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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

Or he exchanged a few words with Murat at the golf club without having a clue who he was, as you do. "Nice day for it!" "Yes, looks like it." "Oh well, must get on."

Entirely possible. Gerry himself though said he never played golf and therefore had never visited that golf club.

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8 minutes ago, Boo Khaki said:

Entirely possible. Gerry himself though said he never played golf and therefore had never visited that golf club.

No idea if this is true or not, it would be easy to check out. Who did he say he never played golf to?


According to Kate's book Gerry joined Rothley Park Golf Club before she had Madeleine, and he had been to Portugal a couple of times to play golf. At home he played every Monday.


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1 hour ago, Boo Khaki said:

I've never once claimed any of these things are a 'smoking gun' ffs :D

Quite simply, there are enough unanswered questions, inconsistencies, and discrepancies that I'm not willing to totally discount the possibility that the parents aren't somehow complicit in her disappearance.

I didn't claim the McCanns had people 'working for them', in that these people were in the personal employ of Kate and Gerry. I said they had people 'working with them', i.e. assisting them in a multitude of ways. There were people in and around the McCanns right from the night of the incident that have links to security services, both state and private, who I'm sure would have no compunction whatsoever being involved in illegal and immoral activities. It kinda goes with the job.

I don't think you have to get into an argument about dosages either. If they were in the habit of administering their kids just for a bit of peace and quiet, that in itself raises a huge red flag about their suitability to be parents and practising doctors. The dosage seems rather immaterial.

Of course they're complicit in her disappearance, they f***** off and left 3 youngsters under the age of 3 without a babysitter while they went and had dinner and got half cut. Which is apparently normal in the circles in which they move as the rest of their dinner companions did the same.

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27 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

No idea if this is true or not, it would be easy to check out. Who did he say he never played golf to?


In the PJ interview after he was made arguido iirc. Been a while since I read this, so I'm entirely accepting that I might be mistaken about the claim that he never played golf, but I'm certain he denied having been to that specific golf club.

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55 minutes ago, throbber said:

Why was he colliding with Robert Murat beforehand? Was he wanting insurance that someone would help him out in the event that he needed to dispose of one of his children or was he planning on killing her for the entire holiday? 

You know what folk are like when they've had a few...

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2 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

Of course they're complicit in her disappearance, they f***** off and left 3 youngsters under the age of 3 without a babysitter while they went and had dinner and got half cut. Which is apparently normal in the circles in which they move as the rest of their dinner companions did the same.

One of things that annoys me about this is that it's common to see families out late at night with infants snoozing in their prams or whatever, right around the Mediterranean. 

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7 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

Of course they're complicit in her disappearance, they f***** off and left 3 youngsters under the age of 3 without a babysitter while they went and had dinner and got half cut. Which is apparently normal in the circles in which they move as the rest of their dinner companions did the same.

They also did it the night before, when they returned home to the kids scared, crying and wondering where their parents were.

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1 minute ago, Jacksgranda said:

Of course they're complicit in her disappearance, they f***** off and left 3 youngsters under the age of 3 without a babysitter while they went and had dinner and got half cut. Which is apparently normal in the circles in which they move as the rest of their dinner companions did the same.

Yes yes, I mean complicit beyond the acknowledged negligence.

For avoidance of doubt, I think the whole 'abducted by an intruder through the window' claim is complete nonsense. Given that's what the McCanns themselves were suggesting at the time and for a good while afterwards at least, then I find myself in the position whereby I'm obviously at odds with their version of events. If I'm being forced, I'll admit that it think it's most likely that she simply wandered out of the apartment of her own accord and came to some sort of grief, and the McCanns came to their window conclusion, possibly not even entirely consciously constructing that narrative, as a means of minimising their own complicity. I think they just can't accept that they were a lot more negligent that they seem to believe they were, as it's apparent that they couldn't actually see the apartment clearly from where they were sat, and that they were lax in securing the apartment themselves in any case.

The only alternative other than that is that they were somehow directly culpable in her death, and while I agree that seems outlandish, I don't think it can be completely ruled out either, hence why I don't accept it's ridiculous to suggest it.

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2 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

They also did it the night before, when they returned home to the kids scared, crying and wondering where their parents were.

I understood they did it every night, maybe I'm wrong.

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1 minute ago, Boo Khaki said:

Yes yes, I mean complicit beyond the acknowledged negligence.

For avoidance of doubt, I think the whole 'abducted by an intruder through the window' claim is complete nonsense. Given that's what the McCanns themselves were suggesting at the time and for a good while afterwards at least, then I find myself in the position whereby I'm obviously at odds with their version of events. If I'm being forced, I'll admit that it think it's most likely that she simply wandered out of the apartment of her own accord and came to some sort of grief, and the McCanns came to their window conclusion, possibly not even entirely consciously constructing that narrative, as a means of minimising their own complicity. I think they just can't accept that they were a lot more negligent that they seem to believe they were, as it's apparent that they couldn't actually see the apartment clearly from where they were sat, and that they were lax in securing the apartment themselves in any case.

The only alternative other than that is that they were somehow directly culpable in her death, and while I agree that seems outlandish, I don't think it can be completely ruled out either, hence why I don't accept it's ridiculous to suggest it.

I think that's highly unlikely, although, as you say, not completely off the wall.

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Just now, Jacksgranda said:

I understood they did it every night, maybe I'm wrong.

They probably did, but my point is that anyone with any sense would surely have had second thoughts the following night after discovering their young kids scared like that.

Not Gerry and Kate though.

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1 minute ago, Jacksgranda said:

I understood they did it every night, maybe I'm wrong.

From what I can recall, it was a common occurrence, but the story that they were all in the habit of checking in on each other's children is totally untrue. Several of the tapas group denied that completely, saying that they all checked their own children independently. I think that's another thing that's been allowed to persist by the McCanns because it appears to suggest they took a bit more care than they did in reality.

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Just now, Mark Connolly said:

They probably did, but my point is that anyone with any sense would surely have had second thoughts the following night after discovering their young kids scared like that.

Not Gerry and Kate though.

Anyone with any sense wouldn't have done it in the first place, but I see what you're getting at.

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20 minutes ago, throbber said:

Again, what does this actually mean? All you’re doing is raising a few inconsistencies and trying to imply it points to the parents being involved in the disappearance when it doesn’t.

”Oh hey Rab, Gerry here we spoke a couple times at the golf course, I was just wondering if you could help me out, I have found myself in a bit of a quandary LOL”

”Sure thing Gez, not wanting another lesson in your backswing again LOL!”

” LOL! No no nothing like that, myself and Kate were getting a bit sick of our sleeping patterns being interrupted by our unruly children that we decided to drug them to sleep tonight but accidentally killed our oldest in the process. As this may look bad for our respective careers we want to stage a kidnapping. Would you mind storing her body at yours for a few weeks until the imminent man hunt and  global media circus dies down a little bit?”

”Sure! Anything for a fellow middle aged, middle classed golfing enthusiast, might be an idea to say we never met before though!’

“Yeah, and it might be an idea for you to make yourself available to the police as a translator, just to make sure you are above suspicion!”

”Great idea Gez, ill be there in 5. Enjoy your night!”





Drawing hilarious pictures and writing scripts for murder movies! There's no end to your talents. :thumsup2

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21 minutes ago, throbber said:

Again, what does this actually mean? All you’re doing is raising a few inconsistencies and trying to imply it points to the parents being involved in the disappearance when it doesn’t.


It simply means that Gerry lied to the police. It's yet another incongruity, one of dozens that, together, cast doubt on the integrity and honesty of the McCanns.

You seem to think that I'm utterly convinced of their guilt, when I'm not, and have continually said as much throughout this. Again, I've never at any point claimed that any of these inconsistencies alone are enough to prove that the parents know exactly what happened to their daughter, simply that there are so many discrepancies and anomalies that I don't think it's at all unreasonable to doubt their innocence.

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One of things that annoys me about this is that it's common to see families out late at night with infants snoozing in their prams or whatever, right around the Mediterranean. 
We took a buggy to Greece with us when my daughter was nearly 5, specifically for the reason that we knew we would be eating late and it would be easy for her to get in her buggy and conk out.

I don't know anybody of my friends and family who would think it was normal behaviour to bugger off and leave the kids in the hotel room or apartment without any supervision, even to go 100 yards away.

Imo the version that Maddy gets up and wanders out and is snatched is the most likely to be what happened, although that relies on the slimmest of odds that the first person to see her is a paedophile who strikes gold. The McCanns have to live with the guilt of leaving her alone and going missing, but they seem to have done a good job thus far of blaming everybody else.
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Was the first phone call when they discovered her missing not to Sky News?

As someone else on here posted I’m not anyway convinced they are involved but there is surely enough questions for them to at least be cross examined by Op Grange / maybe they have been and police haven’t said.
Was odd at time as uk press were pretty hard on them at time and hinted at guilt then all of a sudden narrative changed

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Again, what does this actually mean? All you’re doing is raising a few inconsistencies and trying to imply it points to the parents being involved in the disappearance when it doesn’t.
”Oh hey Rab, Gerry here we spoke a couple times at the golf course, I was just wondering if you could help me out, I have found myself in a bit of a quandary LOL”
”Sure thing Gez, not wanting another lesson in your backswing again LOL!”
” LOL! No no nothing like that, myself and Kate were getting a bit sick of our sleeping patterns being interrupted by our unruly children that we decided to drug them to sleep tonight but accidentally killed our oldest in the process. As this may look bad for our respective careers we want to stage a kidnapping. Would you mind storing her body at yours for a few weeks until the imminent man hunt and  global media circus dies down a little bit?”
”Sure! Anything for a fellow middle aged, middle classed golfing enthusiast, might be an idea to say we never met before though!’
“Yeah, and it might be an idea for you to make yourself available to the police as a translator, just to make sure you are above suspicion!”
”Great idea Gez, ill be there in 5. Enjoy your night!”
Somewhat strangely I genuinely laughed out loud reading that which in itself confirms the absurdity of it.
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Anybody ever considered the significance of the "neglect."

No neglect, no abduction. No abduction, what else could have happened?

Throw the same red herring in every year, and people aren't talking about alternative theories. Basically it might be preferable to them to be in an argument about parenting skills than other matters around the case.

Of course, it would mean the British media passively accepting Clarence's press releases.

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2 hours ago, Alternative Title said:

Anybody ever considered the significance of the "neglect."

No neglect, no abduction. No abduction, what else could have happened?

Throw the same red herring in every year, and people aren't talking about alternative theories. Basically it might be preferable to them to be in an argument about parenting skills than other matters around the case.

Of course, it would mean the British media passively accepting Clarence's press releases.

So the McCanns faked their child abandonment to cover up a murder or accidental overdose? And kept trying to get the police and media to chase what happened for 13 years with the help of Clarence? Interesting theory. What do you think about mine?

9 hours ago, welshbairn said:

What is impossible about what I think is the most likely narrative? Maddie wakes up and wants her mummy and daddy, goes outside and looks for them, opportunist paedo thinks it's Christmas and chucks her in the back of the van.  

You're going to be absolutely gutted if it turns out the McCann's had nothing to do with it apart from not taking their kids with them to the Tapas bar like normal Portuguese families.

I meant it about the Nairn banker, much more interesting stuff going on there. 

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