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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Pfft, typical wimmin's response. What was it Rab C once said "pop out for some milk, meet a wee pal and before you know where you are it's Wednesday" (or words to those effects!)

I would love to see you try and use this reasoning on your pregnant missus. :P

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My mrs is pissed off cause I was a bit late last night.....so I'm getting the silent treatment!

It's so fucking frustrating

I fuckin love the silent treatment. Bliss....

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My mrs is pissed off cause I was a bit late last night.....so I'm getting the silent treatment!

It's so fucking frustrating

Man up, you are an adult and can do what you want. Get the foot put down! Women like that I am informed...

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Guest The Phoenix

Was at a house party last night and the police came this morning and took all our names for doing nothing

It was probably a Special Constable.

The hint's in the title.

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Aye fair enough but i will have make my own dinner.

So, your missus has been out at work all day and you expect her to make you your tea, even if she was due back at the normal time? That's poor mate, get off your arse and get cooking!

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So, your missus has been out at work all day and you expect her to make you your tea, even if she was due back at the normal time? That's poor mate, get off your arse and get cooking!

Hey she is a woman that is her job :ph34r:

Don't tell her i said that though :P

Anyway dinner made for already. ;)

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Hey she is a woman that is her job :ph34r:

Don't tell her i said that though :P

Anyway dinner made for already. ;)

Aye, I can imagine my wife's face if she came in from a hard days work and I expected her to make my dinner, she'd go fucking mental!

I hope you're going to make hers as well...

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Guest The Phoenix

Aye, I can imagine my wife's face if she came in from a hard days work and I expected her to make my dinner, she'd go fucking mental!

If I was feeling brave, I'd take issue with the future tense.

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Aye, I can imagine my wife's face if she came in from a hard days work and I expected her to make my dinner, she'd go fucking mental!

I hope you're going to make hers as well...

She will get something at her work and just phone me when she is leaving so i can run a bath for her,She is raging at having to work till 7pm last night and tonight.She could have left at her normal time but is not the type to let folk down.

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