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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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My local council run swimming pool has a women only night on a Tuesday, which to be honest doesn't bother me.

They have now decided to extend it to a Saturday, from 1pm till close, no men are allowed to use the pool, and nobody under 14 either, meaning women wouldn't even be allowed to take their child with them.

Speaking to one of the staff, he also told us come 1pm all the male staff are relocated to another gym for the rest of the shift.

Now, I think that is taking the piss. on the most popular day of the week, all men and children are banned from using the pool.

That doesn't sound alright at all :unsure:

Might be brilliant for the pervert lesbian community, however, especially if they have a sauna.

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I've actually no idea what this means. Are you implying I've got pish or spooge in my ear canal?

Please specify which, as I don't want to admit both to the doctor.

It's a navy term used to describe a sailor who takes more than one minute to shower.

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sounds like discrimination to me... 'I can't use the facilties because I have a penis...'

They were talking about this on radio Scotland recently and some feminist type was on saying that a lots of men go to the pool simply to ogle women.

Really fuckin ripped my knitting she did.

Well, if I'm being honest.....

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That doesn't sound alright at all :unsure:

Might be brilliant for the pervert lesbian community, however, especially if they have a sauna.

I was told my membership allows me access to any council swimming pool.

My local pool is across the road from me, I can see it from my window. the next nearest is a 20 minute drive away. <_<

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I was told my membership allows me access to any council swimming pool.

My local pool is across the road from me, I can see it from my window. the next nearest is a 20 minute drive away. <_<

I think I'm starting to see the problem here...

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My local pool hold these women only sessions too. Always wondered what the need is but if it's all to do with supposed 'ogling', it could be worth paying a bunch of creepy homeless guys to sit around in the cozy glass window viewing area simply to piss them off.

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These dreadful Settlers-lite online scam games that are always advertising on the telly. Evony seems to have died off, so now it's Clash of Clans and Lord of War, or whatever they're called.

The thing that annoys me is the expensive ads that have absolutely nothing to do with the game whatsoever. It's deeply concerning that there are enough rich morons around for them to be able to afford these. Grr.

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I used to be employed to stand around outside a village hall making sure nobody was on a ladder peeking into the high windows of a hall while a bunch of fully-dressed middle-aged to elderly women jiggled around to techno, similar to that "Sexy & I Know It" Specsavers advert.

I must've been really imposing, as I never saw anybody who looked even remotely interested.

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They also have women only sessions at my local pool. Pretty pathetic really. I don't think 'ogling' is the issue, the exact opposite more like.

Any time I've been heading to the gym, the majority of women heading for the women only swimming session I wouldn't touch with a stolen cock.

If that's what you say to them, you can understand their point :P

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I have complained this before, but the amount of rubbish chucked out of cars / trucks etc on the side of the road/motorways is a disgrace. Please take it home.

And while I am on about motorways, I have never seen so many potholes on high speed roads. I am glad to see my road tax is going to good use.

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I have complained this before, but the amount of rubbish chucked out of cars / trucks etc on the side of the road/motorways is a disgrace. Please take it home.

And while I am on about motorways, I have never seen so many potholes on high speed roads. I am glad to see my road tax is going to good use.

Totally agree re litter thrown out of cars. Especially for food packaging/drinks bottles. Just take it home or bin it somewhere instead of being a lazy c**t.

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I have complained this before, but the amount of rubbish chucked out of cars / trucks etc on the side of the road/motorways is a disgrace. Please take it home.

And while I am on about motorways, I have never seen so many potholes on high speed roads. I am glad to see my road tax is going to good use.

I've been scouting out (pardon the pun) locations to place Geocaches for a scout activity night and the number of (otherwise great) sites which I've had to ignore because of the amount of rubbish and broken glass lying about is unreal.

I also can't believe that councils need to stick up signs which say "dumping of rubbish is prohibited" as if some folk would think it's fair game there otherwise.

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I've been scouting out (pardon the pun) locations to place Geocaches for a scout activity night and the number of (otherwise great) sites which I've had to ignore because of the amount of rubbish and broken glass lying about is unreal.

I also can't believe that councils need to stick up signs which say "dumping of rubbish is prohibited" as if some folk would think it's fair game there otherwise.

We have council "Enforcement officers" that dish our fines to people dropping litter or cigarette ends. It keeps the city centre looking good, but you barely seeing them a mile outside the place. Sticking up a sign does f**k all.

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Aberdeen fans disrupting my girlfriend's train home, resulting in it being delayed and a dozen or so drunk sheep shagging fiends being questioned by the police at Dundee train station. Bunch of louts.

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Aberdeen fans disrupting my girlfriend's train home, resulting in it being delayed and a dozen or so drunk sheep shagging fiends being questioned by the police at Dundee train station. Bunch of louts.

Football fans drunk and rowdy on a train shocker, how long was it delayed for?

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