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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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It's not so much that they bother me, because like you, I don't take the interwebbery thing particularly seriously. I just don't think there's any need for it.

Now, let's go back to being friends again. :)

Rowan, you and me could fall out, you know... :P


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Guest The Phoenix
Now, let's go back to being friends again. :)

Say please.

Oh, go on then. :rolleyes:;)

I enjoy being dominated far too much to fall out with you and I'm just a big softee anyway.

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Seriously Swampy, why does it bother you so much? If there were to be repercussions regarding Kilt's postings, they wouldn't affect you.

Thats a really irresponsible attitude, you're a mod. If there were to be repercussions, then the sufferer would not be someone off here who had put information up themselves, but someone totally unconnected with the forum, who has never posted, but has had all their personal details put online.

From a purely legal point of view, p&b would be responsible for any actions, and you (as a mod) could be considered responsible because of your inaction.

From a moral point of view, this is a person who has absolutely no say over whether their details have been posted or not. Using (say) VikingTon as an example, if VikingTon was to put their own details online, then its their responsibility and their choice. If VikingTon was to put (say) Mr. X's details online, then Mr. X is a poster who could ask for their details to be removed. However, if VikingTon was to put his neighbours details online, then their neighbour is not able to request the data removed, and so if there are to be any repercussions, then there would have been absolutely no way that the neighbour could have done anything about.

This is the point that The Gray Ghost, and others have been trying to make. Its potentially dangerous and its wrong. To be honest, as a mod, you really should be looking out for stuff like that in The Gray Ghosts opinion. Its not about whether it affects you personally, its about (and apologies for sounding pompous) doing the right thing.

Edited by The Gray Ghost
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Guest The Phoenix

Thats a really irresponsible attitude, you're a mod. If there were to be repercussions, then the sufferer would not be someone off here who had put information up themselves, but someone totally unconnected with the forum, who has never posted, but has had all their personal details put online.

From a purely legal point of view, p&b would be responsible for any actions, and you (as a mod) could be considered responsible because of your inaction.

From a moral point of view, this is a person who has absolutely no say over whether their details have been posted or not. Using (say) VikingTon as an example, if VikingTon was to put their own details online, then its their responsibility and their choice. If VikingTon was to put (say) Mr. X's details online, then Mr. X is a poster who could ask for their details to be removed. However, if VikingTon was to put his neighbours details online, then their neighbour is not able to request the data removed, and so if there are to be any repercussions, then there would have been absolutely no way that the neighbour could have done anything about.

This is the point that The Gray Ghost, and others have been trying to make. Its potentially dangerous and its wrong. To be honest, as a mod, you really should be looking out for stuff like that in The Gray Ghosts opinion. Its not about whether it affects you personally, its about (and apologies for sounding pompous) doing the right thing.

Here borrow this...



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Oh my god.. TGG, just give it up man! Never mind Kilt, I think you need to take a wee break from the forum, you're fast becoming insufferably boring. I usually like you too, but the sooner xbl returns, the better for all of us.

I don't usually get involved in this sort of nonsense, and I know you may not like what I just said, but Paco is willing to become unpopular as he is on a one man crusade to save the forum.

Edited by Paco
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Guest The Phoenix
It's clear that there's no football on justnow. Everyone's really ratty!


I'm in a great mood now we're friends again. :D

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In a break from the norm, I've only been on P&B 23 hours per day rather than my standard 24. I'm not being facetious, just merely wondering if I've missed Kilt posting this ladys address details?

The Gray Ghost doesn't think he posted her details, but he did post her name, her religion, her sexuality, that she lived next door to him, and his profile apparently contains his full address. Oh and then he posted where she was moving to, and who she was moving in with. Furthermore, The Gray Ghost understand that he previously posted her phone number a few months back. As another poster (Adam Wee possibly?) commented, that woman could possibly be found with relative ease if anyone really wanted to, and there isn't a thing she could do to stop this infringement of her rights. Thats really what several posters have a problem with. Nothing to do with Kilt personally, just the posting of others personal info without their consent or knowledge.

Apologies to anyone who finds that boring, but before you start to write the abusive post or incite some violence, please note that The Gray Ghost is simply answering a question from the mods.

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Guest The Phoenix
Apologies to anyone who finds that boring, but before you start to write the abusive post or incite some violence, please note that The Gray Ghost is simply answering a question from the mods.


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We get the point. Shut up!

Look, The Gray Ghost was asked, and so answered. The Gray Ghost wasn't going to answer in detail, but was then asked for more information.

And I believe all of the above has been deleted, no? Your suggestion that the mods could be held responsible legally if something were to happen is laughable.

Yes, but it wouldn't have been if a scene hadn't been made of it. It would have been permitted and ignored as per usual. Posters should show some responsibility, and the mods should be on the job. The fact that the mods continue to think its perfectly acceptable to post such stuff shows that despite what CJ says, people don't get the point.

Your just a tedious dick to be honest, your always looking to cause trouble, just leave it man for f**k sake. Could of pmed him what happened instead of on here.

Should you not be off inventing some sort of fantasy life?

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The Gray Ghost doesn't think he posted her details, but he did post her name, her religion, her sexuality, that she lived next door to him, and his profile apparently contains his full address. Oh and then he posted where she was moving to, and who she was moving in with. Furthermore, The Gray Ghost understand that he previously posted her phone number a few months back. As another poster (Adam Wee possibly?) commented, that woman could possibly be found with relative ease if anyone really wanted to, and there isn't a thing she could do to stop this infringement of her rights. Thats really what several posters have a problem with. Nothing to do with Kilt personally, just the posting of others personal info without their consent or knowledge.

Apologies to anyone who finds that boring, but before you start to write the abusive post or incite some violence, please note that The Gray Ghost is simply answering a question from the mods.

Fair enough. I see where you are coming from. Personally though, from a non mod point of view, I would just ignore the poster/postings if they got on my nerves instead of going on some moral crusade about something that ultimately does not concern me.

Thankfully, we're all different.

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Yes, but it wouldn't have been if a scene hadn't been made of it. It would have been permitted and ignored as per usual. Posters should show some responsibility, and the mods should be on the job. The fact that the mods continue to think its perfectly acceptable to post such stuff shows that despite what CJ says, people don't get the point.

If you say so...

Should you not be off inventing some sort of fantasy life?

Heh... do as I say, not as I do, I take it?

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Guest The Phoenix
Should you not be off inventing some sort of fantasy life?

I could and probably should let that pass but why should I.

Just who the hell do you think you are having a go at Graham without a grain of evidence that anything he's posted on here isn't true.

Go away and get on with your own fantasy life.

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