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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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'Women' who think because they don't have balls that they can be as cheeky/condescending/violent to whoever they meet without suffering the consequences. If feminists are wanting 'true' gender equality in the world then I should have the right to punch annoying boots in the fud in future...

I totally agree.

I think nothing of beating my wife on a semi-regular basis. There's nothing wrong with giving a woman a back-hander when she gets a bit lippy. It's called equality - hit her like you would a man. It's what the Suffragettes fought so heartily for, and I am only too proud to honour them.

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Guest BullyWee1878
'Women' who think because they don't have balls that they can be as cheeky/condescending/violent to whoever they meet without suffering the consequences. If feminists are wanting 'true' gender equality in the world then I should have the right to punch annoying boots in the fud in future...

Were you trying to launch a "Suprise Sex" attack on some girl and she rejected your rapey advances !

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School. I just can't be fucked.

I'm currently in 6th year and only doing three subjects, but due to a combination of things, mainly a serious lack of effort, I've effectively chucked it and fallen behind quite far in them all.

I've been accepted to the course I want to do at Uni, so I'm only really still there because I get paid EMA for going. Do I just leave?

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School. I just can't be fucked.

I'm currently in 6th year and only doing three subjects, but due to a combination of things, mainly a serious lack of effort, I've effectively chucked it and fallen behind quite far in them all.

I've been accepted to the course I want to do at Uni, so I'm only really still there because I get paid EMA for going. Do I just leave?

Find a job before you leave school.

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Having surrendered last weekend to a Modern Studies Dissertation (5000 words of which I finished... just.), I've surrendered this weekend to a History one, and have still only managed to get about 1500 of 4000 words down. I know I'd fucked up the History Prelim (still waiting for the result, probably a C or D), and I'm starting to wonder if there's much to be gained from persisting with it, given I've already got an Unconditional to my first choice and have 3 As in my other Advanced Higher prelims.

Robert Bruce's political consistency is actually so turgid and uninspiring that I'll be glad never to read a single line of Barrow, Bingham, Watson, McNamee, Penman, Young, Guisborough, Fordun, Barbour or Brown ever again.

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Guest The Phoenix
School. I just can't be fucked.

Do I just leave?

No, stick with it and lower your standards.

There's bound to be a few fat ugly birds gagging for it.

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I want to leave school aswell, but i've got nothing to do until i start college in August. I've lost all will to work, or even try to work, and I know i'm just wasting the teachers time with them trying to teach me.

I've started refusing to do work in RE because they won't let me drop it, even though other folk got to drop their subjects and just do 4. I got 23% in my RE prelim, so it's not because I can do it!

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Find a job before you leave school.

Trying, failing, will keep on looking though.

I wanted to do that and but mum and dad wouldn't let me. :( Glad I stayed in the end, was the best year of school by far.

There's only about 8 school weeks left of the year anyway, and to be honest it's been the worst year of school I've ever had.

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8 school weeks left for seniors? Fabulous! :D

4 weeks until Easter, then something like 12 weeks until the summer then I'm off for 9 months or so! Boost!

It is for us anyway, 7 or 8 not including holidays. I suppose assuming yours are going off on study leave after around a week or two of May then you'll be the same.

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8 school weeks left for seniors? Fabulous! :D

4 weeks until Easter, then something like 12 weeks until the summer then I'm off for 9 months or so! Boost!


Oh dear, aren't you in for a shock..... :lol:

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Right, so now I'm hormonal I suppose?


Must not upset Reina

Must not upset Reina

Must not upset Reina

Must not upset Reina

Must not upset Reina

Must not upset Reina

Eh...would 100 lines do?

*shuffles feet while averting gaze*

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