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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix
If you cúnts stay up and we dont I will not be best pleased :(

You'd better start praying they go down via the play-offs then. ;)

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Guest The Phoenix
Why will it matter when we finish 6th :P

If you finish 6th or higher, I will dance naked through the streets of Raith.

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We just can't get rid of you fuckers. :(

Fucking tell me about it.

Familiarity is supposed to breed contempt, but in our case it's take the heat out of a fixture I used to look forward to for weeks on end.

Is it official now then?

If that's the case then the "powers that be" really need their baws felt with this one. Scottish football is a shambles.

According to the BBC, aye. Maybe Massone will take the 25K and f'ck off, but he doesn't seem the type.

If you cúnts stay up and we dont I will not be best pleased :(

I wouldn't worry about that. Unless there's serious investment in players, we'll sink without chase.

You'd better start praying they go down via the play-offs then. ;)


Edited by wearealldoomed
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I get pissed off about the casual rascism against Dundonians that seems to exist on this site.

We Dundonians are proud upstanding people. Brave, well mannered and beautiful. We look kindly upon strangers and are always willing to buy someone a pint or offer them a bed for the night (so long as they are old enough).

We are brave and noble - intelligent yet modest - humourous, dilligent and trustworthy.

Unlike our neighbours to the north we don't shag sheep, neither are we inter bred like the Fifers. We are always willing to laugh at adversity - and at people from Forfar.

So please no more Dundee jokes (unless it's about Dundee FC) - and if you have any doubts why not visit the beautiful city yourself imortalised by our world famous marketing slogan -

"Come to Dundee, We've got a Boat"

The only thing Dundee is best at is under age sex and teen pregnancy,I wouldn't be so proud of myself for being a Dundonian after that. :P

Is it official now then?

If that's the case then the "powers that be" really need their baws felt with this one. Scottish football is a shambles.

The powers that be?

The bloke that owns the club is taking no responsibility for what he has done to the club,and he was/is taking no help from anyone to try and save the club. So why should the powers that be help them out when he is sitting on his fat arse doing bugger all to help. :rolleyes:

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The powers that be?

The bloke that owns the club is taking no responsibility for what he has done to the club,and he was/is taking no help from anyone to try and save the club. So why should the powers that be help them out when he is sitting on his fat arse doing bugger all to help. :rolleyes:

It's a pity that Livingston fans (look likely to) have to lose their club because it's been poorly managed by the board. It's not really any different from a company going bust though, I don't see calls from all over for the government to prop them up.

The only fault of the SFA is a failure to impose stricter financial responsibilities on clubs. Clubs that rack up debt are effectively cheating by spending money they don't have. Frankly, clubs who spend to the brink of danger deserve to go bust. I'm not saying I want them to go bust, but these are the risks that are being taken.

That's Airdrieonians, Gretna and now probably Livingston. How many warnings are needed?

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The powers that be?

The bloke that owns the club is taking no responsibility for what he has done to the club,and he was/is taking no help from anyone to try and save the club. So why should the powers that be help them out when he is sitting on his fat arse doing bugger all to help. :rolleyes:

I'm not saying that. I'm saying that it was common knowledge that Livi were fucked financially some time ago. Surely they could have planned ahead and had a "but what if.." scenario laid out.

We're 11 days from the new season, and while it's looking bleak for Livi, we could end up with a division with only 9 teams (but what one?), 2 teams that have budgeted for lower league football brought back up, which isn't the godsend some may think it is, it just means a season of being 10th as wearealldoomed pointed out, and if a new team is to be accepted then they don't have a lot of time to prepare. It fucks the fans because they'll all need to change their plans for away days, it also fucks the club as well because of that, and as someone else pointed out in another forum, what happens when this newly registered SFL club jump from their old league? It's just more places up in the air.

So as I said before, the "powers that be" need their arses felt. Scottish football is a shambles.

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It's a pity that Livingston fans (look likely to) have to lose their club because it's been poorly managed by the board. It's not really any different from a company going bust though, I don't see calls from all over for the government to prop them up.

The only fault of the SFA is a failure to impose stricter financial responsibilities on clubs. Clubs that rack up debt are effectively cheating by spending money they don't have. Frankly, clubs who spend to the brink of danger deserve to go bust. I'm not saying I want them to go bust, but these are the risks that are being taken.

That's Airdrieonians, Gretna and now probably Livingston. How many warnings are needed?

You could add dundee into that list.

You would have thought that the livingston board would have gone through all the checks to makes sure the person buying into the club was legitimit and wouldn't try and drag the club to the depths that he has at livingston,I meant didn't the bloke that won all the money on the lottery do pretty much the same thing?

It's not about how many warnings to give,it should be right in there investigate who is running the club,and what their intentions are for the club,the SFA should have procedures in place to do this with every club.

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Scottish football is a shambles.

In fairness, its not exactly anywhere worse than the rest of the world. In South America, people get shot, in England, half the teams seem to be in administration and starting the season on minus points. Just a couple years back, Italy had mass fraud, murders, and had to play games in empty stadiums...people like to slag off Scottish football, but its not like we're somehow cack handed compared to everyone else.

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You could add dundee into that list.

You would have thought that the livingston board would have gone through all the checks to makes sure the person buying into the club was legitimit and wouldn't try and drag the club to the depths that he has at livingston,I meant didn't the bloke that won all the money on the lottery do pretty much the same thing?

Oh but they are debt free. ;)

Your second point about Livi is spot on, but it's that big dangly strapon of success, once it's been dangled in front of them, they can't see anything else.. Someone comes in with an offer, they see those promises of "Eh aye, Eh, plenty money mate", and that's it.

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In fairness, its not exactly anywhere worse than the rest of the world. In South America, people get shot, in England, half the teams seem to be in administration and starting the season on minus points. Just a couple years back, Italy had mass fraud, murders, and had to play games in empty stadiums...people like to slag off Scottish football, but its not like we're somehow cack handed compared to everyone else.

I see your point there. Most English teams are the same though. They're all desperate to get to the Premier League and hope that some rich guy from somewhere no one has heard of fancies investing in them. They love to harp on about how the Premier League is the "best league in the world", but it bloody well should be with the amount of money in it. In fact, it should be a lot better than it currently is.

We don't really have the big scandals like Italy, but we can't get the basics. You can't expect us to have David Murray wheeling around on a killing spree with Gordon Smith chucking spears out the Hampden offices when we can't get the basics down. Do that, then the rest will follow!

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You would have thought that the livingston board would have gone through all the checks to makes sure the person buying into the club was legitimit and wouldn't try and drag the club to the depths that he has at livingston,I meant didn't the bloke that won all the money on the lottery do pretty much the same thing?

It's not about how many warnings to give,it should be right in there investigate who is running the club,and what their intentions are for the club,the SFA should have procedures in place to do this with every club.

If you owned an unprofitable company that had ran up a shitload of debt and I offered to buy you out for a quid and assume responsibility for all outstanding debts, you'd bite my hand off.

The SFL, SFA and, where appropriate, SPL should insist that some form of financial vetting is carried out whever a club changes ownership. Otherwise, there are plenty other cubs that remain sitting ducks for this kind of mess.

Edited by wearealldoomed
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Oh but they are debt free. ;)

Your second point about Livi is spot on, but it's that big dangly strapon of success, once it's been dangled in front of them, they can't see anything else.. Someone comes in with an offer, they see those promises of "Eh aye, Eh, plenty money mate", and that's it.

I suppose you could say there wouldn't be any club that would turn down an offer of money if it was waved in front of them,but there has to be some sort of way to check these sort of people out before they even make a move to agree to take their money.

Surly the people at Livignston are that stupid,to just accept the money and not check out who the person are and what they want to do with the club?

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We don't really have the big scandals like Italy, but we can't get the basics. You can't expect us to have David Murray wheeling around on a killing spree with Gordon Smith chucking spears out the Hampden offices when we can't get the basics down. Do that, then the rest will follow!

Honestly though, what "basics" don't we have? To use the examples of England, they have been inconsistently applying administration penalties for years now. So some clubs got off Scot Free, while others paid through the nose. In Italy again, lets not forget that Napoli, a massive club, just vanished, reappeared in the lower leagues, and then got artificially promoted through the leagues. In Spain and Russia, racism is still prevalent, and their organisations don't seem willing to tackle that basic issue. Really, its not that bad!

Oh, and lest we forget, it was only last year that Man City was owned by a guy who had to leave his native country and claim asylum. Thats a Premiership team.

I'm not having a go at you personally here btw, but I get so sick of this "only in Scotland" rubbish. If you listened to seemingly most Scots, we have an amateurish, cack handed organisation, who can't get anything done and are a "laughing stock" (a phrase I particularly loathe in a Scottish Football context).

Its really not that bad people! :angry:

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Honestly though, what "basics" don't we have? To use the examples of England, they have been inconsistently applying administration penalties for years now. So some clubs got off Scot Free, while others paid through the nose. In Italy again, lets not forget that Napoli, a massive club, just vanished, reappeared in the lower leagues, and then got artificially promoted through the leagues. In Spain and Russia, racism is still prevalent, and their organisations don't seem willing to tackle that basic issue. Really, its not that bad!

Oh, and lest we forget, it was only last year that Man City was owned by a guy who had to leave his native country and claim asylum. Thats a Premiership team.

I'm not having a go at you personally here btw, but I get so sick of this "only in Scotland" rubbish. If you listened to seemingly most Scots, we have an amateurish, cack handed organisation, who can't get anything done and are a "laughing stock" (a phrase I particularly loathe in a Scottish Football context).

Its really not that bad people! :angry:

Livingston will get off with it again.

But as long as you're happy, so what? :rolleyes:

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