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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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b. The Gray Ghost was in bed well before then! He has got his insomnia sorted for now, but leaves his computer on for its extra loud alarm capablities.

Then don't be surprised when people IM you! If MSN's on then you're fair game so far as I'm concerned. If someone's logged in in the middle of the night and I'm up unable to sleep then I assume they don't mind being messaged! LOG OUT before you go to sleep! <_<

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Then don't be surprised when people IM you! If MSN's on then you're fair game so far as I'm concerned. If someone's logged in in the middle of the night and I'm up unable to sleep then I assume they don't mind being messaged! LOG OUT before you go to sleep! <_<

Yes ma'am, right away ma'am. The Gray Ghost will make an effort to correct his laziness in future. :ph34r:

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Guest The Phoenix

Stopping on a main road to let someone out when the traffic is constant and they don't even bother to acknowledge your act of chivalry. :angry:

Tonight's tosser really topped it off by displaying a "Baby on Board" Notice on their rear windowscreen. <_<

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Have to go in tomorrow even though everyone is on holiday - as well as half the teachers! :(

Stopping on a main road to let someone out when the traffic is constant and they don't even bother to acknowledge your act of chivalry. :angry:

Tonight's tosser really topped it off by displaying a "Baby on Board" Notice on their rear windowscreen. <_<

That happens all the time when I go to school in the morning, the front gates are right into the main road and folk always stop in the middle to let the kids off, meaning a massive queue behind as the on-coming lane is pretty busy itself.

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That happens all the time when I go to school in the morning, the front gates are right into the main road and folk always stop in the middle to let the kids off, meaning a massive queue behind as the on-coming lane is pretty busy itself.

Yes, this happens at my school too, it irritates the shit out of me!

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Yes, this happens at my school too, it irritates the shit out of me!

Aye, the annoying thing is is that the gate to the car park is about 50 yards down the road! Lazy c***s <_<

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When you are in the shower and, without thinking, you use shower gel on your hair and you think "well that was silly, wasn't it?". You then have to wash it out and use shampoo and your hair has this strange feel because of the mixture of shampoo and shower gel.

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When you are in the shower and, without thinking, you use shower gel on your hair and you think "well that was silly, wasn't it?". You then have to wash it out and use shampoo and your hair has this strange feel because of the mixture of shampoo and shower gel.

To be honest the shower gel would've washed it adequately. Unfortunately when you've used both you could end up with your hair smelling of some ridiculous combination. Not to mention the hassle of actually washing your hair twice!

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Guest The Phoenix
Unfortunately when you've used both you could end up with your hair smelling of some ridiculous combination. Not to mention the hassle of actually washing your hair twice!

Can't say that I find either of those scenarios a problem.

Edit: Trust the The Gray Hairy One to come on and outdo everyone.

Edited by The Phoenix
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To be honest the shower gel would've washed it adequately. Unfortunately when you've used both you could end up with your hair smelling of some ridiculous combination. Not to mention the hassle of actually washing your hair twice!

Thrice actually! Once for showergel, once for a re-shampooing, and then again for conditioning!

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People who can't see or hear a big bloody fire engine with blue lights on and sirens blaring from 30 feet <_<

Im guessing it was a ned with his music blaring. I really dont understand why folk need to have music blasting out of their cars at all, they are sitting right next to the fuckin speakers after all.

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