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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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That's the top of the tree, man!

G_Man has cursed my PS3. I can't play Heavy Rain.

The only way that would be top of the tree is if I had climbed it, put a noose round my neck and was about to throw myself off.

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The only way that would be top of the tree is if I had climbed it, put a noose round my neck and was about to throw myself off.

Take G_Man with you and throw him off the top of the tree for cursing my PS3.

I'm having to converse with people for goodness sake.

The wee ginger lamb is ignoring me now that Fifi & the flowertots is on right enough.

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Take G_Man with you and throw him off the top of the tree for cursing my PS3.

I'm having to converse with people for goodness sake.

The wee ginger lamb is ignoring me now that Fifi & the flowertots is on right enough.

Preaching to the choir, man.

Was having fun chasing the boy around the floor, but as soon as Big Cook Little Cook came on I didn't stand a chance.

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It's nice to be able to grumble about work, but it's awful at the same time. A few things.

One of the chefs I work with, let's call him K, is an absolute whalloper. Impatient, arrogant, knob. Expects me to know how to ddo everything, and at a second's notice, gives me about 3 seconds to do anythign he tells me and assumes I'll know exactly how to do it. Chris,t this is my first job and I have no fucking idea what I'm doing yet, be a bit understanding, you dick.

The head waitress is a bit patronising, too, but I'd rather my colleagues were like that because she actually gives me a chance to learn what to do... even if she treats me like a puppy with Down's.

Worst of all is the fact that I haven't been paid for my first week's pay because, get this, my boss misread a 4 in my details for a 9, so she sent my pay to the WRONG ACCOUNT. Not even starting on the amount of times my hours have been cut because work's been a bit quiet.


Still, it's approximately 9000% preferable to being unemployed.

Edited by Cynical Saintee
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It's nice to be able to grumble about work, but it's awful at the same time. A few things.

One of the chefs I work with, Krysztof, is an absolute whalloper. Impatient, arrogant, knob. Expects me to know how to ddo everything, and at a second's notice, gives me about 3 seconds to do anythign he tells me and assumes I'll know exactly how to do it. Chris,t this is my first job and I have no fucking idea what I'm doing yet, be a bit understanding, you dick.

Aw this is identicle to me mate. I started in a restaurant 18 months ago and it was the exact same situation as yourself. I'm sure I posted something similar to this in the same thread all those months ago. I'll give you a bit of advice:

Yeah the guy is a knobend but in my experience most chefs are like that. It's because they are ageing, ugly morons who are so angry and frustrated at what their life has become: having to work in a kitchen 12 hours a day for measly wages, ageing, balding and bitterly frustrated at the world, and will take it out on anyone. So next time you feel angry at him, just pity him instead. Take pride in the fact you'll probably be going somewhere with your life and use him as a template, ie how NOT to turn out at his age. Yeah he's bang out of order but all you can do is take it mate, try not to show any weakness if you can. Just nod and say "yes chef" and always try your hardest, you may well gain some respect from him, that's what happened with me anyway. It improves with time mate, as you start to pick things up it'll become second nature to you within a couple of months or so. As I found out it's one big learning curve and you'll learn to deal with the chefs along with every other aspect of the job.

Best of luck, and don't let them get you down. Remember you're better a better man than they'll ever be.;)

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Worst of all is the fact that I haven't been paid for my first week's pay because, get this, my boss misread a 4 in my details for a 9, so she sent my pay to the WRONG ACCOUNT. Not even starting on the amount of times my hours have been cut because work's been a bit quiet.


never getting paid, clearly

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It's nice to be able to grumble about work, but it's awful at the same time. A few things.

One of the chefs I work with, Krysztof, is an absolute whalloper. Impatient, arrogant, knob. Expects me to know how to ddo everything, and at a second's notice, gives me about 3 seconds to do anythign he tells me and assumes I'll know exactly how to do it. Chris,t this is my first job and I have no fucking idea what I'm doing yet, be a bit understanding, you dick.

The head waitress is a bit patronising, too, but I'd rather my colleagues were like that because she actually gives me a chance to learn what to do... even if she treats me like a puppy with Down's.

Worst of all is the fact that I haven't been paid for my first week's pay because, get this, my boss misread a 4 in my details for a 9, so she sent my pay to the WRONG ACCOUNT. Not even starting on the amount of times my hours have been cut because work's been a bit quiet.


Still, it's approximately 9000% preferable to being unemployed.

Is it pan scrubbin' you're doing?

If so, I would advise you to wear latex gloves because the chemichals are a bugger. I had to quit after seven or so months as I contracted some sort of dermatitis.

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Aw this is identicle to me mate. I started in a restaurant 18 months ago and it was the exact same situation as yourself. I'm sure I posted something similar to this in the same thread all those months ago. I'll give you a bit of advice:


Best of luck, and don't let them get you down. Remember you're better a better man than they'll ever be.;)

Cheers mate. Unfortunately I'm on almost identical shifts to him (albeit much shorter!) for this week... thankfully I'm only in for 18 hours this week, though.


never getting paid, clearly

We'll see, come thursday.

Is it pan scrubbin' you're doing?

If so, I would advise you to wear latex gloves because the chemichals are a bugger. I had to quit after seven or so months as I contracted some sort of dermatitis.

Not really. I'm a general assistant bloke. I do everything everyone else can't be bothered doing. Yesterday I spent almost 6 hours polishing the shelves in the wine department bit, and polishing literally EVERY SINGLE BOTTLE OF WINE. Still, I felt pretty hungover so it was actually pretty good to do something as tedious as that. The work in the kitches is generally just loading up trays that go in these big washing machine things, but I haven't done that for a few days, I've been working in the shop and at the front-end of the restaurant.

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Is it an iPod touch ? If so, hold in the 'on' button and the 'home' button until the apple sign appears. That's what I do when mine won't turn on.

Nah it's the classic. Usually you just hold in the play and centre button on the classic to reset it but it's completely unresponsive bar the clicking sound. I think it's gone..

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Nah it's the classic. Usually you just hold in the play and centre button on the classic to reset it but it's completely unresponsive bar the clicking sound. I think it's gone..

Is the clicking sound when you scroll using the click wheel?

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