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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix
I'm not even reading it properly and it's still shite.

That's being judgemental without the facts then.

But to save you the bother, it is shite.

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Nope. If you have what you need, leave.

Did you honestly think that those spoiler tags always blocked text out? What would be the point in putting text inside otherwise?

Stop giving details btw. It is very much a breach of privacy.

But this sort of thing is ok. You're young, so it's OK.

Yes, I did honestly think it was just a black box hiding details. I had no idea people could access it! And yes, I'm an arse - thanks for reminding me! <_<

Apparently it is okay to say you're hung like a donkey, had four in a bed sex (my best was three BTW), spunked on her tits etc etc - I may even put up a vote where we can all establish what is and what is not aceptable in giving details away. Tit-fuck's and foursomes are apparently fine but telling folk your neighbour is moving flat is not.

Work that one out youngster! <_<

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Yes, I did honestly think it was just a black box hiding details. I had no idea people could access it! And yes, I'm an arse - thanks for reminding me! <_<

:lol: Ah well, now you know.

Apparently it is okay to say you're hung like a donkey, had four in a bed sex (my best was three BTW), spunked on her tits etc etc - I may even put up a vote where we can all establish what is and what is not aceptable in giving details away. Tit-f**k's and foursomes are apparently fine but telling folk your neighbour is moving flat is not.

I'm personally not mad for people being overexpressive about their love lives. I'm not condemning you for having one! The problem is that you are giving details which could lead to your partner being identified online without her knowledge or consent, which isn't desirable I'm sure you'll agree.

If I say I shagged my girlfriend last night, I am giving details about my life away, but she couldn't be identified from this, unless you used some extremely lucky deduction! If I say her name was


, she lives in


and works as an


, then you know a bit about her and might end up Googling her, etc. I realise this distinction is blurred a bit due to the fact a lot of you know one another, but I only know two people on this site (not through it) so I wouldn't know who Fudge's partners were for instance.

We're not condemning the right to express your doings etc, but bringing identifiable third-parties into the equation is dodgy, could you not just say "there's a new woman in my life" or something? Then if people object to it on spurious grounds ("EWWW YOU'RE TOO OLD") then it's their problem!

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We're not condemning the right to express your doings etc, but bringing identifiable third-parties into the equation is dodgy, could you not just say "there's a new woman in my life" or something? Then if people object to it on spurious grounds ("EWWW YOU'RE TOO OLD") then it's their problem!

Thank you! If The Gray Ghost had had to explain it one more time, he may have just cracked under the pressure of trying to state the bloody obvious for the umpteenth time.

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:lol: :lol: :lol:

Kilt that was even better than when you asked about getting a new email address for Pie and Bovril when you bought a new laptop.

In the nicest possible way you are a complete and utter swampy.

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I can't sleep, nor can I find something for my mum's birthday. Hopefully, seeing as shes staying here the night of her birthday lots of cuddles from Ruairidh will make up for the disappointment of what will prob end up being Marks vouchers!

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Absolutely roasting in my apartment but can't open the windows due to the fact I live on a main road with trams all the time as well as cars, frequent bleddy buses etc... I'm getting preprared to look like a prune...

Edited by Řehoř
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