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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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It has got a skull and crossbones drawn on it. Aye. :ph34r:

What is the ASDA policy on wearing eye patches at work? I reckon it may affect your ability to judge distances and may lead to you crashing a trolley full of milk into an innocent old granny (not necessarily a bad thing) and therefore is probably a Health and Safety issue.

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I got mine when I was about 8 or 9. The minute I was old enough for contact lenses the Gregors were off. f**k cutting about Nightclubs with scaffolding attached to my face.

I've tried contacts recently, and i hated them, i just couldn't get them in my eyes!

I like my glasses anyway, make a feature of them rather than try hide them!

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The BBc's interactive service.

How many times are they going to get this crap wrong?

I can't watch Ivo Karlovic now, because the menu isn't working. Why can't the BBc get anything right?


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I've tried contacts recently, and i hated them, i just couldn't get them in my eyes!

I like my glasses anyway, make a feature of them rather than try hide them!

The fact I have a skinhead (how that will surprise many folk) was another reason they had to go. They'd just look twice as odd.

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Got sunburn after being out in the sun all day :(

Can't get out in the sun because I'm crippled. :(

Boots do an afterburn cream that is brilliant for treating sunburn, I used it on my shoulders on holiday and the skin didn't hurt or peel, and now it's tanned.

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