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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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was it just big f**k off orgy??

:lol: I wish! No, it was a small gathering to set out our 'Mission Statement' about who we are, what we believe in and what we want to achieve. Our current membership are spread across the country from me in Glasgow to a fellow Pagan in Dover! B)

Magrahi's plane just arrived.

Aye, tell me about it! <_< See if my bus home is delayed, I'll jump on the fecker and make him wish his cancer had acted faster! :ph34r:

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:lol: I wish! No, it was a small gathering to set out our 'Mission Statement' about who we are, what we believe in and what we want to achieve. Our current membership are spread across the country from me in Glasgow to a fellow Pagan in Dover! B)

:( no nakedness at all??

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I'm so fed up with a certain female I think I may have a P&B breakdown.

On the pornography front, I still buy as cheap and dirty as possible (Usually about a €1) jazzmags whenever I visit another city/have people staying with me (they always want to go to a branch of Erotic City). I have quite the collection.

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Cheers, Fraser. Here's hoping! ;)

It's 'Divine' BTW! Feck knows what they're teaching you at Paisley Grammer School these days! :lol:

Who knows, I've never been taught at the Grammar in my life. What made you think I went to school there? And in any case I've left school, I've got an excuse for poor spelling.

I hardly ever spell incorrectly in my posts, but whenever I make a typo I'm nearly always called up for it. Why is this? Other people make many spelling errors in posts and I wouldn't expect them to be correct, but I seemingly always am? Why?

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Going upi down two flights of stairs 14 times with 7 boxes of uniform being returned! :angry:

I've near killed masel......no, honestly.....I'm still gasping and can hardly speak and this was 20 minutes ago! :(

what a hard life you have honestly................................

. :P

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Have an application form for a job at Morrison's, but I have no idea what to put for "What kind of work woulkd you be interested in?" Like anyone really goes "I'd love to work on the tills", f**k that shit. I just want a bloody job and some money.

Surely it'd be a lot better working on the tills than, say, the stockroom?

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