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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Id be a bit more cautious about getting really lucky kilt :ph34r: or is that just my good guy thing showing?

No chance - it's been 11 months FFS, ;) and whilst it's a long shot on a first date, if she's of the same mind and things head that way there's no way I'm behaving myself with restraint. :ph34r: It will be mutually pleasureable, drippy-sticky, coital carnage I tell's ya! :ph34r:;)

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Guest The Phoenix
No chance - it's been 11 months FFS, ;) and whilst it's a long shot on a first date, if she's of the same mind and things head that way there's no way I'm behaving myself with restraint. :ph34r: It will be mutually pleasureable, drippy-sticky, coital carnage I tell's ya! :ph34r:;)

That'll be a "Stuff your advice, Phoenix" (as posted above). :(;)

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Guest The Phoenix
Eeeeew! Crumblie sex! At least when I get old I'll have the decency to keep my shagging habits to myself! :P

Conversely therefore, junior, I take it you will be posting the lurid details of your current shagging habits. :ph34r::unsure:;)

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Playing 5 a side football with muppets from work and having the office freak shout instructions to you on the pitch. :angry:

Wouldn't be so bad if he was good, but the final straw came when he shouted at me to close down a player while he just stood there. Then he made the error of calling me James.

I lost it for 3 seconds, ran up to him and screamed "who the f**k is James ya c**t".

Needless to say I was avoided by all in the office today.

Cracking post, James.

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I'd have to have some shagging habits first

Normally I'd have offered to help you start some - but I'm seeing another woman! :P

Maybe not, but you're the same age as my mum! :o

Your Mum, you say, hmmmm......!:wub::ph34r:

You cradlesnatcher.

Do I see a shade of jealousy there...? :unsure::rolleyes::lol:

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No chance - it's been 11 months FFS, ;) and whilst it's a long shot on a first date, if she's of the same mind and things head that way there's no way I'm behaving myself with restraint. :ph34r: It will be mutually pleasureable, drippy-sticky, coital carnage I tell's ya! :ph34r:;)

Good Luck Kilt

Edited by Whistle Blower
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Good news! :thumsup2 She was waiting in for a letting agent to call about her flat but they haven't turned up yet. If they don't arrive by 3pm she'll come in anyway, which means we can both leave together around 4pm to go for a drink! :D Ooh, the little tease had me worried there! :rolleyes:

I'm planning to get the No. 60 bus as far as the Paisley Cricket Ground, then stroll up the hill to the Lord Lonsdale and sweep her off her feet in the beer garden! :D It's not far from her house in Ferguslie Park..... :whistle;) ...so I may get REALLY lucky! :ph34r:

Edit: Noted, Mr Phoenix, noted! ;):lol:

Look out for a tall guy with short dark hair with bleached highlites with a white prada top on ;)

I'll be in from about 6 as :P

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remember and wrap your stump before you hump!!

o and if she's no up for it try ....

I think I already mentioned, I've packed a wee overnight bag with essentials already! ;)

Not going there - I've been caught like that before. <_< Commitment free mutual warmth and comfort is what I think we're both after, not tying the knot again! :ph34r::rolleyes:

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