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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Having missed approx 10 pages of PTTGOYN, trawling through them and finding it's all pagan pish :angry:
<H3 align=center>This Grove is a Non-denominational Sacred Space. The wisdom of many religious and spiritual traditions is respected here. This is a place to renew your connection with your own spiritual essence, whatever your path.

</H3><H3 align=center>The Grove of the Rainbow Heart is intended as a place where members of the Gay, Lesbian, Transexual, Two-Spirited and Bi-sexual Communities can come for spiritual renewal in times of joy or sorrow.






Make of it what you will, but Blessed Be!

Aye, that's the pish that she's talking about.

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Someone in my house has ate the last of the Salt&Vinegar Hula Hoops. By Vectrons Monster rage they are going to be in some serious Granny Danger ;)

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Tonight I told my friend he is a bit of a fanny for buying into those style over substance p***ks he works with, who have completely changed him, and influenced his every move in the clothing department.

He took the huff. Considering that I'm always right (100% on the button in this case), it was a silly thing to do.

I've met his work folk a couple of times. One chap in particular had me in stitches. He is a gloryhunting Sellik fan who hasn't been to a game (bar the big Champions League games) in years, who told me I knew nothing about football because I called him up on the uninformed typical glory hunting views he had.

I shouldn't be allowed to post whilst pished. I'll regret this in the morning. Now for the Oasis thread!

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Guest The Phoenix
I'm sorry you've got such a closed mind.... :(

TBF Kilt, you are the one with the closed mind.

99.99% of people on here are telling you Paganism is a pile of poo and you're not listening.

Please don't take that personally, despite the preponderance of Blessed Be's, lubricating candles and naked frolicking at sunrise, I still like you. :D

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TBF Kilt, you are the one with the closed mind.

99.99% of people on here are telling you Paganism is a pile of poo and you're not listening.

It's the fact that he comes out with "I was just answering a question", when in an awful lot of cases, he isn't. The fact that he moans that we're persecuting him and paganism and that we'd have a Fatwa if we were to discuss any other religion in that way - no, we wouldn't because all religions get the same deal. I'm a Catholic, but do you see me banging on about it in every other post? No, because my beliefs are mine, I don't expect anyone to take them seriously or want to hear about it, and besides, I know what happens when people talk about Christianity on here, so I'd rather not.

I don't care what faith or religion anyone else professes to be, and the reason I don't know anything about them is that I don't want to. I'm just not interested.

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