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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I am choked to fook, ear is sore and I hurt after football :(

Don't forget you are also a Caley fan and a tosser to boot. Here to help. How was your crossing this week? Good or wayward?

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I've run out of Ibuprofin and Co-Dydramol and my ribs have begun to ache again. Took ages to drop off to sleep last night, (Demelza the rat crunching on biscuit and scrabbling about half the night didn't help :rolleyes: ), and althought the radio alarm went off at 06:30 as usual, the next thing I heard was John Humphries telling me it was 07:50 - and this time he'd got it right! :ph34r: The fastest wash, dress, feed the cats, grab my breakfast piece you've ever seen, smoke my last cigarette then off - not even time for my morning cuppa. :(

And although I managed to catch my usual bus, as soon as I got here I've spent the last 30 minutes escorting people into the office for interview/work. <_<

Right, I'm into the mess room for a cup of tea and make my toast! ;)

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Not sure if this is the right thread or not but....

Was talking to some drunk girls in the pub on Saturday night (I was drunk too) and one of them kindly pointed out that they could see my nipples through my fitted T-shirt. :ph34r:

I got quite paranoid about this. Is it normal? Is there anything to do to avoid this? I dont have a 6-pack but I'm overall pretty toned (as I demonstrated by lifting my T-shirt in the middle of a busy pub :lol: )

Male nipples - something to be secreted away? Or unavoidably visible thru certain garments? :unsure:

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Not sure if this is the right thread or not but....

Was talking to some drunk girls in the pub on Saturday night (I was drunk too) and one of them kindly pointed out that they could see my nipples through my fitted T-shirt. :ph34r:

I got quite paranoid about this. Is it normal? Is there anything to do to avoid this? I dont have a 6-pack but I'm overall pretty toned (as I demonstrated by lifting my T-shirt in the middle of a busy pub :lol: )

Male nipples - something to be secreted away? Or unavoidably visible thru certain garments? :unsure:

....I'm seriously thinking of ending it all after reading that post...


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Not sure if this is the right thread or not but....

Was talking to some drunk girls in the pub on Saturday night (I was drunk too) and one of them kindly pointed out that they could see my nipples through my fitted T-shirt. :ph34r:

I got quite paranoid about this. Is it normal? Is there anything to do to avoid this? I dont have a 6-pack but I'm overall pretty toned (as I demonstrated by lifting my T-shirt in the middle of a busy pub :lol: )

Male nipples - something to be secreted away? Or unavoidably visible thru certain garments? :unsure:

If you want I can arrange to slice your nipples off with my hunting knife, of course it is not an ideal solution, but I have never claimed to offer the best solution, only the easiest.

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Don't forget you are also a Caley fan and a tosser to boot. Here to help. How was your crossing this week? Good or wayward?

Rather good actually. Some good balls in including an absolute peach of a ball for Mackem to volley home.

Morrison was pish in goals :lol:

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If this comes to a battle of minds i'l snap you like a twig.... :)


I'll grant you this much, you're a funny guy.

Right, things that get on my nerves. 3rd week off sick, anti-biotics, landlady still not got my boiler fixed (that's been 3 weeks now, too. Coincidence?), although, thankfully it's sunny today, so there is not something akin to Niagra Falls coming in through the hole in my living room ceiling, which has been there for months now, thanks to the leak in the roof that hasn't been fixed yet, which has been going on since I moved in. There is still no word of when the roof is being replaced, and there's no point repairing the hole in the ceiling until that's done, or it's just going to collapse again. I actually found it quite funny at the time the celing collapsed, but I don't mind admitting it's getting a bit upsetting now.

Due to all this, I've been looking up places to rent in Aberdeen, but all I can find are places that, were I to put a deposit and a month's rent down in advance, would leave me with £200 to live on for the rest of the month. My landlady isn't actually registered either, I've discovered yesterday, but if I report her, I'm probably likely to end up getting a load of hassle from her, and since I can't afford to move, I don't really want to live in a flat where the landlady is exceptionally pissed off with me.

If you're wanting a 'battle', bring it on, Larsson, old son. I'm just about fucking ready for it.

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Right, things that get on my nerves..... rant, rage, blether, rage, rant etc, etc, If you're wanting a 'battle', bring it on, Larsson, old son. I'm just about fucking ready for it.

Chill, L-M, you'll get yourself high blood pressure and just make things worse. :unsure:

Simple solution...

1. Get a transfer to Glasgow City Council

2. Move in with me, rent free

3. Save loads of money, get pampered in a 'free love' kinda way, ie do whatever you want ;)

and finally

4. Make an old man VERY happy! :D:rolleyes:

G'waaan, you know you want to really! B)

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Chill, L-M, you'll get yourself high blood pressure and just make things worse. :unsure:

Simple solution...

1. Get a transfer to Glasgow City Council

2. Move in with me, rent free

3. Save loads of money, get pampered in a 'free love' kinda way, ie do whatever you want ;)

and finally

4. Make an old man VERY happy! :D:rolleyes:

G'waaan, you know you want to really! B)

Well, you made me smile, anyway! :lol:

A mate of mine in Bailleston was trying to persuade me to move to Glasgow just yesterday. Truth is, I was debating it a couple of months ago, because I've loads of pals there, but it just seems to complicated to even think about just now! I might do it, one day, but my energy reserves need built back up first. That'll take at least until next year. :lol:

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Well, you made me smile, anyway! :lol:

*Gives evil chuckle to himself* I think she's beginning to crack under my charm offensive... :ph34r:


A mate of mine in Bailleston was trying to persuade me to move to Glasgow I might do it, one day, but my energy reserves need built back up first. That'll take at least until next year. :lol:

That's only 189 days away - I can wait.... ;):rolleyes::lol:

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Guest The Phoenix
Chill, L-M, you'll get yourself high blood pressure and just make things worse. :unsure:

Simple solution...

1. Get a transfer to Glasgow City Council

2. Move in with me, rent free

3. Save loads of money, get pampered in a 'free love' kinda way, ie do whatever you want ;)

4. Make an old man VERY happy! :D:rolleyes:

I get points one to three but fail to understand how they will combine and (under the terms of point 4) make me very happy? :unsure:

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*Gives evil chuckle to himself* I think she's beginning to crack under my charm offensive... :ph34r:


That's only 189 days away - I can wait.... ;):rolleyes::lol:

I neglected to mention, it'll be about December next year. :P

Now, before anyone else brings it up, yes, I was out on the piss at the fives and last week when ill, and yes, I do know that some of this I have brought on myself. In my defence, I wasn't actually 'ill' at the fives, I was feeling better by then, although my immune system was shot to buggery. When I arrived off the bus, I was that shattered I felt like I was actually dreaming! That's why I left early, I was just too tired. :rolleyes: Then, being utterly knackered out when I got home, I was signed off by the doctor to recover. At the end of last week, I was back to my old self, so felt fine for going out, but it seems that a wet gig in Thainstone in a freezing cold market doesn't actually do you any favours either.

So, yeah, it was all my own fault, but I still reckon that I'd be feeling fine if not for the damp and cold in my flat.

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I neglected to mention, it'll be about December next year. :P

I might be dead by then.... :(

o, yeah, it was all my own fault, but I still reckon that I'd be feeling fine if not for the damp and cold in my flat.

I have gas central heating, hot chocolate and more duvets than I know what to do with. :);) See what you're missing! :P;)

I get points one to three but fail to understand how they will combine and (under the terms of point 4) make me very happy?

Not THAT old, FFS.... :rolleyes::lol:;)

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