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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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My sister is absolutely hopeless at Standard Grade Credit Maths.

As are the best of us.

You tell her, from me, that she should just not fecking bother. It's shit, and if she just says "f**k it", and goes to the exam without preparing, she'll probably get a 2 anyway. I did.

Oh, and don't do Higher Maths in the hope that it'll somehow be easier, because it won't.

Anyway, I have fully blown man-flu. Except it seems to be somehow worse. It's like SuperMan flu. Can Superman get flu? I don't imagine he can. Maybe sometimes he pretends Clark Kent has the flu to get off work, so he can go and kick about in his big ice thingy. I feel I'm digressing. And disgusting. Recognise.

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Maybe sometimes he pretends Clark Kent has the flu to get off work, so he can go and kick about in his big ice thingy.

He's a reporter, he can fúck off for weeks at a time without anyone batting an eyelid.

Tsk @ your poor superhero alias knowledge.

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As are the best of us.

You tell her, from me, that she should just not fecking bother. It's shit, and if she just says "f**k it", and goes to the exam without preparing, she'll probably get a 2 anyway. I did.

Oh, and don't do Higher Maths in the hope that it'll somehow be easier, because it won't.

I honestly don't know how she can be from the same gene pool. Both my parents did quite well in Higher Maths back in the day, my dad did Maths as part of his University degree and I had hardly any problems with it till AH, yet my sister just cannot grasp basic graph work.

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He's a reporter, he can fúck off for weeks at a time without anyone batting an eyelid.

Tsk @ your poor superhero alias knowledge.

I'm not a massive superhero-geek, to be honest. I can't really get into the films or anything, and I'm certainly not buying fecking comics. I haven't even seen the Dark Knight yet. (Gasp!)

One thing I have been wondering since Spiderman on the MegaDrive, though... How does Peter Parker keep getting work as a photographer for the Daily Bugle. More or less every single day they lead with a story on the Amazing Spiderman, and he's always charged with getting photos, but he never manages it. His gaffer's always raging too, but never so much as puts him on gardening leave. Frankly, I'm not surprised that written media is going down the pan.

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Peter Parker always gets the money shot, so to speak.

He always gets a brilliant picture of the bad guy (where does he keep his camera when he's not using it? You never see a big Nikon shaped lump in his spandex as he swings through the city) but there's never any photos of him (it would be brilliant if he took a couple in MySpace pose, complete with pout). In fact, if your only source of news was the Daily Bugle, you'd seriously doubt Spiderman even existed.

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I honestly don't know how she can be from the same gene pool. Both my parents did quite well in Higher Maths back in the day, my dad did Maths as part of his University degree and I had hardly any problems with it till AH, yet my sister just cannot grasp basic graph work.

Earlier this week I was upset at my boy struggling a bit with his maths (which he doesn't usually, he's been complimented for it at school), so I kind of overcompensated a bit, leading to a fascinated nine year old staring at me, mouth agape as I explained to him that nobody actually ever uses maths for the majority of their lives and in fact when you get right down to it all exams are just basic memory tests anyway, not to stress out about it and relax.

In case you're thinking of laughing, parents are often put on the spot like this and have to make shit up regularly. It's 'Do as I say and not as I do' in Parent Town, mostly. :ph34r:

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I honestly don't know how she can be from the same gene pool. Both my parents did quite well in Higher Maths back in the day, my dad did Maths as part of his University degree and I had hardly any problems with it till AH, yet my sister just cannot grasp basic graph work.

I'm not aware of the specifics of course, but this seems hugely judgemental. if you're so fabby at graphs and want to help cant you offer some brotherly guidance -rather than/or in addition yes ti coming on the internet and slagging the kid off for some thing lots of kids struggle with? do you mean drawing graphs? there's a cracking tick sheet for graphs -e.g. x-axis tick y-axis tick, labels tick, scale tick etc

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I'm not a massive superhero-geek, to be honest. I can't really get into the films or anything, and I'm certainly not buying fecking comics. I haven't even seen the Dark Knight yet. (Gasp!)

One thing I have been wondering since Spiderman on the MegaDrive, though... How does Peter Parker keep getting work as a photographer for the Daily Bugle. More or less every single day they lead with a story on the Amazing Spiderman, and he's always charged with getting photos, but he never manages it. His gaffer's always raging too, but never so much as puts him on gardening leave. Frankly, I'm not surprised that written media is going down the pan.

is he not technically freelance e.g. they take his photies on a here's a £5 for them rate. in the films at least. The person who would know is rowans husband though.

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Earlier this week I was upset at my boy struggling a bit with his maths (which he doesn't usually, he's been complimented for it at school), so I kind of overcompensated a bit, leading to a fascinated nine year old staring at me, mouth agape as I explained to him that nobody actually ever uses maths for the majority of their lives and in fact when you get right down to it all exams are just basic memory tests anyway, not to stress out about it and relax.

In case you're thinking of laughing, parents are often put on the spot like this and have to make shit up regularly. It's 'Do as I say and not as I do' in Parent Town, mostly. :ph34r:

Nah, you're right. When did you last use Pythagoras theory for anything? Never, not since you were at school, memorising it for a test, that's when.

If you can add, multiply, divide and subtract, and know which order to do them in, you're pretty much set for adulthood.

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I swapped my day off to make it to the Dunfermline reschedule, which was then cancelled.

I am now at work today.

The game against Ayr is today

The game away to Ayr is enerally my favourite of the year.

I was happy to sacrifice it for them.

I am no longer happy.

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Some Cabinet papers have been made public from 1979.

Every news report now has a feature on Margaret Thatcher's 1979 strict election diet (two hard-boiled eggs and lettuce for lunch), her pencil corrected "who's in, who's out" notes for forming her first Cabinet, her "stiff" letter to Brezhnev about Russia's invasion of Afghanistan and, of course, the ubiquitous "Iron Lady's Handbag".

It is beginning to impinge on my usual carefree Joie de Vivre!

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There are not nearly enough complaints on here since i had to leave my office. So here goes.

All the students from the Pollock Halls who canott help throw themselves under my wheels.

The state of the bloody roads.They were bad enough before the winter,now unless i have the van i am going to disappear down a pot hole.

The cold.

Tony Blair

The price of Diesel.

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The inadequate homunculus midget megalomaniacs that are Scottish referees.

Despite a perfectly playable pitch, both teams, managers and directors in agreement that it was so, a ref turns up at half one, decrees the ground "isn't soft enough", REFUSES a request to find out by letting the teams warm up on it, calls the game off and pisses off home.

I hope the times he had his head flushed down the toilets at school
wake him up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat.

I hope he sinks his life savings into a yacht, and it sinks.

I hope a bird shits on him next time he goes to Sainsbury's to buy his microwave meals for one, from the 'bitter bachelor' range.

I hope he breaks both ankles by falling off the toilet bowl next time he's cottaging with a tramps cock hanging out of his twisted little mouth.

I hope he comes home early from his work as a jobsworth somewhere to find his mother spreadeagled on all fours on the living room rug, her flabby, cellulite-ridden arse in the air, squeaking as she gets pummelled by a smelly troglydite in a DHL uniform.

I hope he buys a dog that bites one of his ears off.

I hope his boiler breaks down and he has to go to B and Q to buy some panel heaters, and when he gets home and arranges them around the house is startled by a call from aforementioned mother to make her a cup of tea, trips over the swastika rug and smacks his face off a (now hot) panel heater and sticks to it, his cheek melting like his fellow Nazi's in Raiders Of The Lost Ark.

I hope a piano falls on his puce-green Kia Sedona.

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is he not technically freelance e.g. they take his photies on a here's a £5 for them rate. in the films at least. The person who would know is rowans husband though.

You never see him round the offices of the Times, though, do you? He's only ever hanging about the Bugle, trying to get JJ Jameson to run his shite photos.

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"Next day before 12PM delivery". Why call it that if you're not going to have it delivered by 12 the next?!

That's not what it means. It means if you place your order before 12noon you will have it delivered to you by the next day.

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