. My grammar usually isn't bad. You are being pedantic (that's usually my job) because I'm making fun of Kilt. It won't do it again I promise you, Ive posted here for the last time. If I do something stupid it'll be your fault. Mark my words you will have me on your (got it right that time) conscience. I shall burden you no more.

Goodbye cruel world.

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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Well if it's imprtant to you, you can check other posts I made. My grammar usually isn't bad. You are being pedantic (that's usually my job) because I'm making fun of Kilt. It won't do it again I promise you, Ive posted here for the last time. If I do something stupid it'll be your fault. Mark my words you will have me on your (got it right that time) conscience. I shall burden you no more.

Goodbye cruel world.

That was an absolute belter of a 1001th post.

Edit: or is it 1001st? Arses. :ph34r:

Edited by Lyn-Marie
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Guest The Phoenix
I can, a wee typo, but it's not incoherent.

Of course you can call someone thick, doesn't mean you're correct though.

Kilt might be aff his heid but if it comes down to an intelligence contest between him and you, the referee would stop the contest in the first round.

And it wouldn't be your arm the referee would be holding up in victory.

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Of course you can call someone thick, doesn't mean you're correct though.

Kilt might be aff his heid but if it comes down to an intelligence contest between him and you, the referee would stop the contest in the first round.

And it wouldn't be your arm the referee would be holding up in victory.

When did right and wrong come in to it?

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Had to re-home our cat last night due to impending birth of our first child. It had been staying temporarily at my brother-in-laws for a few months so hadn't really seen it that often anyway, but it was a bit of a wrench to give her away. It is however going to a good home where it will be well looked after. Another down side was my clumsy oaf of a brother-in-law spilling cat litter all over the back seat of my car-I'm going to have to take it for a full valet over the weekend to get rid of the stench of cat piss. Sending him the bill though.

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10:30 a.m. thicko. :rolleyes:;)

You're (right again) cyber bullying me. Your name too shall go on ze list!

I am on the edge of the loft as we speak. You lot have got me worrying about the grammar in my suicide note. I can't do it until I get it checked, but then you'll be sorry. I mean it this time.

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After 27 months of faithful service my phone's finally kicking the bucket, as it has somehow lost it's entire sound function.

I got one of those N97,S at my last upgrade,i still do not know how to use most of the functions.

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Guest The Phoenix
You're (right again) cyber bullying me. Your name too shall go on ze list!

I am on the edge of the loft as we speak. You lot have got me worrying about the grammar in my suicide note. I can't do it until I get it checked, but then you'll be sorry. I mean it this time.

Might I suggest the roof as a better launch pad? :unsure:

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If you manage to kill yourself by jumping off the loft, I'll buy you a steak dinner.

The idea is to hang oneself by securing a rope to the rafters and the other end round your neck. Not just jump out willy nilly. What impact would that have on anyone? Me with a twisted ankle.

No, I'm doing this right. Soon. Then we'll see alright, won't we cyber bullies.

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