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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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There is no greater satisfaction than feeling really smooth in the groin region.

Buuuut the next day when the rash kicks in you get awfully itchy and want to cry.

I'd rather not look like a pre pubescent girl/boy down there,but each to their own. Have you tried a shaving balm to sooth your bits and bobs after shaving there?

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Russian literature.............. <_<

tomorrows exam has the capacity to be less than fun, especially considering there are 0 past papers and i dont even know how much of the course it accounts for compared to the coursework....

Якщо ви зрозумієте це, ви зазнаєте невдачі ;)

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Cutting is dangerous business. One slip could leave you with a severly sliced bollock....trimming with an electric shaver is the way to go.

Catching your bollocks with the clippers is no laughing matter either.

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Who the f**k uses electricity to heat their boiler and cook food in the oven? Might as well have a fucking wood-burning stove for all the use that is.

Most modern houses are installed with gas hobs and an electric, fan assisted oven.

Is your gas oven a hand me down from your great, great grandparents?

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I agree with others who say electric oven and gas hobs are the way to go. I'd never lived in houses capable of gas connections until I moved down to the central belt, but they are SO much better than electric hobs. I don't think I've ever seen a gas oven though, but then, I guess I don't live in the 1950s.

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I agree with others who say electric oven and gas hobs are the way to go. I'd never lived in houses capable of gas connections until I moved down to the central belt, but they are SO much better than electric hobs. I don't think I've ever seen a gas oven though, but then, I guess I don't live in the 1950s.

I can definitely see the argument for gas hobs, but modern electric hobs are often more energy efficient.

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Most modern houses are installed with gas hobs and an electric, fan assisted oven.

Is your gas oven a hand me down from your great, great grandparents?

No, we (well not me) bought a brand new gas hob/grill/oven in 2006 or something.

So I think we will speak for modernity - not a Fifer.

I'd never lived in houses capable of gas connections until I moved down to the central belt, but they are SO much better than electric hobs. I don't think I've ever seen a gas oven though, but then, I guess I don't live in the 1950s.

Given the north-east is seemingly incapable of gas cooking what decade do they reside in? The 1870s?

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Were your parents nostalgic for the 1970's?

Perhaps they conceive of a time when it all gets too much. A gas oven should rank quite highly in the domain of domestic tools allowing the user to depart this veil of tears, after all.

Edited by renton
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:lol: :lol: спасибо болшой мой друг. экзамен был очен легкий.

out of interest, youll know more about this than me. if i was to go to ukraine, would i be able to get by with russian but not knowing ukrainian?

edit: not sure what the text box is doing with that o and that н

edit again: I know its childish but i still get excited by writing in such a cool alphabet.

Pretty much the whole of Ukraine knows Russian and the majority speak only Russian. The whole Eastern and Southern side (your Donetsk's, Odessa's and the Crimera) are all Russian speaking. Even most of Kyiv and Dnipropetrovsk are mostly Russian spoken. Only your Lviv's and Western Ukraine you'll find less people speak Russian.

But aye, you'll have no bother speaking Russian in Ukraine, everyone will understand you

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Nice. Ive been considering going for euro 2012.

Will the tickets have names printed on them so you have to produce ID for validation? I've been trying to plan a trip to Wroclaw as it's not too far away and I know a couple of people that could put me up, but apparently the tickets are at the lottery stage and of course I forgot to enter. I guess just being there at the fanzone or whatever would be pretty cool, but it's a great opportunity for me to get to see an international tournament.

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Will the tickets have names printed on them so you have to produce ID for validation? I've been trying to plan a trip to Wroclaw as it's not too far away and I know a couple of people that could put me up, but apparently the tickets are at the lottery stage and of course I forgot to enter. I guess just being there at the fanzone or whatever would be pretty cool, but it's a great opportunity for me to get to see an international tournament.

The entry was a good month or so ago I'm sure. I'm planning to travel around that time, so with the volume of people going from all over the place it may or may not be the best time to go.

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The entry was a good month or so ago I'm sure. I'm planning to travel around that time, so with the volume of people going from all over the place it may or may not be the best time to go.

Yeah, that's why I'm asking about the names on the tickets. I hate this kind of thing, but touts/agencies would be the only alternative if I wanted to get into the games. I think the fanzone would be quite fun anyway. Also Wroclaw is a great city, well worth a visit any time of year.

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I had a gas hob oven back in Scotland and it was fantastic, and I didn't think I'd ever want to switch to electric. So when I moved here to find out we had an electric element coil hob, I was a bit disappointed. Until I tried it. It reaches a magnificent level of heat, meaning it's ideal for searing, which I do a lot of. It's so powerful I need to stir-fry on medium heat as opposed to the ultra-high that I needed to use at home. Gas gives you more exact control when changing heat but if you need to reach a high heat for any level of time, the electric coil with some good power on it is the way forward.

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