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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest Dunc?
Actually, that's a good point.

I'm terrified of being unable to control myself when my boy is 16 and listening to f**k knows what.

I can see his I-pod going out of the fucking window. :lol:

You've just to keep playing it around the house, and he'll start off disliking it, but eventually it'll be so stuck in his brain and he'll love it so much that he'll be the only person in the entire school who knows who Artimus Pyle is.

Thanks, Dad <_<

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Btw Reina, I hope my original comment didn't sound insensitive

Don't be silly!

Big pot of boiling hot water and a towel is all you need to clear your blocked nose - you probably don't even need the crystals. An alternative to the crystals would be Olbas Oil. Just stick your head over the water and put a towel over your head and the pan and your nose will be clear in about 10 mins. Works every time. :)

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The last few weeks I've really went to town when I've been drinking. Last night I thought I had toned it down, but I've ended up with a stoater of a hangover, while before, I didn't get much at all.



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Start drinking again.

Did you do your silly drunk Bebo things?


I wasn't really aware of the time when I posted that, so I was hoping someone would be around going "oh, you don't want to do that...", but no one did. I must have just forgotten and watched something on youtube, because youtube is the last thing I remember before I went to sleep.

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Very wise. Drunken txt messaging and internet posting has been the downfall of many. Me included <_<

Luckily, I never put money in my phone, and I certainly don't if I know I'm going to be drinking.

It's simply not worth the risk.

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I'm so bored.

It's a nice day outside, but no one wants to do anything because apparently when you go out drinking you need to spend the whole of the next day lying in bed, waiting until about 8pm when you start drinking again, only to do the same thing on the sunday, minus the drink.

Apparently this is a brilliant way to spend your weekend, because as we all know, weekends are for boozing and lying down only.

Oh, and if anyone does want to do something, it has to involve the pub. Not that I'm complaining, but why does everything you do on a saturday NEED to involve booze?

Edited by Toma_BullyWee
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got a phonecall in the middle of the night telling me that me brother was ridiculously pissed and couldnt get up. Because my parents are away right now, i was responsible for him. Because i had a couple of cans before i went to my bed, there was no way i could drive. So i quickly got changed and ran down to the middle of town to where he was in 10 ten minutes repsectively. Ambulance had just came by the time which i had arrived. Eventually i managed to convince them i would take him home. Fortunately one of his mates doesnt drink so we managed to get a lift off her. So i get him home and into his bed etc, and get myself to my bed and tried to get some sleep with me having an early start at work in the morning on a saturday! When i just got in the now, do i get a thanks? do i f**k! instead i get berated for taking his trousers when helping him get into his bed. Spolit fucking little shit that he is!! :angry:

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Last nights 'quiet night in' decended into a drunken farce that has resulted in a bastard of a hangover which is the cause of me missing the football today.

Not chuffed.

...and now it's like someone has flicked a switch and I feel brand new. Why could this not have happened earlier on so I could have made the game?? :angry:

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