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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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The cottage bar has some dodgy history does it not? Its not the one that was owned by Tam McGraw but it was prominent in the Arthur Thomson/Paul Ferris/McGraw feuds and I think some murders took place there. In fact was it not outside there the car with Bobby Glover and Joe Hanlon was found after they were killed in retaliation for Arthur Thomson Junior being shot?

Aye, I heard someone got shot or stabbed or something in there a few years back. But then while I was living in Aberdeen, more people got killed in the street I lived in and surrounding area while I stayed there then I've ever known in the whole of Bristol in the fist 26 years of my life. I can't say someone being killed a few years ago bothers me that much.

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Right, having a rant on this one...

The term 'spastic' when used as an insult or to score points on here should be a no-no. For the people that use it, there should be a wee word in their ears, and if they continue, a wee trip to the sin bin. As I have stated elsewhere, when used in the context that I have seen recently, it is no-better than 'coon' or 'nigger' to a black person, and all it shows is a lack of intelligence by the poster. Having a disability is not a choice, in the same way as having a different colour of skin, and in this day and age, there really is no excuse for it. People with difficulties/disabilities have a difficult time being excluded from society as it is, and a wee bit of respect for them being people in their own right wouldn't go amiss.

I'm not one for running to the mods to single out individuals, but hopefully they will pick up on it and get it sorted on the quiet.

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The term 'spastic' when used as an insult or to score points on here should be a no-no. For the people that use it, there should be a wee word in their ears, and if they continue, a wee trip to the sin bin.

Sin bin's gone, is it not? But well said kiwififer, I agree. That isn't something that should be used in a deregatory way.

My petty thing... The friend who babysat while I was at work last night didn't believe my son when he said he needed a nappy at bedtime. He protested but she wasn't having any of it and made him go to bed without. She didn't think to mention it when I got home so I didn't even have the option of putting one on him before I went to bed myself. Consequently I was awoken at around 6am by a tearful boy asking me to change his bed because he was soaked through. Him getting up then disturbed the baby as they sleep in the same room, so everyone's been up ever since. After a late one last night and then that this morning, I'm knackered now.

Edited by HGG
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I wouldn't know as I closed down that section of the site and I've not got round to looking. I'm not for screaming for the mods, but it has happened a few times now, and it needs to get sorted. There's a few of us on here that work in the care sector, and I am sure it pisses them off as much as it does me.

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Much as I see your point kiwi, I doubt if most people think about what they're doing with it.

I wonder if it's dangerous though to start banning insults based on a particular job sector's staff?

The missus works in a care home for the elderly, in a dementia unit. Should we ban words like 'coffin dodger' or wrinkly geriatric fud' in case she gets offended? She wouldn't, of course, but do you see the point I'm making?

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