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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Why, in the name of God, why? :ph34r:

The Time Capsule during the school holidays is how I imagine purgatory to be. The poor weans will never want to set foot in a swimming pool again...

It was pretty poor. When we eventually did get a cubicle for changing , it was tiny and badly lit. I dropped a 50 p and couldn't see it, it was that dark. The lockers were tiny and shit. The place was manky and rusty. Going up the stairs to the waterslide was a bit of an adventure having to sidestep the mysterious brown patches and pools of grog.

It was mobbed as well and everybody over 18 looked like they had a stab wound scar of some description on them. The ill- tempered pool attendants were pretty funny though.

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The ignorant f*cks that let doors slam in your face

Don't go to Madrid.

Probably the first thing I noticed about Madrid was that nobody, but nobody, holds open doors for anybody else.

I figured at first maybe it was just a metro thing, what with the busy commuters, but I saw it happen time and time again all over the city over the course of three days. Not once did I see anyone hold open a door.

I wasn't that bothered or offended by it, and indeed merrily joined in the civic festival of selfishness, but it certainly made an impression.

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The drum at Ibrox , whenever a song starts he decides to batter f**k out of the drum......and everyone stops singing :lol: Not that a lot of people really sing these days anyway. ( * cues posters like ftof to have a " you are all bigots anyway ( and other incoherant bollocks ).

Playing one up front at home :angry:

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Had a huge skin infection set in on Monday which kept me awake for 30+ hours. Had to call out the doctor who has prescribed me a course of the strongest steroid cream available; a course of hugely strong antibiotics which make me feel like I've just drunk bleach and the strongest form of Piriton which makes me want to sleep all the time. I've also been off work for two days, not enjoyable.

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My last day in Bristol today, and although I'm really homesick and missing Scotland, and when I get back I've a gig to go to in Edinburgh (the Garcias at Bannermans! :D ), I know today is going to suck, because I've already had to say the last goodbye to my parents yesterday, and today I will be the last time I see my boys for months. I'm away to cry like a little girl now.

PS. If you see a tear-streaked lady in Glasgow tomorrow, on her way through to Edinburgh, who's evidently just come from the airport, buy her a pint, it might cheer her up.

Edited by Lyn-Marie
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My last day in Bristol today, and although I'm really homesick and missing Scotland, and when I get back I've a gig to go to in Edinburgh (the Garcias at Bannermans! :D ), I know today is going to suck, because I've already had to say the last goodbye to my parents yesterday, and today I will be the last time I see my boys for months. I'm away to cry like a little girl now.

PS. If you see a tear-streaked lady in Glasgow tomorrow, on her way through to Edinburgh, who's evidently just come from the airport, buy her a pint, it might cheer her up.

Im kinda in the same boat.

I wont see my wee boy for a whole week when I go to America for what was meant to be our honeymoon.

He's at the stage when he cries when I leave for work and I end up going to work in a shitty mood which isnt good when you deal with the fucking idiots I do.

Have seriously thought about cancelling the holiday.

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Im kinda in the same boat.

I wont see my wee boy for a whole week when I go to America for what was meant to be our honeymoon.

He's at the stage when he cries when I leave for work and I end up going to work in a shitty mood which isnt good when you deal with the fucking idiots I do.

Have seriously thought about cancelling the holiday.

Oh dear. Just speak slowly, take deep breaths and long pauses in between customer rants! Works for me!

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Oh dear. Just speak slowly, take deep breaths and long pauses in between customer rants! Works for me!

Had this daft cow on last night complaining that she couldnt get the interactive tennis.

She kept talking over me when I was trying to help her so I started speaking louder and louder until she got the point.

She accused me of trying to fob her off so I got annoyed and told her that if she didnt continually talk over me and actually listen she might have seen a resolution.

Wanted to speak to my manager after that!

I got into a wee bit of bother on Tuesday when I included in a note that I asked the person I was speaking to to stand on their head while doing a complicated procedure.

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Im kinda in the same boat.

I wont see my wee boy for a whole week when I go to America for what was meant to be our honeymoon.

He's at the stage when he cries when I leave for work and I end up going to work in a shitty mood which isnt good when you deal with the fucking idiots I do.

Have seriously thought about cancelling the holiday.

It's a horrible feeling knowing how long it's going to be before you see everyone again. Mind, I'm not even sure when it'll be that I see my family again. Christmas, most likely.

Me and my ex went on our honeymoon for a fortnight when my eldest was just one year old. I cried most days I was there and couldn't wait to get home. Be warned, though: When we got back, our boy wouldn't speak to us at all, wouldn't even come near us for a cuddle. He just clung on to my mum, who he'd stayed with for the fortnight we were away. It didn't take long for him to get used to us again, but he wasn't happy with us at all, and I think, at a year old, he probably was struggling to remember who we were, exactly. It's not nice, but it settles down soon enough.

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It's a horrible feeling knowing how long it's going to be before you see everyone again. Mind, I'm not even sure when it'll be that I see my family again. Christmas, most likely.

Me and my ex went on our honeymoon for a fortnight when my eldest was just one year old. I cried most days I was there and couldn't wait to get home. Be warned, though: When we got back, our boy wouldn't speak to us at all, wouldn't even come near us for a cuddle. He just clung on to my mum, who he'd stayed with for the fortnight we were away. It didn't take long for him to get used to us again, but he wasn't happy with us at all, and I think, at a year old, he probably was struggling to remember who we were, exactly. It's not nice, but it settles down soon enough.

My weans are just back from Cyprus with their gran and pops and the wee man came in and gave me and the wife a great big hug :D it fairly cheered me up.

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