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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Car in the garage, starter motor is fucked and they are so busy it can't be fixed till Monday. Luckily the owner is good friends with my boss, so I'll save some cash. f**k, after the last few days I'd be as we'll as taking up a permanent residence on this thread.

What time did you go in? And where did you park?


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"definately" instead of definitely.

And pronounced so badly by so many shit-for-brains-scottish-"professional"-footballers and "pundits" as " Deaf-in-ATE-ly"

No wonder education in Scotland is up the shitter!

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"definately" instead of definitely.

And pronounced so badly by so many shit-for-brains-scottish-"professional"-footballers and "pundits" as " Deaf-in-ATE-ly"

No wonder education in Scotland is up the shitter!

This and this \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

No - aye - ah mean, before every fucking reply on the radio or tv.

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Coming onto this thread and seeing that permarager Philipy hasn't posted anything on it in a while. I love the constant sense of moral outrage, a 'This country has gone to the dogs' vibe, as it were.

Look, if you worked somewhere in retail that was open and someone came into the place and wanted to buy something, you'd end up reading the Daily Mail and plotting against socialism too.

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Am I just old or does anyone else find the music at partys in pubs/clubs over the score loud?

I still enjoy a bit of loud music at a nightclub etc but when you are at a family party where people are trying to talk to their family, why does the DJ think we prefer to scream in their ear and spend the evening saying 'what'?

Last night I was at a 60th. A lot of the guests were over 50 and their were around 15 kids under 5, is this really the audience for over the score loud music?

I know it has to be fairly loud for effect, pretty shit party if the music was low, but I felt he went OTT.

I found myself going outside to the smoking area for a decent conversation, the kicker is I don't even smoke.

Their is a time and a place to deafen your audience DJs, a 60th isn't 1 of them.

Edited by Gaz FFC
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People that go to the cinema and get given seat numbers but just sit anywhere so you have to sit in shittier seats or shout over the speakers in the pitch black about how they're in the wrong seats.

What is the appropriate protocol when this situation presents itself?

I have tickets booked for Skyfall at the IMAX on the Saturday night and i may have to kick off if someone is in my seatmad.gif

as long as he isn't huge

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