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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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2. You havent left them alone in that scenario, other people have (as Debbies mother has admitted to)

Debbies mother left them alone in the past and said she would never leave kids around in this day and age.

You are taking things out of context ;)

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Guest The Phoenix
1. They havent left them alone in Britain (as far as we are aware). I assume you are going to call the police on Div since he has admitted he does.

2. You havent left them alone in that scenario, other people have (as Debbies mother has admitted to)

3. Why does it have to be now? in a month or 2 time when the outcome may be known, they could come across the thread and be upset about what everyone is saying about their family.

Bluetooner - you are as Steven points out taking things completely out of context.

Get a grip - please. ;)

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Debbies mother left them alone in the past and said she would never leave kids around in this day and age.

You are taking things out of context ;)

Yes, but other people still do the same. There were paedophiles about back in those days too, just it wasn't known about. People still go out to the bar and leave their kids in the rooms sleeping nowadays, do you want to arrest and remove all of those kids from their families too? You will have a lot of 'homeless' kids then.

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Guest The Phoenix
People still go out to the bar and leave their kids in the rooms sleeping nowadays, do you want to arrest and remove all of those kids from their families too?


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1 I'm not having a go.

2 Who's second guessing - it is a fact they left their three year old daughter without adult supervision

3 This would be a criminal neglect charge in Britain. I would hope such charges were applied in every case not just some.

4 I doubt very much if the parents are logged on to P&B so I fail to see how anyone on here is adding to their suffering.

1 - You most certainly are. You're not the worst (that would be Steven) but you're in that camp.

2 - Yes it is. And I didn't suggest that was being second guessed. I suggested that a lot of holier than thous are suggesting they be strung up for it whilst they and their friends and neighbours probably do similar now without comment being passed. Maybe that's you, maybe it isn't. I didn't suggest it was.

3 - I doubt seriously that would ever get as far as a criminal neglect charge whether or not it had a tragic ending. If someone with more knowledge of the law on such matters and its enforcement in practice wants to assure me differently then fair enough but I despair if that's the case.

4 - I never suggested anything about this thread affecting the parents. You completely misinterpreted what I said. I suggested that to charge the parents in this case would be ridiculous because they are suffering enough already.

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Most good British hotels do a baby listening service. This entails leaving your room phone off the hook whilst your kids sleep. The reception listen to it and alert the parents in the bar/restaurant if their children wake up and start crying.

This happens every day in life. Your life does not stop because you have children and you cannot watch them 24 hours of every day.

Get real people !

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Most good British hotels do a baby listening service. This entails leaving your room phone off the hook whilst your kids sleep. The reception listen to it and alert the parents in the bar/restaurant if their children wake up and start crying.

That's something that does bother me a little, the resort's part in all this.

I know they had babysitting services available, but did they not have some better security system that stopped someone get into their resort and leave with a 3 year old child?

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Most good British hotels do a baby listening service. This entails leaving your room phone off the hook whilst your kids sleep. The reception listen to it and alert the parents in the bar/restaurant if their children wake up and start crying.

This happens every day in life. Your life does not stop because you have children and you cannot watch them 24 hours of every day.

Get real people !

In a previous life, I was a Reception Manager in a good hotel. I would never recommend that people use the baby listening service. I tried to gently discourage parents from using this as, if the reception is busy, it would be easy for the receptionist to forget/not have the time to listen to the phone. Most places can provide babysitters from a registered agency who have vetted their staff. It's a bit safer than baby listening service.

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That's something that does bother me a little, the resort's part in all this.

I know they had babysitting services available, but did they not have some better security system that stopped someone get into their resort and leave with a 3 year old child?

That would really be the responsibility of the parents!

It's a holiday resort, not a prison camp. They provide all the facilities required to minimise the risk of this sort of thing happening, what more should we reasonably expect from them? And who's to say there wasn't another holiday-maker or member of staff involved?

I've held my peace so far, but the bottom line is that if the parents had acted more responsibly we would in most probability not have this situation. I'm not going to castigate them on here, but that is the inescapable fact of the matter.

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That would really be the responsibility of the parents!

It's a holiday resort, not a prison camp. They provide all the facilities required to minimise the risk of this sort of thing happening, what more should we reasonably expect from them? And who's to say there wasn't another holiday-maker or member of staff involved?

I've held my peace so far, but the bottom line is that if the parents had acted more responsibly we would in most probability not have this situation. I'm not going to castigate them on here, but that is the inescapable fact of the matter.

I suppose so, when you put itlike that.

I would still have thought there would have been CCTV footage or other staff who might have seen something strange. It's a big place, the kidnapper must have been seen by someone whilst leaving, surely?

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I suppose so, when you put itlike that.

I would still have thought there would have been CCTV footage or other staff who might have seen something strange. It's a big place, the kidnapper must have been seen by someone whilst leaving, surely?

Ah, but did he/she leave?

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FAO the hang 'em an d flog 'em brigade

Oh for f**k sake!

Whatever they did or didn't do to secure their childrens' safety, those parents are utterly distraught. If, God forbid, she doesn't get found, they will spend the rest of their lives utterly ruined. They won't know if she's alive or dead. Never mind the kid herself, what is happening to her, and what kind of person/people have her destiny in their hands.

Whatever you think about the parents, what is stating the completely fucking obvious going to achieve now?

Whether you have any children yourself or not, please can this shite just stop?

Edited by Pink Freud
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Guest The Phoenix
FAO the hang 'em an d flog 'em brigade

Oh for f**k sake!

Whatever they did or didn't do to secure their childrens' safety, those parents are utterly distraught. If, God forbid, she doesn't get found, they will spend the rest of their lives utterly ruined. They won't know if she's alive or dead. Never mind the kid herself, what is happening to her, and what kind of person/people have her destiny in their hands.

Whatever you think about the parents, what is stating the completely fucking obvious going to achieve now?

Whether you have any children yourself or not, please can this shite just stop?

Calm down FFS.

If you'd take the time to read what the majority of the hang'em and flog 'em brigade are saying you would realise that there is a core of sympathy for the parents.

The rest of the points being made are a discussion of the rights and wrongs of leaving a child of 3 alone in a holiday apartment.

e.g. the following is an extract from my first (serious) post on the subject -

Put me in the parents position in this case and I would want to top myself (assuming the worst case scenario transpires).

I'm not saying they are bad people, just incredibly stupid. And that stupidity could have cost their three year old daughter her life.

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Calm down FFS.

If you'd take the time to read what the majority of the hang'em and flog 'em brigade are saying you would realise that there is a core of sympathy for the parents.

The rest of the points being made are a discussion of the rights and wrongs of leaving a child of 3 alone in a holiday apartment.

e.g. the following is an extract from my first (serious) post on the subject -

Put me in the parents position in this case and I would want to top myself (assuming the worst case scenario transpires).

I'm not saying they are bad people, just incredibly stupid. And that stupidity could have cost their three year old daughter her life.

Yes, and that has been pretty much established, wouldn't you say? as for the parents position, they have another two children or they might just do what you're talking about. And they'l have to explain why their big sister won't be coming back. And put up with mutterings like this pish.

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