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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Someone at the school I was at got an 8 ball tattooed on their neck just behind their lug....


I was playing 5's at the pits in Hamilton and the other team had a baldy guy in his full Rangers kit with a tattoo of a handgun on his neck, his moniker was "Boulder".

Larkhall Thistle had a goalkeeper with a massive Tyson-esque face tattoo. He was a fucking headcase.

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This whole discussion just convinces me I need more tattoos really.

I've had a cold for about a week now, which better sod off soon because I've got an interview tomorrow morning. I was feeling better this morning after a long soak in the bath but I'm suddenly drained again and I just want to go back to bed.

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I've never understood why tattoos invoke such seethe in folk who don't have them.

Aye, I don't have any tattoo's or plan on getting any but it does seem to annoy folk.

Agreed, awful things.

Someone turned up for an interview with me last week with them protruding out all over the place, terrible first impression.


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I think that there is still a stigma attached to folk with tattoos that they're some kind of nutter. Whilst this may certainly be true in Sweet Pete's case, I do think that it's an individuals choice what they do with their body.

I would say that if you are applying for some kind of customer facing job and have the word "Thundercunt" tattooed on your forehead, then it may preclude you from selection.

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Because as mentioned previously it looks fucking hacket. Also, if I were in an interview situation it would cause me to question the individuals judgement when they took the conscious decision to have it done. It suggests that they "don't give a f**k" what others think, not ideal when you're looking to recruit a responsible individual.

Edited by gavin_3110
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Because as mentioned previously it looks fucking hacket. Also, if I were in an interview situation it would cause me to question the individuals judgement when they took the conscious decision to have it done. It suggests that they "don't give a f**k" what others think, not ideal when you're looking to recruit a responsible individual.

I work as a manager for a successful property development company in a customer facing role and have a dozen tattoos, one of which is on my hand. The idea that having tattoos, or at least having visible tattoos, makes one some sort of unemployable ned is simply ridiculous.

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My mother in law said to me, 'you hated me from the moment that we met, why was that?'

I told her that it saved time.

First time I met mine, she looked me up and down, turned to the (now) wife and said: "You're not going out with him, he's too fat."

She's a size 22.


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First time I met mine, she looked me up and down, turned to the (now) wife and said: "You're not going out with him, he's too fat."

She's a size 22.


Mine gave a speech at my wedding (because the father-in-law is too shitebag to do it) saying "When I met Sweet Pete I thought to myself, what sort of geek are we getting noo?".

She gave me a bottle of Grant's on Monday night though, so every cloud.

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Because as mentioned previously it looks fucking hacket. Also, if I were in an interview situation it would cause me to question the individuals judgement when they took the conscious decision to have it done. It suggests that they "don't give a f**k" what others think, not ideal when you're looking to recruit a responsible individual.

Out-dated bullshit.

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Mine gave a speech at my wedding (because the father-in-law is too shitebag to do it) saying "When I met Sweet Pete I thought to myself, what sort of geek are we getting noo?".

She gave me a bottle of Grant's on Monday night though, so every cloud.

Grant's? Did you need your drains cleaned urgently?

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