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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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My shower. You get hot water for a few minutes then lukewarm water for ages and then if you are really lucky you get hot water again. What the f**k is going on with it????

Are you turning the temperature up or down.

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The worst area for traffic lights I know is from driving into Falkirk from Callendar Road and turning down into Corporation Street. Next to the high rise flats there are two sets of traffic lights within about fifty metres of each other (with one being just off a busy roundabout) and the traffic regularly gets jammed up completely from people having to stop at both sets and getting locked at the roundabout - which is also near a bus station so has f**k-off buses going round it all the time.

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Guest The Phoenix

There's a certain song that on iTunes I get to listen to it fully, but on my iPod it plays seven seconds and then fucks off to the next one. It's a good song too. What's with that?


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There's a certain song that on iTunes I get to listen to it fully, but on my iPod it plays seven seconds and then fucks off to the next one. It's a good song too. What's with that?

Is it by Nenah Cherry and Youssou N'Dour?*

*you may well be too young to get this without google.

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Bus leaves at 8.30 tomorrow for Peterhead. I'm now at the stage that if I go to sleep I'll probably sleep in, so it looks as though I'll be up all night.


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Yer welcome.

Enjoy Peterhead ya jammy bastard. Great trip. :)

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