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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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So, after getting British police in to use sniffer dogs, will the Portugese police also be getting British Police in to deal with the horrible mess of contradictions and lies that the McCanns circle of friends have produced?

Weve got people checking on each others kids, everyone for themselves, people opening the doors, others just having a listen, doors closed and left open...its a mess. The McCanns appear to be (either wittingly or not) a part of this parcel of rogues, and Im quite frankly astonished that they have been allowed to fly around the world freely. They should have been kept under close police scrutiny (same with their friends) until one true and definate story emerged.

Still, never mind, at least Freud is nice and comfortable up their on his high horse. Demonstrating that he is to reasonable posting what Gerry McCann is to honesty and straightforwardness.

You are being a really nasty c**t about this.

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So, the blood on the wall is not that of maddie's. Murat's maybe?

Formally cleared of everything I believe. Think logically, why would Murats blood be on the wall? Maddy McCann stabbed him up a bit? As I said last week, total red herring.

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Formally cleared of everything I believe. Think logically, why would Murats blood be on the wall? Maddy McCann stabbed him up a bit? As I said last week, total red herring.

Fair point. Please excuse me, it's been a long day...........

Do you think the police will take DNA samples from the parents then?

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Guest The Phoenix

So the Police are now interviewing all red herrings? :unsure:

Sounds extremely fishy to me but no doubt they will pick the bones out of this and be able to scale down their search.

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So the Police are now interviewing all red herrings? :unsure:

Sounds extremely fishy to me but no doubt they will pick the bones out of this and be able to scale down their search.


I give you 10/10 for persistance, but the same joke wasnt funny last week, and it still isnt funny this week! :P

Anyway, Im surprised at you making jokes on a thread of this nature. Theres a time and a plaice for that sort of thing.

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Guest The Phoenix

I give you 10/10 for persistance, but the same joke wasnt funny last week, and it still isnt funny this week! :P

Anyway, Im surprised at you making jokes on a thread of this nature. Theres a time and a plaice for that sort of thing.

I didn't post that last week - did I? :o:unsure:

Re "joke" :blink: - just trying to make light of a thread that has grown tiresome.

Not making light of the situation, just the thread. (I know, I know - don't read it. :rolleyes: )

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I didn't post that last week - did I? :o:unsure:

Re "joke" :blink: - just trying to make light of a thread that has grown tiresome.

Not making light of the situation, just the thread. (I know, I know - don't read it. :rolleyes: )

Dont worry, I was just looking for an opportunity to slip in a pun...did you spot it? :ph34r: B)

Anyway, although not the exact same joke, have a wee looky here

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Som good posts on this subject from some sensible posters.

Today I was in London, and on the way down read the Daily Mail whose front page story proclaimed that Maddie was dead and that the Portugese were closing in on their two new suspects. Find it interesting that the paper claimed there were two - almost insinuating that it was a couple ?

Then 12 hours later I'm on the way home and reading the Evening Standard, turns out the blood is not Madeleines, that it is that of an eastern european man, and that lo and behold an eastern european man stayed in the apartment after the McCanns and injured himself in his room :blink:

Quite why the Portugese are now doing detailed forensic searches on the apartment 3 months later after allowing other people to stay there is really beyond me and although I don't buy all the bullshit that appears in the papers over this case the Portugese really aren't looking very clever.

I acknowledge that probably while I have bee typing this post x number of kids in Africa have died needlessly and that is indeed utterly tragic and something that says a lot about the world we all live in, so too is the fact that every day in Iraq dozens of people are dying etc etc....

That is all tragic - but so too is the fact that someone took that little girl from her bed and has probably killed her and even 100 days on the British public have had their conscience p***ked by this story - probably because every parent in the country is thanking f**k it is not themselves going through what the McCanns are.

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Anyone saw the front page of the Daily Mirror this morning?

It's all hotting up in the biggest criminal investigation ever!


dianaandayrtonsenna, it is claimed, was accidentally killed in the apartment.


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Anyone saw the front page of the Daily Mirror this morning?

It's all hotting up in the biggest criminal investigation ever!


dianaandayrtonsenna, it is claimed, was accidentally killed in the apartment.

By the evil, Hitler-like Portugese polis of course. :rolleyes:

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dianaandayrtonsenna, it is claimed, was accidentally killed in the apartment.

Which is what I said 112 days ago. Then they panicked ..............

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Anyone saw the front page of the Daily Mirror this morning?

It's all hotting up in the biggest criminal investigation ever!


dianaandayrtonsenna, it is claimed, was accidentally killed in the apartment.

I love that picture :lol:

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Interesting article from the BBC website


He cant see the irony of saying that he wants to withdraw from the media whilst being interviewed at the FESTIVAL :blink: How does that square with his claim that they only emarked on the media circus for the sake of finding Maddy ?

It also doesnt help their image that now the press are turning on them and casting doubts on their role in her disappearance, that they want to withdraw.

At the pub last night a lot of people commented on the contrast between Gerry and the parents of Rhys Jones which although a bit cruel, is still striking.

Lets hope that both families find a bit of peace, though I do not hold out much hope for the McCann's. I think that the media will follow them forever unless there is a conclusive find by the police. Feel very sorry for the 2 twins. how are they going to deal with this as they get older

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At the pub last night a lot of people commented on the contrast between Gerry and the parents of Rhys Jones which although a bit cruel, is still striking.

I see what you mean but people deal with grief in different ways. And also there's a difference here: Rhys's mum knows he's dead and isn't coming back, wheras the McCanns still believe that she's still alive.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Captain Saintsible

I see that the McCann's are to be interviewed seperately as witnesses.........

I wonder if this means that one of the friends is under suspision?

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