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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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do you seriously believe all that carry on?

Yes! Of course. Does the sun come up each day, do the seasons turn, does the moon wax and wane.....that's all it is Gogo - revering the ever-turning circle of life! :)

It makes the same sense as any other religion does.

Quite true - live and let live! ;)

Why does kilt get such a hard time? His beliefs aren't mainstream, but he has the right to believe without being ridiculed. If he was Islamic or something like that and he got this abuse the guilty posters would be banned for racism.

Cheers man. Peace an Blessings to you for that! B)

I hope tomorrow for you all is fruitful, rewarding and fulfilling! Peaceful nights everyone!


PS Pagans don't do Fatwah's...... :lol::ph34r:

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Why does kilt get such a hard time? His beliefs aren't mainstream, but he has the right to believe without being ridiculed. If he was Islamic or something like that and he got this abuse the guilty posters would be banned for racism.

That is a fair point actually.

I've had my differences with kilt re the constant reminders that he is a Pagan but when I think of it, an appreciation of stuff that you can see happening is nowhere near as daft as the good versus evil pish that Christians go on about.

Kilt is an easy target, as much his doing as anyone elses in my honest opinion but P&B would be a wee bit less entertaining if he didn't post.

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Kilt gets it tight because by and large everyone knows he can take it.

And he's a looney.

:D Ta....hang on :o<_<:P

That is a fair point actually.

I've had my differences with kilt re the constant reminders that he is a Pagan but when I think of it, an appreciation of stuff that you can see happening is nowhere near as daft as the good versus evil pish that Christians go on about.

Kilt is an easy target, as much his doing as anyone elses in my honest opinion but P&B would be a wee bit less entertaining if he didn't post.

I'm arguing in a lonely corner on here against organised religions which, whilst I fully respect them, don't cater for my spiritual needs, whereas Pagan Wicca does, and I get to spread my sense of fulfilment with other of a like mind.

Your (sort of) vote of confidence is reward enough Andy! Blessed Be! And now I really must go to bed before booting out another removal case tomorrow! :ph34r:

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So let me get this straight, Kilt.

You met this American ginger bird who just happened to also be a white witch, and before your little wicker man got erected, she's fucked off to Amsterdam?

Did you check your pockets for your wallet after she'd gone?

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So let me get this straight, Kilt.

You met this American ginger bird who just happened to also be a white witch, and before your little wicker man got erected, she's fucked off to Amsterdam?

Did you check your pockets for your wallet after she'd gone?

She was going to work in a Bhuddist, All Faith Temple on a voluntary basis but, as there's been a recent change in the law, she didn't have Tier 5 Status and needed to have had an EC (Entry Clearance) - hence her return to Amsterdam. I got to meet her because of this, which is where, in my beliefs, the Godess intervened, but, whilst we don't make the law and only enforce it, I had no option but to see her onto the plane. She was fine with it and I gave her advice about getting a tourist visa/working holiday maker visa, which she appreciated. I'm hoping she'll get her visa sorted out and come back to Scotland and we can spend more time together. I'm firm but fair and your last comment is wholly unworthy BTW! <_<

"American Ginger bird" "little wicker man got erected" "Did you check you pockets..."

Behave yersel! :angry:<_<

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She was going to work in a Bhuddist, All Faith Temple on a voluntary basis but, as there's been a recent change in the law, she didn't have Tier 5 Status and needed to have had an EC (Entry Clearance) - hence her return to Amsterdam. I got to meet her because of this, which is where, in my beliefs, the Godess intervened, but, whilst we don't make the law and only enforce it, I had no option but to see her onto the plane. She was fine with it and I gave her advice about getting a tourist visa/working holiday maker visa, which she appreciated. I'm hoping she'll get her visa sorted out and come back to Scotland and we can spend more time together. I'm firm but fair and your last comment is wholly unworthy BTW! <_<

"American Ginger bird" "little wicker man got erected" "Did you check you pockets..."

Behave yersel! :angry:<_<

All the best with that, Kilt. It's always nice when you meet someone you have something in common with. Although whether that is because of devine intervention or not that's up for debate. :P Being apart from someone you care about is always shit, I hope you get to see her soon.

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I have the biggest blister ever on the bottom of my heel. I cant fucking walk. Well, I can, I just look crippled doing so. :(

I had six horrendous blisters on each foot by the time I finished the West Highland Way a couple of years ago. That's 12 (twelve!) for the numerically challenged among us. The last 10 miles or so were quite comfortably the most agonising experience of my life. For lack of a more appropriate expression, ha.

One of the blisters on my wee toe was like a foetus. I had to cut it off with a full day's walk ahead. :(

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All the best with that, Kilt. It's always nice when you meet someone you have something in common with. Although whether that is because of devine intervention or not that's up for debate. :P Being apart from someone you care about is always shit, I hope you get to see her soon.

Cheers, Fraser. Here's hoping! ;)

It's 'Divine' BTW! Feck knows what they're teaching you at Paisley Grammer School these days! :lol:

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I wondered where you were.How are things going with your grandad..?

I usually only seem to be on pnb when i'm at work you miss me :P . If my boss saw my post count i think he'd blow an artery!

the funeral was done and dusted last saturday cheers for asking. the ashes were scattered in his hometown humbie on the wednesday. Glad that the scottish government finally took time out of the 'busy schedule' to get their finger out and confirm what we already knew about his death.

still though, get this day out of the way and it's the big one tonight :D

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I usually only seem to be on pnb when i'm at work you miss me :P . If my boss saw my post count i think he'd blow an artery!

the funeral was done and dusted last saturday cheers for asking. the ashes were scattered in his hometown humbie on the wednesday. Glad that the scottish government finally took time out of the 'busy schedule' to get their finger out and confirm what we already knew about his death.

still though, get this day out of the way and it's the big one tonight :D

Glad it was sorted.I hope i can last till tonight,hangover.

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