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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Have a tissue and tell me what is wrong :P

Thank you.

TGG just got the internet going at last! Whats up?


I'm just feeling weathered and sad. Lots of small things (and a few big ones) all getting on top of me maybe. I feel crap. I've been put on the spot about my daughter's birthday tonight and ended up agreeing to her dad coming round when it's really very inconvenient for me and he's already messed me about with it more than once. My hip's painful tonight (randomly plays up when it feels like it). I miss my man. There's a mountain of shopping in the kitchen waiting to be put away and I can't leave it till morning cause there's stuff for the fridge. My head's hurting again, although not migraine status which is a bonus. Basically I'm just a moany cow on a bad day and I'd like the world to stop for a while. Whinge, whine, complain, moan, get on people's nerves, etc. :lol::ph34r:

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Thank you.


I'm just feeling weathered and sad. Lots of small things (and a few big ones) all getting on top of me maybe. I feel crap. I've been put on the spot about my daughter's birthday tonight and ended up agreeing to her dad coming round when it's really very inconvenient for me and he's already messed me about with it more than once. My hip's painful tonight (randomly plays up when it feels like it). I miss my man. There's a mountain of shopping in the kitchen waiting to be put away and I can't leave it till morning cause there's stuff for the fridge. My head's hurting again, although not migraine status which is a bonus. Basically I'm just a moany cow on a bad day and I'd like the world to stop for a while. Whinge, whine, complain, moan, get on people's nerves, etc. :lol::ph34r:

Moan and whinge away. Sometimes you just can't beat it.

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Guest The Phoenix

Orange Walks. :angry:

A grand total IQ of about 50 just marched through my wee town disrupting the traffic / pedestrians / peace.

They didn't appear to be very happy when I crossed the road through the middle of one of their "Marching" Bands. :lol:

Who's Sister Janet Hutton anyway? When I googled it I got a link to some bint's Bebo.

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22 year old medicine student from my home village died of cancer yesterday :(

Never the arse holes is it?

It does seem that way, however yesterday (in supreme irony) Jesse Helms, one of the most foul, racist bigots ever to hold office in the U.S. Senate also died, unfortunately not painfully.

He voted against every single decent thing the Senate tried to do and often held up bills so long they'd be beaten. Here are a few of his 'highlights':

Being a vigorous pro-life campaigner, blocking disabled rights bills as often as he could, voting against Medicare (free healthcare) bills constantly, was against the desegregation of schools, wanting prayer in public schools to be compulsory, wanting the return of the Panama Canal, supporting Argentina in the Falklands War, supporting the Vietnam War ( but opposing federal aid for Vietnam refugees ) and finally was a staunch supporter of Pinochet.

If you crafted Satan in human form, it'd be Helms likeness.

Finally, he once called Martin Luther King a 'sexual - deviant' and once expressed in an interview that life was better when he was young because 'blacks knew their place'.

A real shame about the student from your village though.

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They didn't appear to be very happy when I crossed the road through the middle of one of their "Marching" Bands. :lol:

You didn't really need to be on the other side of the road did you? It was all just to annoy them. :lol:

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Who Dares Sings on ITV just now.

The wife has decided to watch this abomination.

Who the f**k wants to listen to a bunch of flabby tuneless bints from Skelmersdale and shiny gay blokes from Chigwell murdering songs in a glorified family party singalong presented by the kind of manic depressive fame stalking people that you'd throw 2p pieces at when you see their ilk busking in the street, grinning inanely, their scrubbed and moisturised cheeks glowing as they self-delusionally confirm to their fragile ego that they have talent?

Is there no depths, no new low to which television programme makers will not sink? I don't want to see on primetime tv the kind of SHITE I would specifically avoid if it was on in a pub. It takes a real feat of mediocrity to force me to avoid an establishment that vends alcoholic beverages, but that's the kind of esteem I reserve for the likes of the medium of karaoke.

It isn't even decent viewing in an ironic fashion. Truly, the barrel is being scraped of it's iron filaments.

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Guest The Phoenix
You didn't really need to be on the other side of the road did you? It was all just to annoy them. :lol:

Actually, in my defence, I did.

I'd been into the post office to pick up a parcel and because the Postie took his time finding it, by the time I got out all hell was breaking loose.

There were kids with stupid flowery things on their heads, guys with 12" foreheads and eyes 6" apart and fat wummen everywhere, all marching to the rhythm of flutes and drums.

Don't get me wrong, I kinda like the music but the combined arrogance and ignorance of these cretins really does my head in.

Anyway, rant over - I had to cross the road to get back to my car and I sure as hell wasn't waiting until 500 Satsumas has past by.

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Neds, just seen a group walk away with someone's blue wheelie bin...I mean really what are they going to do with it!?

To be fair, one of the funniest things I've ever seen involved some neds and a bin. I was on queen st in glasgow just outside the gallery of modern art, and there was this group of neds pushing one of the big black bins. There were two of them sat on top of it, and another 3 or 4 pushing/steering. They wheeled it into the middle of one of the posh clothes shops there and then scarpered. Suddenly the lid popped open and another wee ned started trying to climb out ---best part was he was absolutely covered in all sorts of shite! :lol:

Maybe you had to be there but I had was in tears of laughter for hours afterwards...

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I've set up camp here so as to make myself believe I'm actually in Scotland. I'm in bed, Runrig DVD's on, I'm on P&B... but I'm out of Irn Bru! What flippin use is that??? :bairn

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I've set up camp here so as to make myself believe I'm actually in Scotland. I'm in bed, Runrig DVD's on, I'm on P&B... but I'm out of Irn Bru! What flippin use is that??? :bairn

Get some square sausage and tattie scones on the go. It's even better.

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I've set up camp here so as to make myself believe I'm actually in Scotland. I'm in bed, Runrig DVD's on, I'm on P&B... but I'm out of Irn Bru! What flippin use is that??? :bairn

Scrape your hair back as far as you can until your eyebrows are at your fringe and adorn the ponytail with a Poundstretcher lime green scrunchie, put in some massive cheap looking hoop earrings, an OF top and shell bottoms, white socks and filthy umbro trainers and you are as authentic a Scots lassie as can be, short of pushing a pram in the rain and shouting "Fuckin' shut it Chantelle, yer no gettin' another push pop!" at one of your malnourished and filthy free school meal scoffing urchins.

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Get some square sausage and tattie scones on the go. It's even better.

1. I said I'm in bed! :P

2. Can't get square sausage down here. :bairn

You're making this worse! :angry:

Edit: Monster, :lol:. You just described my home town, only with a different accent. :(

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