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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm in the exact same position as you, I'm not sure what will be easier though/quicker/cheaper if I'm better walking to KP station or getting the 66, as it stops literally at my front door.

Talking of front doors, I was on holiday last week, and now it seems half of my street is up for sale.

What did I miss?

King's Park station is proably 15 mins walk, and the train will take the slightly longer going round the other side of the circle.

If you've got a train season ticket, that'll be accepted on the bus anyways, however you'd be as well to buy a bus season ticket if you've not, as single fares and all day tickets are expensive compared to the train.

What you've missed is the end of the buy-to-let boom/exhortion (delete as appropriate). This would be a good thing if it were possible to actually get a mortgage these days, but it'll no doubt be a bad thing if my landlord's mortgage increases big time.

Any spare cardboard boxes around?

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Ron Burgundy bought the house next door.

Yours up for sale now too?

Letting agent being phoned just now :rolleyes:

If you've got a train season ticket, that'll be accepted on the bus anyways, however you'd be as well to buy a bus season ticket if you've not, as single fares and all day tickets are expensive compared to the train.

The bus prices are a joke, £1.50 to town? Away!

I think, if it's after 10am, I'd be just as quick and cheap walking round to KP and using my YP card than getting crushed up in a bus.

If the problem is at Pollokshields, which it appears to be, why don't they just run trains round the cirlce to Queens Park and then back the other way?

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Here's hoping my name's down when I get there and it's not some random thing I'm turning up at when I'm really expected elsewhere! :lol::unsure:

Well. I'm back. It's not 9pm. I'll let you guess the outcome for yourselves. :(:ph34r:

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Have you installed the latest windows update? I downloaded it last night and this morning couldn't get my BB to work at all. The other half had to re-install everything on the PC because of it. :angry:
We did,also had to stop the windows update,so now the PC seems to be running better.(For now)


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You made it to the right course, but it finished a little bit earlier than you were expecting?

:lol: I wish!

Nope. I made it to the venue on time. Unfortunately the only thing that was going on around there was in one of the rooms where the doors were open and a guy was unloading some PA stuff just outside. There was music coming from within. It didn't look very childminderish to me. I popped my head round the door, came out again and remarked to the guy with the PA stuff that it didn't look like what I was looking for. His reply? "Are you looking for Grease?" :lol: That would explain the cardboard car on stage that I'd just seen with people larking about in it then!

Everywhere else was locked up, lights out. Goodness only knows where I should've been, but it certainly wasn't there! I'll have to phone again tomorrow all apologetic and blame their staff member who gave me the wrong venue details tonight! <_<

Edit: And I'll still have to book back on the course another time. Yet another child-free evening I'll have to spend on this. :(

Edited by HGG
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Thanks for the link. :D So it wasn't just us that couldn't get online because of the update. We have the automatic update thingy off just now anyway,and everything is going well,all I have to do now is re-install all of the Sims 2 games...That's going to take me ages to do. :(

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:lol: I wish!

Everywhere else was locked up, lights out. Goodness only knows where I should've been, but it certainly wasn't there! I'll have to phone again tomorrow all apologetic and blame their staff member who gave me the wrong venue details tonight! <_<

Edit: And I'll still have to book back on the course another time. Yet another child-free evening I'll have to spend on this. :(

Thats a shame, still, could be worse...you could be from Fife!

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Today has been planned and replanned with various plans coming and going. Had lots of ideas and plenty of offers of lunch, visits, etc. It's all just been unplanned as Elise was sick in the night and no-one wants to risk it being contagious and being up all night with their own children. :(

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Ok, ok, you got a laugh, but you don't need to kick the arse out of it. ;)

Its called "doing an igor", The Gray Ghost thought he would give it a go, just to see what was so entertaining about it. However, The Gray Ghost is also getting bored of it now, and so will take your suggestion on board! :D

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I was expecting to take my lad to Berwick this Saturday for a nice day out. Last night I get a phone call from herself to say she and the kids are getting the 08:30 flight to Bournemouth today to spend a long weekend with her parents in Poole! <_<

To say I'm pissed off is putting it mildly! :angry::(

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If the problem is at Pollokshields, which it appears to be, why don't they just run trains round the cirlce to Queens Park and then back the other way?

That's far too sensible an idea for Scotrail, but I don't think there's any way for the train to swap tracks between Queen's Park and Cathcart, meaning that you could only have one train at a time between the two stations. However, that would probably be a better service than you'll get with the buses.

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