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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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You turn almost every thread into an utterly ridiculous argument. I go onto a thread to read about whatever it's about and hope to find reasoned debate. Now, all I see is you making post after post, snidely deriding almost anything that is said. It's not just a post or two. You go on, and on and on and it completely detracts from the quality of the thread.

I'm quite aware that no one (publically anway) cares about what people think of them on a forum, but from reading the responses to your posts the majority view on Misc Football seems to be that you have a bad habit of wrecking threads.

Again, you don't seem to understand how it works. If there is a ridiculous argument it is because someone else is saying something ridiculous and I am challenging it. And maybe starts off as being reasoned debate, but people don't like it being pointed out how wrong they are.

Yes, their multiple posts on how much they despise reading my posts and public claims they are never going to read my posts again are clearly greatly increasing the quality of the thread. In fact, those people who disagree with me and call me a pedophile and say I have a debilitating mental illness - I take it you love those posts too?

If it is getting ruined, you should look far beyond me. Not that anyone is forcing you to read it anyway.

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Supras has almost single handedly ruined the Misc Football Forum.

It's fucking grim. That Andy Van der Meyde thread was quite interesting then he started arguing about f**k all knowing he'd catch all the minnows arguing back.

VT does it far far better and at least does it in General Nonsense where it belongs.

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It's fucking grim. That Andy Van der Meyde thread was quite interesting then he started arguing about f**k all knowing he'd catch all the minnows arguing back.

VT does it far far better and at least does it in General Nonsense where it belongs.

Again, another poster who claims publically to ignore me yet continues to post about me.

And clearly I was absolutely desperate to be accused of having a debilitating mental illness - the points I were arguing were that you can't have a moral criticism over someone for ending a relationship or consuming recreational drugs. Anything that happened beyond that was the doing of other posters.

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Supras, you're utterly deluded if you believe your petty arguments are not ruining the Misc football forum. You pull up points on the smallest of scale and defend them as if they were an abused child.

Why do you think you are almost always involved in debates/arguments? Is it because everyone, apart from you, is wrong and makes ridiculous points?

Away and ruin the Junior forum. It's full to the brim of absolute roasters, you'd fit in perfectly.

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You turn almost every thread into an utterly ridiculous argument. I go onto a thread to read about whatever it's about and hope to find reasoned debate. Now, all I see is you making post after post, snidely deriding almost anything that is said. It's not just a post or two. You go on, and on and on and it completely detracts from the quality of the thread.

I'm quite aware that no one (publically anway) cares about what people think of them on a forum, but from reading the responses to your posts the majority view on Misc Football seems to be that you have a bad habit of wrecking threads.

As I said on Misc. yesterday it's actually making me nostalgic for the Livi trolls.

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Supras, you're utterly deluded if you believe your petty arguments are not ruining the Misc football forum. You pull up points on the smallest of scale and defend them as if they were an abused child.

Why do you think you are almost always involved in debates/arguments? Is it because everyone, apart from you, is wrong and makes ridiculous points?

Away and ruin the Junior forum. It's full to the brim of absolute roasters, you'd fit in perfectly.

Again, given your contributions on that thread and elsewhere, it's truly baffling you can criticise anyone for the quality of their posts.

Tell me again how your expertise as a parent means Van Der Meyde should be behaving like a role model? The solution for you and everyone else is simple - stop reading. I find it remarkably easy, why do you struggle?

And yes, people make ridiculous points regularly. I mean criticised for ending a relationship and taking recreational drugs? Do you agree with that viewpoint, I take it? He was a moaning, hypocritical ministers wife who thought the war on drugs protected people - he needed to have his ignorance exposed. I make no apology for that.

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Again, given your contributions on that thread and elsewhere, it's truly baffling you can criticise anyone for the quality of their posts.

Tell me again how your expertise as a parent means Van Der Meyde should be behaving like a role model? The solution for you and everyone else is simple - stop reading. I find it remarkably easy, why do you struggle?

And yes, people make ridiculous points regularly. I mean criticised for ending a relationship and taking recreational drugs? Do you agree with that viewpoint, I take it? He was a moaning, hypocritical ministers wife who thought the war on drugs protected people - he needed to have his ignorance exposed. I make no apology for that.

You were talking about people being bad parents if their children looked to footballers as role models or heroes. I made the point that it is impossible to influence every decision your child makes. It was entirely relevant to the point you made.

I've had you on ignore before but it is utterly pointless given the amount of times your posts are quoted by others. No idea why I respond to you though, I would be as well smashing my head against a brick wall.

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The drug point was ridiculous, it has to be said, but there are ways and means here.

Like what?

You've now got him ruining this thread too. dry.gif

I would not have posted at all were my user name not mentioned.

You were talking about people being bad parents if their children looked to footballers as role models or heroes. I made the point that it is impossible to influence every decision your child makes. It was entirely relevant to the point you made.

I've had you on ignore before but it is utterly pointless given the amount of times your posts are quoted by others. No idea why I respond to you though, I would be as well smashing my head against a brick wall.

I never said they can influence every decision a child makes. If your child looks up to John Terry and wants to do everything he does on the pitch and off it, and you don't do anything about it, then yeah you're an idiot and a bad parent. The overall point is, and I said this at the time, VDM or any footballer should not change their behaviour because they think they need to be role models to children. They didn't choose to be role models and shouldn't be bounded by bad parents who let their kids think drunk driving is okay because a footballer did it.

You're point was the incredibly tedious 'I'm a parent and you're not so that means I have an incredible fountain of knowledge' which is laughable in itself.

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Doesn't mean you have to reply

Well, obviously, but I chose to reply. I don't agree I am ruining the Misc Football Forum so I am going to disagree with those who think I am.

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Like what?

Like not making bizzare, absolute pronouncements about every situation ever mentioned on Misc. To give a very small example: on the role model thing, plenty of clubs (including EPL clubs) actually do have codes of conduct that players are supposed to adhere to, and one of the reasons for those codes of conduct is that clubs often have ties to their communities. They'll send players into schools and the like (whereas, say, it's not likely that kids are going to get excited if the local petrol station sends a technician in for an afternoon with a P6 class.*) I don't agree with this idea that all EPL footballers need to live like monks, but nor is it as clear cut as their just being private citizens like the rest of us. They're part of an entertainment industry that has a very large number of young fans, and the idea that clubs, sponsors, and, yes, players aren't aware of that is just flat-out wrong. In a limited sense, then, players quite simply are "role models" in a way that, say, an accountant isn't.

Basically there is zero nuance to virtually all of your arguments, and as such people very readily find holes to poke in them. Sometimes, by virtue of the fact that some people are better at arguing than others, these holes aren't especially good. Then you go off for another page-and-a-half worth of demolishing those, while carefully side-stepping anything that puts a dent in whatever proclamation you made four pages back. Meanwhile the rest of us scurry from thread to thread like refugees before you inevitably come bearing down on us like the Red Army's 8th Tedium Battalion.

You can choose to ignore it or blame others but the fact of the matter is that the quality of discussion drops markedly on Misc. Football on most occasions when you get involved.


Edited by Swampy
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tl;dr version: think more before posting. Think of grey areas. Think of exceptions to what you're saying. Look carefully at precedent. Then post. Because the pattern until this point has been that you post the first opinion you have, then spend the remainder of the week successively doubling down on it, no matter how ridiculous the discussion gets.

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Like not maybe bizzare, absolute pronouncements about every situation ever mentioned on Misc. To give a very small example: on the role model thing, plenty of clubs (including EPL clubs) actually do have codes of conduct that players are supposed to adhere to, and one of the reasons for those codes of conduct is that clubs often have ties to their communities. They'll send players into schools and the like (whereas, say, it's not likely that kids are going to get excited if the local petrol station sends a technician in for an afternoon with a P6 class.*) I don't agree with this idea that all EPL footballers need to live like monks, but nor is it as clear cut as their just private citizens like the rest of us. They're part of an entertainment industry that has a very large number of young fans, and the idea that clubs, sponsors, and, yes, players aren't aware of that is just flat-out wrong. In a limited sense, then, players quite simply are "role models" in a way that, say, an accountant isn't.

Although not entirely relevant, I'm going to use this as an excuse to tell the world that I got a High-5 off of Angus the Bull in one of the Aberdeen shopping centres last night. cool.gif

I quite liked the way Aberdeen had him running about town during late night shopping, doing a nice wee bit of PR. I wonder if Sammy the Tammy does this around the Kingsgate in Dunfermline? Bloody well should be at this time!

Edited by Hedgecutter
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Like not making bizzare, absolute pronouncements about every situation ever mentioned on Misc. To give a very small example: on the role model thing, plenty of clubs (including EPL clubs) actually do have codes of conduct that players are supposed to adhere to, and one of the reasons for those codes of conduct is that clubs often have ties to their communities. They'll send players into schools and the like (whereas, say, it's not likely that kids are going to get excited if the local petrol station sends a technician in for an afternoon with a P6 class.*) I don't agree with this idea that all EPL footballers need to live like monks, but nor is it as clear cut as their just being private citizens like the rest of us. They're part of an entertainment industry that has a very large number of young fans, and the idea that clubs, sponsors, and, yes, players aren't aware of that is just flat-out wrong. In a limited sense, then, players quite simply are "role models" in a way that, say, an accountant isn't.

Basically there is zero nuance to virtually all of your arguments, and as such people very readily find holes to poke in them. Sometimes, by virtue of the fact that some people are better at arguing than others, these holes aren't especially good. Then you go off for another page-and-a-half worth of demolishing those, while carefully side-stepping anything that puts a dent in whatever proclamation you made four pages back. Meanwhile the rest of us scurry from thread to thread like refugees before you inevitably come bearing down on us like the Red Army's 8th Tedium Battalion.

You can choose to ignore it or blame others but the fact of the matter is that the quality of discussion drops markedly on Misc. Football on most occasions when you get involved.


what he is on the misc football chat, you are on the GN forum. You're both wankers IMHO
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Like not making bizzare, absolute pronouncements about every situation ever mentioned on Misc. To give a very small example: on the role model thing, plenty of clubs (including EPL clubs) actually do have codes of conduct that players are supposed to adhere to, and one of the reasons for those codes of conduct is that clubs often have ties to their communities. They'll send players into schools and the like (whereas, say, it's not likely that kids are going to get excited if the local petrol station sends a technician in for an afternoon with a P6 class.*) I don't agree with this idea that all EPL footballers need to live like monks, but nor is it as clear cut as their just being private citizens like the rest of us. They're part of an entertainment industry that has a very large number of young fans, and the idea that clubs, sponsors, and, yes, players aren't aware of that is just flat-out wrong. In a limited sense, then, players quite simply are "role models" in a way that, say, an accountant isn't.


Er, right, and this might be relevant if Everton had these programmes and Van Der Meyde contributed to them - did he? Even then, what are these codes of conduct? Somehow I think players are breaking basic human decency codes every time they step on a pitch and abuse the referee, why isn't that getting more criticism if they are supposedly role models? Why don't clubs do anything about it? Why do some clubs blatantly and actively encourage it? These codes of conduct are utterly hypocritical.

This might well be true for a very small number of players, of which Van Der Meyde isn't really one. Nobody, in England anyway, looked up to him. But let's look at what he was being criticised for:

1) Breaking up his own marriage - footballers are entitled to do this, all people are.

2) Consuming recreational drugs - in my mind, absolutely not worse than consuming alcohol or tobacco. And certainly a lot better than the doping that undoubtedly goes on throughout the country.

And, beyond that, nobody was aware of number 2 until he wrote about it in his book. Long after he's been relevant and long after anyone (kid or not) looked up to him for any kind of inspiration.

And even if players are aware of it they absolutely do not have to adhere to it and be a role model. And neither do those in the entertainment industry, for that matter.

Basically there is zero nuance to virtually all of your arguments, and as such people very readily find holes to poke in them. Sometimes, by virtue of the fact that some people are better at arguing than others, these holes aren't especially good. Then you go off for another page-and-a-half worth of demolishing those, while carefully side-stepping anything that puts a dent in whatever proclamation you made four pages back. Meanwhile the rest of us scurry from thread to thread like refugees before you inevitably come bearing down on us like the Red Army's 8th Tedium Battalion.

You can choose to ignore it or blame others but the fact of the matter is that the quality of discussion drops markedly on Misc. Football on most occasions when you get involved.

When did anyone find holes in it? The poster in question left in disgrace, it was only the rest of my unfortunate hangers on who decided to ruin the thread.

And yes, my hangers on are tedious and boring, they very readily take threads off on a tangent.

I have no sympathy for anyone who doesn't like my contributions, simply stop reading, and unlike the many who preach this line and fail try and do it without making a song and dance about it. I certainly won't notice when you're gone.

tl;dr version: think more before posting. Think of grey areas. Think of exceptions to what you're saying. Look carefully at precedent. Then post. Because the pattern until this point has been that you post the first opinion you have, then spend the remainder of the week successively doubling down on it, no matter how ridiculous the discussion gets.

Uhuh, and having done this, no the war on drugs still doesn't protect people and no I don't have an intrinsic hatred for all divorced people.

It's not me dragging the topic away from the central issues.

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Just saw two pitbull-type dogs fighting each other outside the petshop on London Road. The owner of one was kicking his dog in the head to break it up, while the other wailed "get it off my fucking dog" over and over.

Pitbulls and staffies can be lovely pets, I understand. Perhaps they should do an IQ test on those who are permitted to own them.

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