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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I've seen some very scummy parts of Spanish towns, but nothing on the scale of the slums I saw I SA.

I'm not talking about parts of Spanish towns though, I'm talking about parts of the country. When you get up into the mountains, it really is what I imagine 3rd world countries to be like.

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I'm not talking about parts of Spanish towns though, I'm talking about parts of the country. When you get up into the mountains, it really is what I imagine 3rd world countries to be like.

The worst I've seen in rural Spain are tiny houses made of sunbaked clay, it's a very, very basic living but certainly not the shanty towns constructed of cardboard, corregated iron with raw sewage running through the street I've seen in SA.

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Fair enough, I've never been to SA, but I've seen some pretty awful things in Spain. It's a bit of a bugbear of mine when people assume Spain is this amazing, wealthy country and they've only ever been to, say, Malaga or Barcelona or something (not that I'm saying that's your experience!).

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I was in SA about a week and a half ago. Yes, there are really bad areas but it didn't stop me having the time of my life and surely if you're going to place like that, then that's the whole purpose.

Granted though that those horns are unbelievably annoying at the confederations.

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Guest The Phoenix
You could say the exact same about Spain. Get off the beaten track a bit and it's really bleak.

Staying on the beaten track in Cowdenbeath is pretty bleak. :(

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Nosey patients.

Me 'aye, so we'll keep going with the antibiotics, everything seems fine, and the consultant will see you tomorrow, ok?'

Patient 'ok. So, where are you off to in August?'

Me: 'erm, I'm going back to Glasgow to train to be a GP.'

Patient: 'oh, my daughter did that. I wanted her to be a surgeon. So do you want babies then?'

Me: :o

Patient: What's his name then?

Me: :o

Patient: So is he going to marry you then? How old are you, 28, 29? You're not old enough to get married.

Me: :o

I think it's the first time ever I've actually been left speechless :lol:

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