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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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The evidence is that he was clearly taking precautions. Walking slowly for one. Looking out for also doesn't equate to avoiding, so your point falls in this instance.

If you're looking out for black ice and walk right onto it, then you fail, and fall.

Looking for black ice? Is that not the point?

Car drivers can't spot black ice, pedestrians can with quite some ease.

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Weirdly, I was walking slowly, in a straight line, in the middle of a road with my hands in my pockets.

And there's your fundamental error. We needs our arms available to maintain balance - think tight-rope walkers etc. I had a mate who came into work with a bandaged, broken nose and two horrendously black eyes. When we asked how it happened, it became blatantly obvious how he'd become so injured.

He'd been running up some stairs at the railway station and caught his foot on a step. With his hands in his pockets, he'd had nothing to brace the fall with and took it full force on the bridge of his nose! :(

Aye, aye. I'm a bawbag.

You may think you're a bawbag, but vikingTON's clearly a knob! ;)

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Sometimes I despise the country I live in.

In the post office today, some numpty was talking to his mate about how two of their other mates were on remand waiting to be sentenced for attacking someone with some sort of iron bar. The thing is, both of them talked about them in glowing terms as if their actions were something to be proud of.

"Jimmy's maybe getting 6 years, eh?" commented fuckwit #1

"Fuckin' dancer eh? What a radge he is, some man" responded fuckwit #2

They then proceeded to get excited about how blotto they were getting tonight, with one cherishing the prospect of 24 cans for £18 at some supermarket. Thing is, both looked to be in their late 20's/early 30's, so it's not as if they were wee neds. Needless to say both were in said post office cashing giros. Not a brain cell between them.


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Sometimes I despise the country I live in.

In the post office today, some numpty was talking to his mate about how two of their other mates were on remand waiting to be sentenced for attacking someone with some sort of iron bar. The thing is, both of them talked about them in glowing terms as if their actions were something to be proud of.

"Jimmy's maybe getting 6 years, eh?" commented fuckwit #1

"Fuckin' dancer eh? What a radge he is, some man" responded fuckwit #2

They then proceeded to get excited about how blotto they were getting tonight, with one cherishing the prospect of 24 cans for £18 at some supermarket. Thing is, both looked to be in their late 20's/early 30's, so it's not as if they were wee neds. Needless to say both were in said post office cashing giros. Not a brain cell between them.


I remember overhearing a similiar conversation on a bus recently, guy had the choice of a £30 fine, or a week in jail, or something of the sort. He was going to take the week inside because, "he fancied a wee break"

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The 'What are you listening to?' thread being moved to the music sub-forum. I thought that place was made for serious Internet stuff about bands and new music. The off-the-cuff banal stuff surely belongs in GN.

For the first time, I think I agree with you.

There's nothing better than coming home from a night on the lash, and promptly abusing the Reasons to be Cheerful, Petty Things and the What Are You Listening To? threads. The 'triple crown' of GN. We've lost one of our jewels, and now I can't be bothered going over to the music forum to post in it.

It's all gone haywire. <_<


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I've been moaning about the music forum a lot too, seems like a waste of time imo. How long is until the GN forum is further split into ridiculous sub forums and all we've got left is RTBC and PTTGOYN? It was better when it was just a mosh pit imo, at least all the activity happened in one place.

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I don't really care either way about the music forum in itself, it's (edit: the thread) just a bit of a stupid addition.

It should be reinstated in its natural home or failing that, hope that the sub-forum dies on its arse to bring everything back.

Edited by vikingTON
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