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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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There's some program on the telly just now about finding Mr Average or some shite like that (I'm not actually watching it, I just keep hearing the odd line), and they had a couple of clips from a radio phone in on it. Some woman just said "It is true, because I read it in the Daily Mail yesterday". What a fucking idiot.

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People that phone in for competitions on radio stations before they have actually been told that they can phone in, etor even worse, the idiots that phone in and ask if the competition has been on yet, don't these simpletons listen to a thing the DJ's tell them?

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BNP voters, and people who don't bother voting yet complain about anything the government does.

Or what the government doesn't do is more to the point. :P Why bother listening to anything they say/promise you,they don't keep them anyway. :rolleyes:

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I don't like that one bit.

When the wee bugger jumped towards the camera I moved back out of sheer fear. I'm still suffering from my first encounter with my friends snake. Lets just say it didn't take kindly to me.

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I don't like that one bit.

When the wee bugger jumped towards the camera I moved back out of sheer fear. I'm still suffering from my first encounter with my friends snake. Lets just say it didn't take kindly to me.

I'm sure I read somewhere that even an animal that has never seen a snake before will react with fear if the snake does it's wee threat display along with the striking. I was damn near scared to move when I eventually managed to get him out the cage (albeit wrapped in a towel).

Say you couldn't get him to calm down. Then kill it.

If he really remains evil he'll still find a home either with me or someone else who can look after him. I still think he'll calm don with regular handling.

Edited by Middleton Mouse
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I don't like that one bit.

When the wee bugger jumped towards the camera I moved back out of sheer fear. I'm still suffering from my first encounter with my friends snake. Lets just say it didn't take kindly to me.

I'm not surprised, I wouldn't want to encounter my friends snake either :P

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If he really remains evil he'll still find a home either with me or someone else who can look after him. I still think he'll calm don with regular handling.

How big is he likely to get? I'm not asking because I'm tempted to have a go myself, obviously! I'm just interested. Is he likely to be huge and scarier than he already is?

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How big is he likely to get? I'm not asking because I'm tempted to have a go myself, obviously! I'm just interested. Is he likely to be huge and scarier than he already is?

Yep he's quite big for his age which isn't good. He's about the same size as my corn who is 4 but he is 3 so I'd guess he'll get anywhere between 4.5 and 6 foot given he's nearly 3' just now.

Funnily enough I was saying last night it'd be bloody scary if my big snake took on that attitude. :lol:

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Yep he's quite big for his age which isn't good. He's about the same size as my corn who is 4 but he is 3 so I'd guess he'll get anywhere between 4.5 and 6 foot given he's nearly 3' just now.

Funnily enough I was saying last night it'd be bloody scary if my big snake took on that attitude. :lol:

Bloody hell. :o Rather you than me then! :lol:

Snakes don't really scare me at all, I like them, but I wouldn't want one. It's spiders that scare the living crap out of me. Oh, and birds. I do not like birds.

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