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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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The way Americans pronounce 'buoy'. It may be the most ridiculous sound ever created. I include all of space and time in that. It's so astonishing that I think it's hilarious whilst at the same time I feel furious any time I hear it (last time was when Bryan Cranston's character said it in Godzilla; I made some sort of impossible noise due to the fight between my laughter and my fury). My mind just cannot process it.

Edited by DA Baracus
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When you speak to women at work or whatever for the first time and they sort of judge you as if you were trying to pull them, despite you just trying to strike up a normal conversation to break the ice.

Equally, when you work with someone new and they just don't talk. I probably wouldn't care about anything they could say but it passes the time quicker I find.

Yeah, it's always birds who think they're really tidy as well.

What other reason would I have by speaking to you? Obviously I'm in love with you instantly...

Nope let's just sit for eight hours in total silence, much less awkward.

My latest annoyance is Beckham and his missus appearing at every big event as if they are royalty.

I quite like the guy but it's annoying.

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Buying a case of lager from the supermarket and finding out that all 12 cans are flat. Seething

You mean that you didn't find that two were flat and take the case back for another or a refund? Instead you opened every one of the twelve? :unsure:

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The windows phone update to the twitter app. The banner bar is the same size as a full tweet(massive)oh and now the photos load on your timeline which means when the reception isn't up to it, its going to go slooooooow

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Similarly to you, my phone broke (I dropped it) so I had to restore it to factory settings, deleting my beloved FM14 career with Plymouth after challenging seasons with Ebbsfleet and Wimbledon. I was in 2024 and PA were on the brink of promotion to the Premiership. More annoyingly though, the Twitter app no longer works on my phone so I had to download Tweetcaster and it's just a mess.

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Why can't apps sit in your memory card? Fed up of trying to get rid of apps like facebook to be told I'm not allowed to, just to make room for a wee app that I might actually use.

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You mean that you didn't find that two were flat and take the case back for another or a refund? Instead you opened every one of the twelve? :unsure:

"This first can is a bit flat. Better check none of the others are the same."

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Lassies who say they are on tinder just for a wee laugh or being nosey. Naw yer no just be honest and admit you want yer fanny, arse and every other hole rattled ya wee midden :)

And you are complaining because?

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My iron just decided it would be a giggle to spew boiling hot water all over the floor.

Unfortunately my bare foot was in the way.

My mrs apparently does not have the traditional female ironing gene, given that she melted her work skirt onto the iron. Not a huge issue, except that unlike any normal person she never cleaned the iron after, resulting in a crisp white shirt now having some lovely black streaks down it.

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Why can't apps sit in your memory card? Fed up of trying to get rid of apps like facebook to be told I'm not allowed to, just to make room for a wee app that I might actually use.

So much this. Div, please explain?
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My mrs apparently does not have the traditional female ironing gene, given that she melted her work skirt onto the iron. Not a huge issue, except that unlike any normal person she never cleaned the iron after, resulting in a crisp white shirt now having some lovely black streaks down it.

Female ironing gene? Must've missed me to then :blink:

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My mrs apparently does not have the traditional female ironing gene, given that she melted her work skirt onto the iron. Not a huge issue, except that unlike any normal person she never cleaned the iron after, resulting in a crisp white shirt now having some lovely black streaks down it.

Scientists have recently discovered that a swift, sharp, shock to the lower part of the nervous system activates the dormant ironing gene in the "Femalus Homosapianus".

You know what to do.

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