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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'd have thought the opposite, you get a tattoo because you're very bothered about how you look.

To yourself, not other people.

If you get tattoos because you want to elicit a certain response in others, you're a complete moron, as you've no way of controlling how others will interpret what's drawn on you. I doubt Mr f**k YOU Forehead realised that he'd become a comedy meme on the Internet, for example. Hopefully he's not too fussed, or he's in big trouble :P

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Old People and the "I was about to do that" excuse

"Oh you've done the washing up, I was about to do that", that'll be the pile of stuff that's been sitting next to the sink since last night then?

"Oh you've emptied the washing machine and hung out the clothes on the line, I was about to do that", that'll be the clothes that are now actually dry because they've been sitting in the machine all day.

f**k. Off.

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Old people and lifts. Take so long to get in that the lift shuts and we've missed it. Too scared to put their hand between the doors because they don't want their hand crushed apparently.

Old people and cups of tea. One as soon as they wake up, another an hour later with breakfast, one at lunch, one at 3pm, another about 7pm and a final one for the road before bed. No wonder incontinence is common in the elderly

Old people and washing up. Nothing is cleaned properly then instead of putting everything away is all stacked on the kitchen counter with the "I don't know where it goes" excuse. Yeah that was mildly amusing when you first arrived but you've been here for 6 weeks

Old people and computers. They are too complex for you so so using them and go back to reading your newspapers and books

Old People and the "I was about to do that" excuse

"Oh you've done the washing up, I was about to do that", that'll be the pile of stuff that's been sitting next to the sink since last night then?

"Oh you've emptied the washing machine and hung out the clothes on the line, I was about to do that", that'll be the clothes that are now actually dry because they've been sitting in the machine all day.

f**k. Off.

Shipman was definitely on to something.

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Shipman was definitely on to something.

Your nan's will, mainly.

A guy in my office has a blue mohican and tatts and must have had them at interview. He is in a customer service role so just proves visual presentation is not everything.

A well-presented CV helps.

"Hobbies: reading, sports, humiliating secret blowjobs, and going to the movies." :P

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At the supermarket checkout with a queue like an execution behind you and the checkout assistant says "£75.50 please" to the woman who has just bought enough stuff to fill a humungous trolley.

Customer has this startled look on her face that says, "Do I have to pay??", and then starts to rummage through her bags to find her purse. Contents of the bag go everywhere, and then have to get put back in a certain order before the next customer can get served.

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At the supermarket checkout with a queue like an execution behind you and the checkout assistant says "£75.50 please" to the woman who has just bought enough stuff to fill a humungous trolley.

Customer has this startled look on her face that says, "Do I have to pay??", and then starts to rummage through her bags to find her purse. Contents of the bag go everywhere, and then have to get put back in a certain order before the next customer can get served.

Shocking cutbacks in the Royal household these days.

Get in touch with the Daily Mail; they'll slip you a few bob for an exclusive.

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Travelling on Glasgow buses. Filthy (due to the utter tossers who travel on them, it has to be said) with bloody Metros three deep under yer feet; there's always a can or bottle rolling about the floor; crisp pokes and chip wrappers everywhere; the stink from some b*****d's shite-smelling carry out; having to listen to at least one person's music; old people (who may or may not be racists) changing seats throughout the journey; fat folk taking up two seats; people who put their bags ion the seats and you have to ask them to move them; people who put their feet up on the seats; emergency stops; the speed of the bus is inversely proportional to the amount of hurry that you're in; and since racism is in the news today and I might get away with this, there's always an Asian guy barking into his mobile.

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An ex of mine that I'm Facebook friends with posts a constant stream of those "inspirational quotes". Highly irritating.

Reads like they work; you must be inspired by the fact that she's an ex and not a current.

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Travelling on Glasgow buses. Filthy (due to the utter tossers who travel on them, it has to be said) with bloody Metros three deep under yer feet; there's always a can or bottle rolling about the floor; crisp pokes and chip wrappers everywhere; the stink from some b*****d's shite-smelling carry out; having to listen to at least one person's music; old people (who may or may not be racists) changing seats throughout the journey; fat folk taking up two seats; people who put their bags ion the seats and you have to ask them to move them; people who put their feet up on the seats; emergency stops; the speed of the bus is inversely proportional to the amount of hurry that you're in; and since racism is in the news today and I might get away with this, there's always an Asian guy barking into his mobile.

Surprised they don't hose them down after the journey's finished.

Also, sounds like the buses could use a clean.

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"hidden tracks" on the end of albums. This was a novelty in the early 90s when CD's were still new and the technology was being explored. It is no longer a novelty. Just put all the tracks on the album as normal and stop wasting my time.

Also, skits on albums. How did you get through all the months of recording, mixing, mastering and preparation before releasing the record and still think these were funny? Hip hop is particularly bad for this. Give it a rest.

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"hidden tracks" on the end of albums. This was a novelty in the early 90s when CD's were still new and the technology was being explored. It is no longer a novelty. Just put all the tracks on the album as normal and stop wasting my time.

I was listening to 1977 by Ash (has to be up there with the great debut albums) in my bedroom when I was younger and fell asleep after it had finished. I was rudely awakened about 20 minutes later to the sound of Tim Wheeler throwing up.

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