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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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That wee button on the flush on push-button toilets. You know, the one that you accidentally hit that stops the toilet from flushing properly. WTF is that all about?

It's to save water when you don't need the Niagra Falls to get your jobby around the U-bend.

So for a piss or the bottom end of the jobby chart below, use the small knob, for the rest use the big one. Easy to remember really, big jobby=big knob.


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It's to save water when you don't need the Niagra Falls to get your jobby around the U-bend.

So for a piss or the bottom end of the jobby chart below, use the small knob, for the rest use the big one. Easy to remember really, big jobby=big knob.

Really? Ours must be broken - it saves water by doing hee-haw.

Also, that delicious cake; I've never been so confused :wacko:

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When using the printer at work as the same time as someone else, they come and look at what you've printed incase its theirs, then put it back the wrong way.

Hanging offence.

Even worse; people who print multiple documents, then go to the printer and pick up the whole stack and take it back to their desk, before throwing anything that isn't theirs in the bin.

Usually the boss' pet, naturally.

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Even worse; people who print multiple documents, then go to the printer and pick up the whole stack and take it back to their desk, before throwing anything that isn't theirs in the bin.

Usually the boss' pet, naturally.

People who print out shite and don't go and get it.

Usually the fat c**t.


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People who print out shite and don't go and get it.

Usually the fat c**t.


You never give me the chance, Sharon!

Anyway, off your knees, hunni. The boss has finished up for the day.

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When people use the phrase "Opinions are like arseholes; everyone's got one!"

It's such a shite thing to say. It demonstrates an utter lack of imagination. It shows that this person has nothing of value to add to the conversation. It's as if they can't think of a logical argument, or indeed any argument, so they throw this terrible cliche out unthinkingly. I suppose the very first time, literally the very first time, it could seem mildly amusing, but after that it's a clear calling card of a moron.

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"hidden tracks" on the end of albums. This was a novelty in the early 90s when CD's were still new and the technology was being explored. It is no longer a novelty. Just put all the tracks on the album as normal and stop wasting my time.

Also, skits on albums. How did you get through all the months of recording, mixing, mastering and preparation before releasing the record and still think these were funny? Hip hop is particularly bad for this. Give it a rest.

Back when CDs were a thing, I learned early on to avoid anything with the phrase "Bonus Tracks". Invariably this meant "Crap, we have an extra 30 minutes to fill. How about we drop in a bunch of outtakes and banter between the musicians?" You ended up having to burn a copy with the tracks you wanted just so you could listen to the album without having to constantly skip through all the filler.

Edited by Shotgun
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When people use the phrase "Opinions are like arseholes; everyone's got one!"

It's such a shite thing to say. It demonstrates an utter lack of imagination. It shows that this person has nothing of value to add to the conversation. It's as if they can't think of a logical argument, or indeed any argument, so they throw this terrible cliche out unthinkingly. I suppose the very first time, literally the very first time, it could seem mildly amusing, but after that it's a clear calling card of a moron.

I swear you posted the exact same thing a few days ago :wacko:

Either that, or someone else did, which would be wonderfully ironic :lol:

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I swear you posted the exact same thing a few days ago :wacko:

Either that, or someone else did, which would be wonderfully ironic :lol:

I posted similar about the phrase 'No shit Sherlock'. Ugh. I'm getting slightly irritated thinking about it. And the other one.

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When people use the phrase "Opinions are like arseholes; everyone's got one!"

It's such a shite thing to say. It demonstrates an utter lack of imagination. It shows that this person has nothing of value to add to the conversation. It's as if they can't think of a logical argument, or indeed any argument, so they throw this terrible cliche out unthinkingly. I suppose the very first time, literally the very first time, it could seem mildly amusing, but after that it's a clear calling card of a moron.

Not as annoying as 'oh aye here's the backshift coming in' when you're a minute late to highlight the fact to everyone.

Had a shit night worrying about a relative in hospital then stuck in traffic, felt like launching the c**t over the desk tbh.

Ended up doing the laugh from pet detective and just blanked them.

What is it the makes people like this? Who are you trying to impress ffs.

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