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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix

Maddies don't count. :P;)

Edit to add: on reflection that leaves just one of you. :lol:

Edited by The Phoenix
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All two of you. :rolleyes:

Us men will start worrying if Helen and Debbie join ranks.

Here I am!

In Wimbledon parlance, Game, Set and Match to the Men I believe. :lol:

Don't you believe it, matey! I was sleeping and making you wait. I've arrived just in the nick of time to save the ladies. I only count as one vote and I'm not including my own man in my sweeping opinion here, but...

Aye... men!

Now, where's Debbie to complete the mission and make you worry? B)

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Dave, get her told! she's not your keeper, its up to you if you want to go to the pub! me and my missus have an understanding that if either me or her want to go the pub or go out with friends then neither of us should have a problem with it. Folk who are at the beck and call of their other half should be fuckin shot.

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Guest The Phoenix
me and my missus have an understanding that if either me or her want to go the pub or go out with friends then neither of us should have a problem with it.

I haven't been out since I met her except for the Fives and that was only on the condition I wore her blouse.

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Dave, get her told! she's not your keeper, its up to you if you want to go to the pub! me and my missus have an understanding that if either me or her want to go the pub or go out with friends then neither of us should have a problem with it. Folk who are at the beck and call of their other half should be fuckin shot.

You get an opinion when you and your missus actually live together and have money to worry about. :P

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