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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest XaaronPrimus
As soon as that? I really don't know when to start harvesting them. Mine are up to my knees in height and have loads of purple flowers on them. I'm fair chuffed! :D

Not an expert, but i was under the impression flowers were bad for vegetable growers, as they make the plant put energy into growing the flower, rather than growing the actual eating part.

Might look pretty, but I think you get bigger veg without them.

Of course, I have no idea how it effects people who don't want to win the "Biggest Marrow" competition....

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Guest XaaronPrimus
It's a laptop, I'd have to buy a USB plugin one. I think I'll just try and use 25 letters of the alphabet.

Depending on your make/model of laptop. You can get replacement keyboards for some of them.

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Guest XaaronPrimus
I've no idea, I thought you were supposed to get flowers on your spuds.

We need a spud expert. Phone Gardeners Question Time!

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We need a spud expert. Phone Gardeners Question Time!

If you go through the whole season with no flowers,you probably need to work on your soil nutrient levels.additionally,you should not grow potatoes in the same bed two years running,so you'll have to add phosphorus to the new bed you choose for next year.for more info on why you should move your potato bed next year,see the article

Crop Rotation - Beginner Style.

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Guest bairnbabe
Between phone calls and other department mistakes, I have managed so far to do the square root of hee-haw today. And I hate days like that :(

Why are you bothering - your leaving after all!!

Btw - you got a start date yet?! :P:lol: (joking - before you go red in the face and throw a hissy fit)!

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Guest The Phoenix
:o Ooh, low blow... :( When I'm asleep...? :unsure:

You're still a legend in your own bedtime in my book. ;)

Just keep thinking of the


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Had some random pisshead shout "You Fife b*****d" at me outside Ladbrokes in town earlier on. Not once, but twice, then the moron tried to claim "its only banter". If I wasn't busy laughing at pity at the clueless fool, I'd have had a go back.

Honestly, what is the point? Mind you, I should feel sorry for him, as his life seems to consist of getting drunk early in the hole that is the Goose before heading for the bookies. And he seemed to be only in his twenties. Clown.

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Had some random pisshead shout "You Fife b*****d" at me outside Ladbrokes in town earlier on.

You should really try and hide that sixth finger and put your banjo in a case when you are outside "The Kingdom". That should help you avoid such abuse! :D

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